VOL. J111-No. 22. UNIVERSITY OF MICIIIGAIN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. im I~nn.3M iogeanPaddock vs. Warn OPPOSITION IS STRONG. TII AIib1W i ATHLTI1 -5- s X'1P D AV CT. Appearances Indicate That the '96 - Tennis Tourney Results and lstentries forltheansal fall fieldcdanEcloseeolast nighs.*TheIDoomed Field Day Plans. cof'ieldcaycosedrlatngst.tsise The oppositions to lt h oarding -1YP-jE - pleasetd, asndlth prospects for a house dlisue, whiichi succeeded in ~ AFWkLS Paddock Won First In the Final O ETROIT, MICH Singles Yesterday-General Good goodl iseeting are assured. 'Tie capturing list freshmnai election, is Playing.- Entries and Prizes for first event will be calle'dat 2:3o Sat- rapidly growing instentth.Thieis Assured.srday afternoon attlie athletic field. schsesme is more tdigaecful and is-p Trie adisisiori is placed at fifty voived tiais sas first supposed, for yesterdlay list prelimisnaries antI cents, association tickets sing gooud. upossfirher inqusiry it has becis insas in list first class singles assd Entries for list respective events are found that list major part of tilt twco prelimiinaries in list second classI as folowes: plot sas ciokedi als before list leaders siiiesgwrespaavert heplayed- nsao arlistshSwasotia-eofsohe ryardsam daAnnirboSaofiftton curts Iteas hofbg"list racroEmeyl''dy causeeratont AnnfrAhm boson oi list falltournamnt of three days. 220 yards dah-Ssvift, Whisilggte ,lth topic of conversaionls W eyes watthe Latest Meroplta Styles 'ls iais vsgontvtltlc-Pratt, EmeryP rdy.f m$Iat $,5 sehoSies at rot to $1 a pir less than Theplyn tit wa~ ostitonoftlithcut 4 adti-a'fPat Es-sr otn pssls esste Al sAror pices sesd fr Catalogue to try. rd aisiftlPat, listur consn po te ecntsea, ngthtpo ctdtie f hexposurean hecoplteexo sr i 'lists - F FE C and lthetotlseeathier, andthis at- 88o yards rui-Pratt, Emsery, lays DAsIY. All ''nois-crowd"' f teisdance sas large. 'Tie slaying of Krogissai, Watts. iiiemsbers of list class, from every to, 83-185 synnee-o A E. Summsera,'lDodge, anti Paddock in Oistmise runi-kr h s " Wttsection oflist coutry, indeistndents DTO'' IhGN tist first class singles sas particularlyEmr ISsit. and menibers of fraternities fie oiis a feun, tanidng highs tunsi--Qisarit, unite in denounciisg the action of P. J KINN'UCAN, fn. oleigwsfeunMartin, Austin White. "lsĀ°rsd' lstopslosde soniatiis asdsceadntiic iciigtaertinsiusti iin iss.s rt o emto center with any factioin,7 Ooineul smsadsoe(flitMri e hiel Wodrf hobt all are apparentlyunaimous in M R H N backt rusisanaitirelurnsa aert almsoatstt ni 'itcit-Wsudrsfeclaring that list allged eectiosn liishinena. Finiich, (ails. ui-saln shall beignored ansdinew vofficers Summiserasastdefeatetd by ilod~ge Staniiig briossi mp-Mrtn ury"chioses.T IO i lthepreliminisary first class aiges Runninisg'brioastijuisiii Martiu, ave bsensel tietitlity aiin-inleit batwiesti seiotsittinal Asllsti,1osiis-itn ury mienmbers ofltheciass lions alt see- Iionsaof thecoiuntryv-Mchigai, AN ri'ristiso r i i aey and lr.seIaittock seas sciseilsedti ri. Illiiiiois, Ihia, Missi,111Kaisas, foe totday;litby request .of lthe Throwingi-6lb hammisie---Wile,iPeunsylvania,wstillssone fiomlth uatter, it sas laytud off yestierday in iis owtsaei oii roslstfrsct-~ ~ '~~~0~7 Pott vault-Cliapmauni. in altnsiumuberinsg 'ltheris"avil' ZC L S favor of 'Nil-. stidork Vn 155l 200yardi ssiurdle---Purdy. ltrte or fourtines Thesestutdeits (efetedltiGarnset in one of the isreli- Itio-mite bitycit ---Woodriiff, are ataok tansvassiglthecasaand - _ FOR S'T, minary secontd class singles, andsiinciisGasenlissg sptortisd fiiomlthere- Wyrigititownieit I aniltous iiittreeTheli list of pizes is tot suite isports obtaissedh so far i1 seensa that finteresting satls. iAll ee stlsyed coiplte at tise of going tis pres, "list crosswl' is cetainy dooned. 13 tot)][chgu bsttw iout511of tliii.cc 'lit rcslls hut wIeil1bt ablehis annuniice i'listfretseis sayltsey seis ares-I__________________________ aer as follosslit ditcent rrstaivel tof the class assdl I tmOnd Straight Qt. Firaltilas sinlpes, peiiay te-i ooro' su. not of a ioardiss house clique. - laeisisa ieiibe I ofltheslsiositons hat CG RETTE l~o'g ......... 6I ' INTERESTING INVESTIGATION, anintlerv icaihs'resident Antel IGR T S I oige-------.6___yaetersdayllind wiile the aesident ll iisttre5 ' icn tes h su mes .1 .. 2 i5'---_ ,0 iiie lisstt' isa uya Sussr .....25A Census of the U. Ot'Mon tse Seemtiio sm lpatiziithe 01fS srse Se' more5t15n5the pric L'rtclass singies, -fi l:W rt s ch- ssaii.1- elsas os-siis f le-5iats') i - s er c a csa lt h l t b u l in-si ' i l o l d s F a i r aS nun y 5Cl o s n gv n ott t int e r fire . I's'i- i r-il i a l S o -' iGuetsisiletno grantl i'Vnu stoai oiilsIIisseld ini N vS I silitO ' co k . . . . . 7 - - -tiftr si ii s ieIl'rsssss ft islol Iiih it - - - I te soiiel he:s-is feit a r tsedstrosuiile i t iiiti aria-istu-i -'i(-i i.sessss-l s hlirI'i5. t ss 5 Sisisa thep liialanas fthesi , tsl-s-sels csensss rh s c atis" ii Secosnsiclass sitigle'stiii sI sieliiiii inal dlis iont iwill blieai ched at t sche isscssiiIi(esrlai'Siti it il a-tvrity sias msatie I-st a rt-- e iire'iadwls-u -, s I h s nae:Isuxsau tlmiee'ala''osalhit s 6sclass sw-iicish tS rs lyoar55' eiasss ' rsaes lasaasw5i55' ill ise Ihald iia ss a eek tr O s -tsosStwo.o is -- S sI ess s.or assare th sud nteilielusto The sli 1Nt l,1tilra 3 iJsiloa siices as ~e.etapsssssanSocoety. secossiiltiuasssigles, sXcionsuprt-isenI i xjsiluionsousstl e sipenedi--- SA 3 lniiars oniSiulda. Soifar aswe -no , no ]'list fai silus-'pogramsu swil 1sta.._ runsircedi 'lusrdas evenunu: Paso ss -t uivril)-has yet takeniaantc susli solosMiss Grsuffer; readina'g IC. .o .ausiapt II ....S -of olpinion ou iilsaqu lesioni and Walsh,: aociey per A.IG. urni- T TI4 ilsurnet . setuwilete mttler isi"g;aitatted seed; imprompltu seec ah, 11 VYI.a K.lg~ The folloioun-'contstsalsre aus by thutgeneralpilici,ae tieesm tRsae ls aletofrdbte is wcoi s.-wao. n usunced for tiss afternoon at tree ago oet aeMcia aeRsleTa h rsdn n s'clock, and should ststd aisagodelv ophaessueei al epresolvet'ofuaheU.Sshntuad p good tennis: the initiative us this msaterOler ec-stitl fteUSasndR.~ O L .C . go6 be elected by tileioiuar vot. i. Green vs. Crane. dashs s i'tlesuniversities sill doubtlesa folosw the Affirmative, L B]aier; negaive, 5lt- . Wtrous vss Wright...... exanmpe. And no onesdosbta that 1:. S. Cunninghsan. A cordial invi- Z' T Z' I 0y NTE -R 'Y I .........d class sngtea lCotiestss a sals-es taion is alasaextesndedlto visior. Axo As, 511 OETs', '-1L''t.