PERFUMES ? YES.' So G~od that wlicu youii Iax c tiseo thlast fdropx youonstart fhi CAL KINS' To bun- some mi~ore!. 34 S. State Street.I THE U, OF M. DAILY TRY THE NEW t~nS dt~Ihin interxn41ofCO0LLAR. MUSICALw {OODS.f i IT IS EASE, COMFORT AND STYLE ALVIN WILSEY, j S STATE, ST1R11 , 1\ ('I2 T. Ovrins Dru-etor, Air: N ARBIOR. SO>7L1JDBy .NO BJJL . -MOORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, AND CORNER IL STLATE ANLI WILLIAj STREETS. University Texi-IBooks, Mledical llooks, Law Iloo ks, Dencital Books, StLnffc~ts' T~otte Books. BilLnk Books, StaltioneryV. We! hasve a iargo Stock o1 lfe]fianLLd Esser Driaftig InlstrumenOLts. Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. -TOIIZT Z'GOOIDS - =SAVE Y'O UI-t, :EXr S. TILe RoLchester, The Rloyal, and The PerfectionL Student Lamp~s Iav e dem- ontstrated th~at th~ey give th~e most perfect lighlt of Lnyfla Lmp~s made. White the prices vary from (0 cenits to $15 each, th~ey all give tine samse iduLality andLLI qal- AO110 1k tily of light. Areand Lamp, with porcelain shades, at - . - - - - 6i5 cents iced Star Oil, th~at borne without odor, doeinot clhar the wick, LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY !~Oi and giveesLa pure white light, deliveredl at - - - 10L cents per gLal Oil'ans, according to capacity, from - - - - 2(1 cen~ts to $6eLachL. To see is to helieve. See our stock anId you will be convinLced that we sell tine best Lamip 01n1 best Oil for the least money of any h~ouse iln this city. -AT-I4 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. BROWN'S DRUG STORE. THE CAMPUS. ' Tomorrow night thc Republican Call on Win. Fulde, th~e Tailor, oposite the Law Building, oIL William-st., first door west of State-st. CDleanineg, repairing; ndILressing e ealy. Sitso orer ca specialry. All workEfirs-class. IF1YT tWANT TO Buy az6Aarnms Oloc 1 or hveioixsmeLiepaiing oegotaoi Witj. Arnold, 36 Merin Street STAFFORD3, 'WeDo't1Wnt Muh! IV. A. Smith, '92 law, has an office in Dletroit. WE5WANT your trade in ic 'T'he ju~nior lawcs xilnmcet th~is go'dSN tyoustifedL aILS ewr aftcrooon alter tIhe lectLure fLor class WWAto know your msical orgaizationL. vEs VAN arrysuch astock as J. Z. Aycrs, laLw 'tm, is a ranidi- willfil yor neds. date for circuitIcoLurt romimissioiner Now, What Mare Can You Want ? in I.enawec county. iaLnos, Guitar, Binos~. MandoliLns, e., to !I.. B. Robertson, '9 i lasx, aLdr133. rentI. o oLliion easy paymntsL.* THtE ANN A1113011.OtRGAN CO., R. Clark, '92 lasv, have formedl a L. iH. ILcaceT. Manage, Ipartinership) at Adrian. 2' oagh Maie sireet. A. WV. Copley, Et. AW. Austin, and MICHIGAN CENTRAL. D. S. D~onahLuc, ail '92 laws5, arc in 'ILiso'raxili ev-ised)LJunee12.',0092. AS-T. p. *. aWES-. a. ini. various tDctroit ofil'-cs. MalL-------- 0 4A 'SleshicnoiiecaL IL07 ,Day .Exicec __-----5 05CDay Excrem.. I s <9 Lleven ncw members xverc addcd N.'. Lomite------ 6,18 MilL_-____ 9 N. Y. e Lieii-5 -_1_9 5 N. S. L imiteI S 9 5 to thec roll or the Jeffersonian socn- Niagaea Palls pL iL 1127p.1'-1. a. in, h-agoaExire-s. 2 9 ety at its last mseeting. , I). N. Express x-- 5 3S GI. R. CEipres _5 5 tlntic pe ". o-.. 4, A acrcaii Cp _LI18 Thicclass iin politicLalecoinomy IL. RI. 1Ropre ---10547 Pacilic Exprso14 27 u. xv. iII'LL,iLEc. If.. ,1lAVc1S, tiedtto bolt ycsterrday, hilt suddenly 0.G. .L ''. LSLO; , I Cicagoi. ASt. Ann Ar-ior. chaniged thIeir umindrs. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1= J. ()ttaxvay, of th c li.v' staff, (.iiF.ANN AlilISL. left last cvening for Flashing, Al ih., i00,1". StI-lL5seLLd Pr-fi~lts,l0,00. Trnacsa esrl baning busginoess, fr-I wherc he xiii spenafew fxvdays. frg tryle,-.L abi liroad ciiiii ieiLLd en ile .urtts, '92 needic, is . 55. ii1 ALLrcsiN, Caschie, located iii t;rand Rapids andrIalreadiy 0 EliNGLR'S icejoys an exteusive andl reiunier- S Cwiw. OF IAL\I'1H JIL ativpractie. l0th Season, October, '92, te May, 19 gn3e.ytIecolino lirc LURl NEWxvHAIL is centrllb locatedd iSieydaieeas chairmni. 'The rom- ever iprmovision Sax been made toeproot~e ithe aoiemlet ci oer patroes. There are nostirse mittec are detcrmined to make '94'S to meant, the danceing eeeim ieine o the (ho01 the "finest 5e. gon loo er. Offcee a1 aeademr, 6 Marnan-st.cye. S Send 1125, $2. er $31 50 foe Som- 'rickets for the Chloral Union pie Retai l ex by expresa ocf e b theOBEST CANDIES inAnmeica. series may botained froms canvas- Putupineganthboes a afinhe driustoere, ets setitypupre. Callable cfo r e i tevaioeor Tr.. ytenec. Address.Abo ClT 1. F. GUN\THER, Confeetioneran nnAro Organ Co.'s music 21tateOSLteet, store, down town. iand h~old a grand rally antI torch- lighlt dlemoinstratioix.! Prof. Stanley will give all organl-T- recital unlder thle auspices of the Sch~ool of miusic, at thle Coingrega- tionlal chuLrch, Saturday,.lcd. 29, 3 p. 01. -Mr. Silas R. M\ills swill assist. T l O P All lovers of imusic are invitd toT AO R attend. Ihle Ihorizonl of c lass politics has cleared away considerably since the Is shlowing aILfirst-cls lineo senior lawv election Monday night, .5hltIl ands it wcill probably remain 511ointil aio nd11ffBusimiess Snithygs, tile junliior electioin, vhich octurs soon. 'The second installment of college letters fro0m1LIIall e leadfing collleges of the U. S. will appear us Satur- day's Chicago Itler Ocean. Htere- after they will app)Ce every second aond fourthl Saturdlay of thle month~l. "iIN Ea'' is the name of a inewv boarding clu~b receiltly orgaiedo01 Jeffersoil street. The name is qulite suggestive, wve take it. Bx' by-laxv No. ex-ery member of thle afore- said club, imust partak~e of muore than one piece rif each variety of pie offereff. Prof. MNecham delivered his ini- tial lecture to the senior and junior lawv classes yesterday morning and afternoon,.lie received an ovation, such as the law students alone can give. Prof. Mecham made a brief speech which won for him thse good gracea of all. He expects to make Ann Arbor his home. Tronserigs and1Ff anc~~ty Yestinzs for fall L ad Winter. 42 $outh State Street, G. H, WILD, TET LAIIIG ZAILOL, Is the la~~ce to go for inle 'Iailori!la. le Lhas tile most select st~ckc of FALL AND WINTER GOODS! in Suitimngs, Trouserins, and Famncy Silk Ireetings in the City, arid wotld be pleased to have yomi call amid examinele makes a specialty of Full Dress Soils. No. 2 E. Washington-St., Ann Arbor.