THE U. OF M DAILY. TO THESTUDENTS. RWT- W C3-aUrO~pER x3IIS GENTLEMEN:-IREDMMAE L B1G B1NS 1 We wish to call your particular attention to the fact that ourI AT THE TWO SAMS. Stock, as usual, includes a genseral and complete line sof high class Thc centirc Stock of (Gentlimen's 'inc Clothing, Overcoats, lUTsters, Clothing. Young Mfetis Fine Ssuits, ilten's, itoys' and Childrcn's, will be sacrificed at the TWO SAM S. Every garment in the house at Cost andt less tthan Cost. Tlis, ~ ~-is ~ ~wilt be the greatest sateecvcr madle of V ine Clothing $20,000 WORTH OF OVERCOATS, madeU])wit alldieletil, areandskil whch haraterestheStilts and Pants. Suits must tie sold is order to niake roonm for tswo other best mierchant tailoring Work. lines of tusiiness. Instead o (f the Reasty-Maste Ctottsingwc shall ssubstituste Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule. A Merchant Tailorilqg eparhpelt, - i -Z- I-,T= S-r-zc:)= Ann Arbor Savings Bank Anns Arbor Mick. Capital Stack, lililiti, Surplus, $150.i00J. OrgaizedsundeteGenelBainlg Lawis - is sale. lReceiveslDepoits, buysi5 51d t-ells excangselgonltile prncElltn lies iof tile: Usited Slates. Ocafls asTiedliliupon lirper deslificsllss. Olktceres CHRISTIAN MACK, Pres., Nt. I). HIisllMAN~, Vice Pes., CHK.P. Hisa-ise, ('lshie. M.1J lisi / Ast zlii I R A-ND A-1L FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, MILLINERY AND ART GOODS!l H 'Po ll 10 vh3Yts. 0 YUT RADEl Opp. Curat us. Wfahr~s BOOKSTORE. Special Ilscult 1)oil awIleeks, Medical, lDtlltlla11111AllIUniiveriity Text-Bsctms. 'lile-1.'i Slllnlts' NOtoBook!1 iln tlse city fssr 25 cenits. Agent fur Keuttel , s 1155111Mathiemiatical Ilistrin- melits. I11151ev pri~cs 1o11every tlliig. South State Street and Main Street. (opposite Csurl Hotlale. I AROU nlTHed.A PUS We shall continua the I tat Dectartment allil tlrnistliig as hicretiiforc. It. ________ unuiter to doa this, cvery article muilst tie ssildt befosre wvecalt io as vtting. andt city addresscs if ill sltuelits, '''ZN~ 'tlt'',ti el i ilrl~~oilit.I sa aiid hiatt fair to be tile most corn- to do thits iickly, we shall offer to siir cutshines thiis entire stock at ar- titee ii tueGuy. lotin wo tu ial cost aiid lessthtanucoisi. Ae invite everybiodyv to coiie atid tee lit. About ivo tll IltreilNo siict ine lineia of goods ini tli city. Nii ionic in thiistalie has a fincer ()f Illollillly, we'ekly, anat daily lhue,aud evcery-garmnit still hae sold iat(list tanitless 111,i1 cost. patperi ace iii the ceaiiii rooma and a tuil set of Ency clopedhia Ilcittanica T H T W FVm benade ote irry Ile will b ouda teod tn. e o nT lie o ha ear uoiii'- Ou f!cIn(ess ciitirely. h - isitau(oui iiiI tlcic I acaisileutthis alil iiec iiiriiug-ithe tcillI)(-10coiintiud aiiii'the new iietaitinc lls laddied. Thiis still ptiltsas-or fat-or of the I .c.tilce ksiociatiol, ivithi tie ciolililc traide this f-tiad eIno t bti cn e epd aiid~ a very lola libiralry table is a lTe pcoplIe and itour custonliecs still get itebeilelt. Comiiie liitlnce anid tresenit Ifion iiic IfiiSi-hoot Asso- bity tua ils cltionil u's ~- t/IV <2 ~ ~ l1'/ / it ii itas bieeii estabilishein on iie of tile O ~ 7 wards of tile (s)]Ittoiiieopaiiiic tass- E. Will-ita oliss lat illoits illie niiivedinto 1theirl jappasiintedt quarters in the iiewvbuildh-f 1 h - ~h 111g. T iThe newv recitationi iiidtlasctille Dge roomis ill the lastbilingai are uioiw the pileasanitest reeltatlill ciooms on tile campusli. of pertedtiorj tileIlist toni-tes aceibeiii pteii tthe isidesiork oif the eniginleers bititiing. Iitstilt be readty fairitse int stitth the openinig of ttie fatlI sork. THE INLAND LEAGUE, l~q ~ a P G0. . 1) liG EiR'1, A New Organization With Social, lisptilsoatdilt Foot ha]Il 'in Literary, and Musical Aims. A geera met et tehl One of tlse best ciiurses of lectuires, Suttay norning at 9115, asnd tte etranie ,adscasta opening freshmns meeting, Mondayenrtim ts alI oias ht evein atseen. 'Pta1 pein will be gis-en Isy any organization social wsillibe gives oti Friday, Oct. this year, will be tlsat of the Inland 7th. I tLeagsue, a nest society Just organizedt. Si110011ii MOF c. Th e cou rse i-itt be gi vesncactli M oii- .Prof. Stanley is kept busy -attendt-itay evening at tue (CIurcts til ing to tseniusaic students, who are Christ, asniIsiltl be cornpieteit in arriving earlier thani sas expected. Th~e esirollmnti has alreadly greatly twventy-six eveninugs. Amosng those exceedest expectations' anal every- stlo wiltlibe hearst are: P~res. J. 1It. thsing idicates that next week still Angell, Prof. C. A. Blriggs, tile bring in a nmucht larger nlucber. notedt Presbiyterian sdivine;G.oyv. A secondt piano teacher s been Cae fIdaa rs olro engagest, othserwise she facilty re-ChsifIciaatrs.ioarf mainus as annoluceit in thu pin.tHiranm ('Cllege: Mrs. E. Flowter 'The school stilt bie helst in rooms Willis, of Blostoss; W. V. Bhack, of one, two, aiis three of Nestberry Chsicago. Eight evenings are to lie Halt, in cacti of swhicth a fine piano devotedt to muisic ansI social enijoy- has beenc placed. Prof. Stanley's men t while the remaining slates swill office for the preset is in rosstwto. b ildb rfsosfo h Tenest pattcotogical and sltrgtcat various (depiartmlenits if the U nicer- laboratory for the medical school I sity. IS EXEMPLIFIED BY OUR Qorriuzt Cvening D re3p uit5, DOOtbspo8q & Sol OU FFITTERS, 1,17, 19 SO. Main Sf.