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October 25, 1892 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1892-10-25

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8ohi tue ic1t tt W110111 {}U I I IUV
To in ~e-ni ior ecy.
34 S. State Steet.

iJfcs°; 1501T ' em ItW!LL SOCiRCFLY DO IN FANN ARBOR..
oalytiiilthe lit i'iceotYuar la oreun anid we are(ettinly pleat ed t7see yot
__ _ _L__ bitt Z itktnw tltieartttc es ?t) a lot,)( ti\st
WRLC GOO S MTO V07OR 14 30 Sr7~


,2 Yeairs in the usineS$. Excelsior Laundry,
CITY LAUNDRY, 0i 7FAST it-lt itis T iT
M. M5. Seabo lt. No. 4 N.Fourth 5t.antdtdeieeda. A. F.COVERT, Ptp

UCitteetsi ii Blat ki1t3(iOtts,2Stitit Cs. Wehv
}itst tyTxt-lit Icc, Letlical titl, Ltac Iho(ts. IctettilatIlitik, Stileit't-Nie tltittkt. llti. hot.. titttev We is et a e
Sltcekiof Keittlel atnd Esset Inaf iliti.Itnstrumntts.
Our Stock will be found Complete anti our Prices as Low as the Lowest.

__-1 TO.I]LZ.d T G.i. OO DS- Ther Ciii - Z" ®R..J $i EXT "" F "
Th ohester, 'The RoytaltandilThe tPerfectiont StutienttLatts hlater dem-
ontrated thatt they give the mtotst perfeet liel)it if atny lampls matdie. While the
prices vary fromni9itscents to $15 eatch, they till givee lie stame tquality anttdl qtutat-
tuW tittees. (tily of light.
Nrgancd Ltan-i, witli poreelain shiatdes, it - - - - - - 65 cetits
fled Stttr Oil, ttat bttrns withotut odor, dries ntot chatr the wick,
LARESTSTOK IOTHlCI tt ncl gives ta pure white light, dlelivered itt - - - li0 cettts per gttl
LAGET STClI HECTY (ans, according to capacity, front - - - - 20 cents to $it etach.
To see is tot believe. See stir stuck andriyout will be roinctsed thatt we sell
the best Lattp intl best Oil for the least tmoney of ttny thouse int this cily.
-AT-- 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY.


We D n't ant uch ! rhe tnland Lleaguec gave its second
We Do't W nt Muh! !entertainnient last tnight.
V) V ANT ortade in Mitice ThesAdelplii-Alpha Nu Literary
WE W W5NI y'oiii tistiettaitti cccv Societies will not combie as pro-
tigtttttgttttcus. posed.
WEFWANT Isto nwccitou rit
aneis,1 'rie Detroit Highi School scholar-
WE tWANTitcarrytsuchttatack as
I wtillttyoucanruts. ship for this year lisa been awarded
Now, What Mare Can Yeu Want ? to Mliss Lilian Htarper, lit '96.
ticao, itaitars, tanjos.Mandinis, etc., to The second Glee Club exani.
rent. atristldstn easy paymtents. was belch last night. First tenors
THE ANN ARtBORt OttfAN CO., atad second basset were wanted.
51 .uh a i tet. set, Ninety-four of thte one itundred
MICHIGAN CENTRAL. teachters in the netv Chicago Univer-
'tisit Tablt (e ieetlimue i. J, tit. st r o
AtT. p1. (irEci t.c a.it n cesitaestsre nericans.-tDetroit
Clay Fxtesitst.n-52 ay IExttess -... itt a
N. S Liatited------ sIl8 Mailt---- i--- tt7),> Robert G. Ingersoll will open tite
Nisaca Faits 5p'_tt ii p.mi. S. L. A. course nsext Monday even-
itim, (iicaga tintueta.
D. N. Exressa..----t itaii. It. lisles -t,5inlg witht a characteristic lecture or
Atltatic 1W iest- i .1-IAmetianati it 9til
t. tt. theeat ii 10 7 tacifeil-xpeat._102774'Shakespeare.'
it(xt. P i .cettChticagot. Act. AttttActbtte College dailies are becotiitgniore
and niore an indispensable feature 01
FIRST NATIONAL BANK life at our great ittstituttions.-
Tranta-ct : t eer~altaitnitb usiess,Cftc- 'The S. C. A. iwill diiUsts at It-
iuio,-seiuht ttcetsold, lttctrsof crtt prtcurtedI
for trae ~ itrtitroa'.t-a. teing, NWediiesday esetning,tii
cStWi t tititN asier-aic. ;dispasition of the ntissiotiary fcuds.
GRJANGL-R'S to lie raised this y ear.
d Sottic of the studetsttare gruttub-
ling beause a certaiti lit itrof. is as-
lohSasn ctbr12 do a,. ( signing one ltunchdr o ie-tniore taves
ciOiUaR t NI ,w ALLisicentrally licteiatd tttofitext-boole per lessott.
,oititou ptonst . Theretie ot tiIstAlr. J olinsotihas bulletitted thec
rri~ndbor olie tacdey,4 2v- - ,result of te Blackstoite etitrane
send -1I2), $V, oas t t') Cot Sam. exanmination. There are fit success-
We Rtilt Btxby exprcesasor
Sthe -lE-il AIttlE-in itt itacta. futl stuttents ott the list.
Pt up ineleantbesand. Tie 95lit'94 law afug rnooam
stictly tputr.Stittatletfr tt w a ub a
I tISNITS. Epscargces atanooncedl for ysedyat~lo
CCTry i~t , cititeadattss ,was not played. ''elawys leant did
CHCGILIOS not appear ott the cattpits.

In the football ganme played by
thte teanms of the Chicago University
and thet Northwvesternt Univ-ersity,
Saturday, neithter sidle scored.
'rhe demaocratic party claints a'
large number among the junior latvs,
if ti-i attendance of yesterday's lec-
ture can he regardedi as a fair eni-
Assignmnts of woirk for tite class
is eigitteen-th cetuiry French niod-
erns drantatists, Freinch course 22,
are announced on the faculity bitlle-
tin board.
There are eight t. of 1A1. gradu-
ates studying intshie University of

Call on inm. Fulde. tte
Tait-ic,tipposite the Lttwv diiliii, ott
'tVilliant-st., fdrst tdoir swest of Stte-st.
Ceaingti,trepairingcantt pressiguttitetieatlyi.
Suiits ta ardet- astiecialty.Ai a-tick tirst-cla.
B3y mAlarm Cl~ock
orthate state Repaicitic dane getosi
Wift. ArjcIJ 36 Main Street
Iis shtosing rt-efss liniscif
Dress tatd Butsitness SHtilng,
Trouserings an-d 1Farney 'Iestiitgs

Chicago, for advanced degrees. for Etill ad Winit.
rhis is the largest ntumber frot any
zone college.
P'residetT 'hwing, of Adelbert
College, inttroducrd an itmprovemuent 42 South State Street,
fott the college rush by itvitig il-i
_sophoniore anid freshmntnclasses to Z -
a dinner, at wvhnrh both tmade . . W LD
speeches, the cl-ss of 95 extentditg
a welcome to tbe riass of '9'.--lxE-tc EE LLA IIG 1 1
Entries ftsr ther tennis toturnuey toit 1 L i" I
be held Eec nesd-ty Thursday, at- Its the place toigo itr(tineti'iitoritta>.
- Fida, f tiswee, los tday 'le lhiss the mttueselc t tuck iio#
-The prices are as followis: I' tst-
sclass singles:IFic-it prize, Sear'sFAL ND ITE GO S
special racquiet; secotndhrtzeswseat-
er. Secondrtclass singles: 1Firstsin Siititiga. Trottserttga ttut-atc
prize, Slocunm special racqluet; ser- Silk Vestinga in thin (ity, atnd
a nd prize, swecater. First class
roubles: First price, cap at-d tdud be pleasedl to havne yoiu
aseater; second price, two pairs calndemi.Ie
tentnis shoes. No co-eds had eittered taakes a specialty tof
I up to time of going to- press, but Futll Dress Suits.
ott-ir entries are coming inl-ively. No. 2 E. Washington-S t., Ann Arbor.

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