THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. UNDERWEAR. GENTLEMEN:- AT THE TWO SAMS. Elegant line of Underwear at FIFTY We wish to call your particular attention to the fact that our CET Stock, as usual, includes a general andI complete line of high class CNS Better grade at SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS. clothing. Young M en's All grades of Underwear in 1Fine Silk, W00ol. Merino and 13a1- S7 7 = '. I TD _7== 0_ =Sbriggan made upl with all the detail, care and skill which characterizes thse1 Sole agcents for The Joras Hlygienic Underwear. best ineclant tailoring work. Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule. 2'..Tv T/O 2/.S Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRONIZE T .l rv 1 t AnnI tsArbor Mich. Capital Stock, $50,00, OWEN'S BARBRtSH3OP ! L V}AI AIs 1:'(--ir"(IP uifltSu plul$150,000 Organizseiuader the GenerailiBanking Laws No. 4NEST 111-IrON STEET ot this state. Receives Deposits, buys aad _______________________ sells exchage ott the prieici~ial cities of the " lndcided tto. Drafts cashieduop opper --T HE A RCU S- :slestiIScuoo. Officees: s CutustSriNiso. Pres., f1fJ1 NV.1). HRItacauo, VicPres., ~ J~f~I'I HAto'e, S.lH.iveicu T iss'CiiOctober 22-29.WAGNER & CO, Tailors. I' IFEN TSCHLER, f-P4l ~B1.h~~gT~ _No ' A Fi neITSNhewerK.BAtRB, EwPerelaj P1 ; ' s , '1K Photoljraapher, ' WEBSTER LITERARY SOCIETY. I Te following program still be ___________________________retndered Wiedneoday evening, at 7:30:Vocal solo, iir. Ptratt; inu- 7u30l address, President U. F. Ihick- RNDALL FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, icy; declamation, 1. J. hBrucec;era- MILLINERY AND ART GOODS lion, P~. M. Tiny; msusic, guitar and 30sotuon scctreet, msandolin duct, Messrs. Shipp and. Harris; lDehate: Resolved, That S HAEcEsNEDceAN the love of money is dlisplacing the ENVItABLEtl love of liberty in the Uisited States, H OR IeTS o 3YS. afirnmative, J. S. Phillips and J. A.I 0 OCTEDacc Bhordecaux, tnegative, A. S. McIntyre EA H and - . TI. Waddle. The itnatigurat s A D" addtress seas postponeid last wecek. xOpp, Court Huse,'i Pickets for the S. L.. A. course s le scais ticobtaitnedifromi the folloinig. W ahr~s tersous: W. XV. Griffin, president; C. L.I'Tsonmas, vice -presidlent; I1J. F. RE Bickley, recording secretary; iH. N. fi ~ (oddarrl, assistant treasurer; Miss B ~ 0 K~ i 0 *Lucy I. lTertots, 'Miss Blertha Sciu- rut, iH. ItI. Lovelanid. Committee- men-Literary, F. F.. Janette, '93; W. XV. Wedemeyer, '94; J. B. Brooks, '95; J. I. Todo, '96; ). Special Discountt ott Lasw Books, I'K Carman, '96; F. V. Swan, '96. Lase, J. A. Btordeautx, '93; J. Mur- Medical, D~ental andc All University dock, '9,;AV. I. Werner, '94 Text-hooks. ITe largest Medical, nm. Blair, '95,;XV. E, Chapmsan, '93; F. Ptierce, '95; H. D. Haskins, '96. Homiropathic, Eit . C. Birown, '93.lDenttal, A. I;,. St~donts Noto Bo LfTeoty, '93; FE.M. Graves, '93. Hlight School, W. H. Hiadley, H. C. Al- weard. 'rickets also on sale at Bow- its the city for 25 ceetts. Agent for dish's, State street, antI at Moiore &' Keuffel & Esser Mathientatical Instru- I Wetmore's, Main street. Single metsts. Unider prices ott everything, tickets to Ingersoll lecture, one dollar each; to Reed lectsure, 75 -----cents each. Boards open on Satur- STZO S: day, Oct. 29, at r p.,in., at Bow- South State Street and Main Street. diash's atnd at 'Moore & Wetmore's Ot poseite Ceuet Hease). store. N0. 12 w. HURON ST. Al 4SIII ~I ANNOUNCEMENTS. c.zasto, SisOasD. N stistt so7 d Proils, $I U(a. Does a geneealtBanking busciness. toys in- Nitrit-E-All seonsen of all dc- tevest on Saningtepsits. Hasusautety- partmeats of the University Will it DeEpsi4. t 4oxes forRenit. ste. please consisler themselees invited Btank otenS aturday evenisc. to the Freshmnisptread, Oct. 28S even if through msistake they receive aSefr nE.wsingolte. no itnvitation. IAnNCsss iitI.5'stiitttict All Dhemocrats frots Grandi Rapi- ~S n. ids asnd the Fifth Congressonal iDis- OO SceiI trict,dcesirinag to go honme to sote send your name andI home addiress tiefore October a6 to G. K IPEItti p i- t i2 First Street. All Ohio Repuiblicanso wisinig to go hsonme tt sole free of expenses, still meet its room t a, late buildittg, *Wednesdlay at 7 Ii. Y". S1Ir. i-larcit, who seas sent to (Chi- cago to consult the Republican Central Comrmittee, returned yester- clay, stating that tranlsportation to that place andt state will be paid. All Michigass Repsiblican stuidents arc retiuested to useet in cluib rooms on Tusdcay evening, at 7:30, 1o organize a clsib ansI to perfect final arrangemntts for goitig honie to vote. Thse Repuibliran chub will meet in law lectutre rooms, tonight, at 7:30. Speeches and distribution of leans- portatiotn tickets. Arrangements will be mtade for others whtoswishs to go house. Demsocrats from Grand Rapids and the fifth congressional tdistrict desiring to go house to vote musst scnd in name and address today ('Tuesday) to G. Kscit'I, S First street, city. FOOTBALL. N orire-The managers of all class teamss intending to con- test for the championship are re- cquested to baud names of their team to me. AV. E. GRIFFIN, 'Varsity Football M'g'r. TAILORS. I AI PtOITEIRS I"INEU WOLIENS, 19 S. Main. Goodspeed & Sons., SHOES. SEE, I:NEW CRAZE, TAN CAts"BLCERSet. Fuss. LINE OIL NORMAN & BENNvsc'r SPOeRINGsSHtOES. 17 S. Main. Goodspeed & Sons., HATTERS ANt) FURNISHERS. Sole' Agents fir the -,'Millet' Ilass."' Fine Linse of Mancintoshies. 15 S. Main.