PERFUMES ? YES. fit) (ood that 1 hIi 'v"O uI?:150 To 1)01 some(1 11101. H4 S. State ;street. r _THAT SHABBY HAT!- ~.hdreI Tc A~WILL SCA\RCELY DO IN ANN IARBOR. oli ml llai g ill 101) 5 (Ill of1You are lad o etrn an 1acetainly pleasebto seePyou K IUSICALVU),z OODS~jt E 0J 1 wTazrnmS T 08OU rn = FaT ,S -Z= A T.VT74TI T JJY .2V. 21 Yer nth snes xelsior Laundry, 1 S. STATE iS'Z1.T11?,CITY LAUNDRY . CEt AS'FIfl 5101 t11Fl1 t ~ ~~MM. Seabolt, No. 4N. Fourth St. and delvered. A.F. COVERT, P1p MO ORE &WETMORE BOOK STORE,1 NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, 1 n arch x I''ilat hos Medical Ilooks, Lace 1400111, -Dental Books, Stiudent-,' e ta oos, 1B11nk Hooks, 51111 ioIlerc. A eWav150 te r a Stock of Koufleffan d Essei r rftinlg lilstrunwnaits. Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. -T11O= =11T otooZDS_-S AV E Tailor, ~CS.Call oin Win.Fulde, tihe Tile Itochester, Tile ioyal, 111111Tile Pe'rfectionl Student Lamps have c 1m- lalr ppost teLaw Bl~ing, 011 onlstrated tihat they ie e ost p Cenerfect lie-lit of lily lumps Imade. While tie leanng rtn, eilrstgader westetng(oe Steatne-st. prices vary from i0 cents to $15 each, they all giv e tile sam10equality a1115qeiai- Suite soereder a specialty. All workkfirst-clase. )~055 P111005. tity of ligiht. A rgand LampI, with porcelain shades, at - . - - - - 65 cents IF YO WANT TO 1eel Star Oii, that buernls without odlor. does nlot vilar tile svick, LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY!Oilasd gives a pore white iight, delivered at - - - l10 tents pee gal Buy anA1arm Clochx OlCalls, according to capacity, frole - - - - 20 cents to $6 eachI. Teo see is to believe. See oor stock ansd you isii be coisvinced thlat we sell er huve sme Reairing doeegosto tile best Lamp and best Oil for tile least money of aniy ihouse ill this city.. rOt -A-44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. WJArajld,3s Main Street B O NSD U ST R .I THE CAMPUS. M\rs. A. H. Petrie and Miss Carrie -________________ Siblcy, of Muskegon, isave becn the We Don't Want Mluch! ! Our tcanm plays PecrduceIlhis after- guests of Frank H. Petrie, and G. nloon. H. Sibley, for a few days past. gyooAT ur ds Ncc Quiz work ill Blackstonc began Prof. Adams has chsoscis Six xvi cAN'r yeou satisfied with every today.Cnuiso Work and W'agcs" as a shine bought. (f1ius. Cnuiso < wEeA r to knew you mucael Lois V. Defoe, lit 'g i, was in tcxt-book for course thrce, Political needs, on audy wevAT te crry such a slut uas lcl, Sauray Economy, not being able to get Asis- will1il your needs. J S The i-igh School hld a very icy's SIndustrial History. Nsw, What Mere Can Ysu Want ? pleasant social at Newberry H all Gogiitei 9 aw a el sienos, reuliuor solie. andaens etc., ts Saturday cvening. doing xvell this summer at Carthsage, TiHE ANN ARBORI ORGAN CO., The senior lawe election will be Mo. He msade an unsuccessful al- L.. H. CLMNs. Manager, resunied this evening. An all night tempt to capture the nomination for 51 Seath Slain Street. session is predicted. county attorney iast month. MICHIGAN CENTRAL. It is reported tihat tile track at tile An effort to organize a regular Tiae Tabli(eiscled) lane t2, 18:1. LASe. p. in4. WEST. a. 1in. atihletic field is in poor condition for choir for Sunday morning chapel Stall------- 4 ax chicano Special.- a;eo tDay Express.---5 25tDay' Expres--...itile field sports next Saturday. has already resuited in helter sing- N. S. Limitedl---628 Sl- 11111---- N. Y.imcited---.. s 441 N. S. Limuited 9595 Entertainments tonight: At the log. Newv hooks have been pur- Niagara Flls Spill1 27 I). N. Expre_.u. u. hicagu~epress. 4si Unity Club, Rcv. H. IV. Thlonmas, chased and arrangements made for atlantic Eesscc,.- 7 47 Am~erican >tsp 6 is1 subject, D~oubt. At tile Inland regular rehearsals. G1. It. Exprees..----i10i47 acific x;es 1 271 o. cv. soesice. H' S E. eaguc, Eiizabethl Flower Willis. Miss Marion Parkcr, of IDctroit, 11.. .,1. Ae-t, hiags A. Au rl~r. Hon. Adlai E. Stevenson, of Iliii- hlas registered for the degree of B.S. FIRST NATIONAL BANK nois. will address thcestudents aiid (CEI.). Miss Parker wili remiain 1)F ANN AltiOit. citizens of Ann Arbor, on tile court hut two years at the U. of Mi., after Caplital, P$100,000. Surelue andlProfits, 5$0000. 10icY'ee) tii Trac 'nral baein~g'biesc, fsr.hj se ' ee, thisafterisooii at2wchiclh she cwill gracduate in llralilcc- eign c tuvlct cc cold, letes of credit proccared Io'clock. lr rc ieH .T cor trae'lerc'badeui. tr ro hI .T S. cv. cLsxtoiui, CaelierC. P til Cas. Still hlas taken advantage iof W.- A. Turner, '92 lacy, is doiisga GRA~NGER'S tile hloiday to nake a trill to Obcr- rapidly inlcreasinlg business at his PA1T~Ti~fIa,ivhcre lie attenided colege last old honme in Carthage, MotuIle has yAear. Tublo vllgv raig been engaged to iecture at the Car- I1Oth Seasan, October, '92, to May, '93. taebusne olg hscilr OtUR NEW HALL in centrally loested und from Ramoiia before the Oratorical on the subject of Comnmercial Lacy. every ptrovsion haa beels made tu prouote the'A cemfnrt uc ear patrons. Therenare neestairsAssociation, Saturda evnni Th soomr grlaequt tmont, the dancing rooms Seing un the a vnni~respoir il r ut groundllsuor. oiieeatlacademy, 6 Maynardl-st. the iaw iecture room. free with their invitations to clue Send $125, V,nor $3 0csr Sam- R. H. Bennett, one of inst year's spread Friday night. St is reported the53lEST CANDIES in Ameriea. lv quiz-masters,pi hli s lyC0l5 tlxas formed a part- that a freahman whose first name V i7 Pat up in elegant laces and ne rsip with the Rpbia cni rsmesta - r has received ntriety pu re. Suitasble cur p ullncau-remsthtoagri PRESENTS.- Expreschargens aefrcut tony nivtto otefeha I p repaid. Refer to all Chicagoatefrcut.tony in Allenaivttonotfrsmn spread, Tryin nee- Address, county, Kansas, and is patiigat adhsnotful determinedye 217 C. F. G2 Stte Sneeinerpraticng that he wili accept. Further Sc- mC tAtOILa.IS lvelopments are anxiously awaited. STAFFORPI -T11E- TAILOR! Is showing a first-cases lint of Dross and Buisiness Suitings, Trouserings and Faticy 'Vestings for Fall and Winter-. 42 $outh $tate $treet. G. H. WILD, IlL LEAPIING IAILO?, Is the place toi go for Sune Tailori i1 Ste hias the msost select stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS! in Suitings, Treuserinags, and Fancy Silk Veatings in the City, and would be pleaaed to have yoni call anad examine. Ste makes a speeilty of Full Dress Suits. No. 2 E. Washington-St., Ann Arbor.