THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Duily (Sundays excepted) during the Colere year, by THE U. Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription,price 52.511 per year, invariably in advanceeSinglecopies 3 rentse. Subscrip- tions may be left at the ofiee at the DAutIY, at Statttet'n, reith anty of the editors at authorized nlicitors. Commnieationn ehould reanch tie atire by 7 o'cloch P. n. it they are an appear the tear 'lay. Addresn all mtatter intended ear publiea- tion to the Managing Editor. All blusnes commuanications should be snt tn the Busi-1 ress Manager. THE U. nf H. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Hich. men capable of tunderstanding the political questions of thin campaign it ia the student, whose training has fitted him for arch considerationn. 'The nooner thte college men of the country, an a class, enter the arena of political dincusnion, the aooner will prolitirs he elevated to that higher plaiie which it, an a science, should occiupy. NowI that '95 and '96 have tried their rcnpective trength in the two rulshes, no called, whichs have already taken tplace, would it not hr well to itiscontinue the same and thus guard New Firm, New Goods, and Low Prices. There is nothaing like a SLIM FIGURE to pot it in maotiont. Wo have laid in a very Large Stock of Seasonable Goods. Wo boughtt Cheap. We Sell Chteap. Fine Footwear, Boots and Shoes. 48 SOUTH. MAIN STREET, - ANN ARBOR, MICH. .v~f~R.Y Toledo, Ann Arbor and North _ J NES fM cshigan Railway. 11 s '~im Car ineffect Sunay, Augus't 21, 1813'. / _.._.., Deprpuae o ainsmaa AnntArbor. -- ' ---- Na.I1. Frankfort Mail and Enpessn7220 a.ini. Na. .IPssgretAnn Arboir Arrllta...t2 00noo Noa 5 larseMailtl'ansn,,et.d..425 EDIOR. gaiin ny uraiiiz'a lallns '7.0 / N.0. Toldy)....wsso Suna E. E. Esn.ti.'LiJi, tagin E ditor. happen. tansnnnor noisa. ia-Na. 1.'T'ole'do and IOwoaso (Sundray E. J. OTTAN, it.'94, Asistant.liiarent buildinge; nineteahers;latrg'eatandarnr,;aDily)". . . .a"ii" " gldoodsv tht dti sgci ie, a; asprirwork;nell siupplieddrerading 6,0M, arSOT. ', A. tlaNISOr', Lit. '93, assian, AV E arega ti nol halhe rom a'i" l l ectanies;Sauturiday ertning receptions; W. E, oi~i is, Lit'95, A sistala'openthe entire year; commercial grauatsr in grrat Na.o2. ToleioAfSall Earess...... 11 3: la.n. 5'"sA isia. fresminis cl hasstar followvd thtll demaind; shrlithanid graulatesall serure positions; Nr. 4. 'Toliio tMii Express....... 5S4, p. 'i. L. 1G.W1i'I ti~t,.A1', L1t. '9, Business Manarger.1i': ag expnsies $2. ton$2.75prwkiniprivatePfalm- Noil6. ''le~do Accinmiaoiiiti5" ... i 00 a.i. is.c. llttLlll i.IAamil. commisendable prereen of tire class 'sa. F'or NiavcnATaLOuanuda aLs;ofSudents whuNa. 12.rOworaoandiiledoiri(Sundaylr .5 't.II 1.111 .1" 11 A 'lal t nbpailateiu .nh R .rrCtLERa res lili)_.. .. . 1 01 '9.~i5La .+,Asitrn. fV, in idetermniing toelect thleir P .Cnu.~ No. 1I04. Owssi'and 11111 do 'rlaSunay Jl. Allslli ,.1 t'aI 'l.i onlys) . . ..---.------" 23.1 n.a. 'wN. ItltnFarrsi.r 94.1 orator by competition? We Advise Stuaetes to Sane ' lntrlltuilirdl'ill 511 ciI I. . I NS,11P4 :,!it.'-i. isaI ~ I'ainDllccriia'ir is In . of ,Llt., i'9:3. IWhv ad aoee nt 0 D'Ot M' TrainWS s 1ier102,it 03,ililyncr10111 btel lo rc-is ecoIrslletr diataiIs iOf ttir fool- ' =IES 0-S r(iletansdlyzcp udy. E. . 'otil Lt. :3.1 AVi. I lNIb''VI r !. S. OGREENWO(OID, . .111tl.1ii' l.ball galle with l'erdiic, today. 'She TENNIS - SHOES -- IN - STOCK. 1xc.1-Pas'rs. Agentl. L'cl IAgent1. cI. I-iL.btt Srlliap. . result swill be anniounceidat the 2itAN Iiclr~;11, '6. liiv office tonight. ST -IdTS, SAVE IHALFI" OUIf MO'\h AN-)1 1 'I If. xv. S i 111.1.Lawc'94. , MISttrMCIitLt~nuSpeciraall ,YIris the saimCof the rititors to AX < t ' 0% THE_________PUBLISHING__HOUSE. __ make thre1.sll~vthooglyrpo The names of all persons whose setitative of all the interests of the subscriptions are not paid on or be- tiiiversity. _I T D NT 'B O S OR ,S A E ST. fore November 5th will be stricken - S U EN S B O ST RiT T from our list. COMMUNICATION. THE CEDS O THEFRON. lieore he -Greek, Ltini, Fronchi, Ger'iiani and all College Text-Books, New TEC-D TOTEFOT Beoetebeginning of the lec- and Seconld-hanid. Tihis yrar, for the first time, the tore season wne would like to call the wetofall departnments of thie attention of the ILecture Association LAWAND MVEDIC.ALi BOOKS University have been invite-d to the Board to wvhat we believe to be a freshnmen spread." No miove of very commion feeling among its AT WHOLESALE IPRICES. greater imuport could have been former patrons, nanly, that the ,g rmade to establish a closer connec- assigning of reserved seats before Cc)_~-'., ' tion betsveen the "co-eds"' of thur each entertaisnsent, the plan ° - different departmenits of the Uiiver- pursued last year has become ats in.-11nce for all, and let a reasonable BUSINESS LOCALS. sity. ''here is a danger at times sufferable bore. Every one wvho charge be tiade for this. Thieii Weal-ED-A secondil-handlltcopy (IS that our feelinig for the University knows anything about this, knows those waho are enanmoredl of risinig inlIhBhitoei's Co'mmientatrirs, ('Iloleys wvill be extitnguishied in favor of dle- that it connunies ass enormous thin early starlight, of tanding for editiotn. Must tie She latest edition. partment or clans prejudticen. That amount of valuable time. Mtany weary- hours on a cold street, anid of 14-6it 53 S. Divisioni street. there is a growving tendency to do are prevented frosm etin eligible wvaiting other wveary hours for their Mr. Rose, of the Groldens Eagle, ef geting b)etroit, will bisat lthe Cooek Miei awvay waitha all prejudices which seats because on account of classes turn ins a line, may have the satinfac- every 'Tuesday, attd wilt be pleased to are hostile to the Univsersity as a or wvork they cannot spenid several tion of doinug this nine tinses during meet the boys. 1-t wshohe, is evirhent from the various hours on the morning when the the year, and those Swho woulid Every stuadent shottld see thle suag- g -tiiffeenst line of woolens displayed at movements wvhichs have been made, teats are reserved. Many are led to rather pay extra for the privilege of the Cook Stouse on Tueseday, thes25ths especially by the women of the Uni- be absent from classes for this pfur- doing this bid /onter, wall also be itnst., by the Golden .Eagle, of Detroit. Atn elegant suit or overcoat madr to' versity, to establish a closer relation- pose. It seems to us that the plan satisfied. your measure for $2.5, a guaranteed ship between the departments. adopted by the Choral 'Union last ".,S,llEE OF THE ASSOCIAXTION. saving of at least $10. See Mr. Rose. by it will pay you. While a certain class or department year is much more satisfactory. It ---T.- . -- 0 0 e~1sri/tide carp s is commendable, yet will be said, this also consumes time "The Limited Maili." Dancin~g. wvhen it is carried to an extreme, on the eveuing of earls lecture. But Elmer E. Vaee, manager of 'The only ill effects will be the result. time is not then so valuable as in Limited Mail," is a living testimoniy Mrs. Aninie Ward Foster's assetmbly, to the trutht of te ansertion no ofteii Satutrday, Oet. 29th, front 4 toO; p. in., _________________ the middle of the forenoon, and this muade, thtat "blood wvill tell,t' aid that at Niekels hall. Admuissiont 25 ets. TENDENCY OF THE TIMES. methiod does not inconvenience those pluec and eiiergy will push itself to Mrs. Faster will form ehasses, Satur- another column of todays is- wohv eiain oatn.W the frosit. July 31, 1890, Mantager day, Oet. 29th, 10 to 11:30 a.,in., S to Sn Y wohv eiaiost ted eVallee was a telegraph operatar aid p.,in., at 44 Sotaths State street. Class aue we give the result of the recent venture tine assertion that for those train dispateher at Coumbus, Ohio, at Nickels Stall, Saturday eveninig 8 to on a salary of $50 a month. During to. Mrs. Fosters reputation as a investigation into the political atti- whose time is worth anything, it the initerin of business and the eliek of teacher is too well established to Ineed tude of the University. It is a costs more to reaerve the seats thian his instrumnlt lie wrote what hiss eomment. 19-5t proved the moat phsenomenal, artistic, f_ hopeful sign for the politics of the to buy tickets for the course. St we and financial success of the century, future, to see the college take so must have reserved seats, let a por- him hearimoitfMail,tt0whichonetta edd\is atepsternitheo Cicsar- much interest in matters of current tion of the house, perhaps each shimThascleayrfi f 600i n 0per -a epeapoion nth Cicg poitics. If there is any chats of alternate rosy of seats, be reservedGrnOpaItueoMndynt.shl. i l i 1