e . Of s Von,. III.-No. 19. Voc. 11-No 19. UIVEIRSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, OCTO1BEE, 24, 1592. I~os a~c(a a IU an~IT sd tarring on no systematic care- FIELD DAY, - PU lI~)AT THEi U. OtF jM .patis t. hese variousscdabs are ac-__ POLITCS itively cngagedl making arrasgeents What is Being Done to Make Field -, - 7! Day a Grand Success. Students in Politics---Their Po- fo paesadfiir~dtsfi wtill lierised to the b~est advaintage fil field day are repoirted to be the bcPOT What the LU. of M. is Doing to Train by ati parties. best by tttose tinting cthaige of ttre /1~FUk( Her tudets i Pratica PolticsDETRBOITMICH. HerStdens n Pacica Plitcs Throsgi thtese variouis clubs a affair. On Satutrday tthe matrage- -Activity the Watchword of All 1 Parties- Many Students will go ' correspondeitce aindl iirect coasaso- reent suicceedled rn secuiniii tbe -, Home to vote.. lirestiost is kept tp istth the ceintral sersices of 11 r. itzipatrick, of thse and local committees of te carious M. A. A., as traisser foi thsosneirish- At this time wtheit poitics, ntation- states to secure trantsprtationt for ita to Contpete in the daishesruins, ali, local, antI class, are at feverlicat, those stuidents twhto resire toi g0 hoime oirpts. M11r. ittzpatiicklnrl beF see deert it expedient to ilerote acith tteictlirn330to to vole. o h tlei il fo ot coiliitn or two ltoia'swrite uii in'cit Many stnetsare planinig to go p. ci.. on Tuesday and Thusnay what is keiitg accomplished at thsehoeeseilytoewocm afrnnfrtepuoeofak P. of M. To thtis eind a repiresen- hne seily hswhhor ftrtos o hypioeo a- e oantesthetLatest SetropolieanStries from doubtful states. icy charge of theefheld stork. A11 o of $2$to 5 shoiseeesat5e oiRa pasr1lesseia tatire of thete lis.v inttrtiesved tse F I )efitite inforitatioir iili be re- thsose svho still totes sn any of the An ro rcs edfrCtlget leading officers of thte various politi-F ceired nii a feiw days, as to swhartsr- erects should mtake it -i point to beU H EV L If cal societies antI clubs of thte GnP rngml cast be ntasie with list at ithe athletic field osnitose tswo I.E.I I ~ versity. central commsiittees of tile differest dcays to take andvantage of thiso-R 01 8-8 cowx~r. Havad Yl, onel alhaeslates. ft is probable, ioiteter, portonhly. Various articles donated DEROTy-- MIIPN laccopolitislrgaiatiree tatgoo that every studelnt whlo is a toter by the merchants of the town still P. J.KINNUCAW, accmplshig agret dal f godwill hate an opportunity to g0oincmelie offered as first prizes in each in traissingtip men in practical poli- In vote. etent. The list of tese prices will tics. What is a college course storth As is all othter msoteitents tire P. he iseued by ltst DAiL1 later in thse H sinless it trains men to reason cor-ofMcasutiherpttonnwek rectly oil the ipolitical iluestions o of theitrcast sutatinsherkepintatio-insteek ttte iay.eresttisatbisstaketdiwithiut t0 Albion's Little Joke. ltcliseoftedyWihca-fear of contradliction thtat there is no acteristic wtestern spirit tite aterage 'The Dsist is tot in the habit of T IO class of nten better prepared for at- stutdeirt of this institutions titers in- publishing jokes, but tire folloswing rite participation in the political aIf- to politics considlereni froit a liracti- from the lPleianl is too goon to be ANDii MOrikt i fairs of our natiiin than the mnthUe cl tasipirr.slftrd opasOntfbltin collegespoinofstherecountrys nPoliticson stilles tioprfite coandtlrtedhyithcs 1Nor are the co-ends indlifferent to "Score--Albion, s8; D. AC.,io. wil b puifed ndelvatd y te hepolitical dramra whlichi is hemng "Thus read the telegramr last :FITk - =TOI.Z 1T~s active piarticipations of thterlducated enacted aroustd thens. In. their Saturday etenting at 7 o'clock after yourng men of thre colleges. rota therhadnplcsadtie 1). A. C. game at Detroit had 'The U. of 1I. does not fear a rital eten withsin thre sacreni ialic of the be played. Teseeta o 5'T '~'S . in the political privileges enjoyed by Unitersity they may he heard talk- Lowed ahout this usually peaceful tierstudlits Shehas ite onor o o about tire political situiation. city beggars descriptioss. It wsa a ~ ~ * l t The U'. of 1M. would fail in its duty osinpssgaistkngneadJ tri, J1ClgU being the niothrer of the largest col-ifisinnoseioitterioae well it mright be; Alioir had meta- fii i o en u e h rstcastaiadhdaanwoeih~lI Srth ut lege political society iii existence. i capable of being leaders of society, irestras egthaof hd agwlyconuct Salh e1 ''o lienrtire world must look for list- ( in wihateter field they cray engage, Tetem thsad beel ontstrut-No.1 ing fouindenitire Repmublicanr CollegYeiwhiethrer it be literary or-ipolitical. sa o oir tnig h ty . IA ETS wasnotfond aning Th ssryCiarrtteSam et Peaue of the UnritedI States. i' i sa bbrefy-iimraiznl. I e araiegh Smerastwlo hay -tirehoeal Republican chub inihIL ISI E c;I). A. C. played a slogging ganre aellehrgedlfor the ordinuary no less titan orre throusaird meusbens, The Students' Crta ssociatson t srughSCiras ws rn ogue iiit inrtte rilts inslcdhirrts s tt sre.t Hl o.those nays,' andsticsihtas tiree aliothers. ishaateDmoraticnlubtaes atit. j-o -odsn.swot to eietfrosmithre P. of 1 Ise~t Na 5 list Te eeseie IrnSriai eght Th Dmorti cubhs Il '-To studsesssnts o rere irs collegetwhrile Albions playendfisotbsall, ihence Gosa L eafrstessllae segisiire Tireis teld~i bershiip scarcely less than tire Re- wrhesn ires. Htarper, of tire Chicago her success." ''dsouOrigina leesand of struagct.Ccignarettee, publcancu, nhserntereti into UPiviersity, hteliris Iible Inrstitute.and asits rousghtaout br us ins the roeast7. suhirsinlanins Blewsee of imitetinseeed isbserve that the a vigor'ons cant iaigrn. 'lie head- 'in Ann Arbor, a fete years ago, rt lcear suetsirslireaclass elow dis nlFevieryakage.~ - - anta aes of lire institutec arcetrell1)1 the Amerseen TtteaoCa., siuerters of tisorganization is on. knoiwn.b This year list S. ( eel 5 inlTeory of Statistics. A good menuaerer. - lisRichmond. is leta Aliains street, oppsite tise couirt wrill conduct anisthrer instsitute, and showing as contrastenlwstll last year's F X T E$ ~ n hsouse. hare secusreni for that iurpriose tire class of less thsan ten. 'Tbis catagory wrould be inconm- services of Professors Ira At. Price Prof. Mt . Cooley wtent to Clii- plt er etooi tePohb-and Clyde W. Votosr, both of tire cago last erening ho make a test of C a ptirertcstebtowitireot strongb- Chicago l~nittrsity. There still be lin lbwicifnoeovton enrl sessions, beginning Friday a Carbon Blisulphide engine. He 11 W. 'W1ashington St. numerically, are enthusiastically night and continuing until Sunday expects to be occupied several days mxour~ o. o_ carrying on the campaign. Their night. The course will include itt- in making the test. Mr. WA. H. headquarters are to be found on lures on the new and old testament. Dorrance, jr., accompanies him. R. E. JOLLY & CO., State street, opposite the campus. Prof. Deswey and Dr. Cobern will This is a newn departure in the en- -SELL-- Up to dale the People's party hate assist the professors in conducting gine line, and the results are awaited T Ot . II T F' RY Z no organized club at the U. of M., the work. with much interest. AND ALL STUDENT'5SSUPErSs.