THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. . - T. = TQV - VfE WE ARE AGENTS FOR GEFNTLEFMEN:- v.. ....._ ._.,. _r .1_IL _ u /1 i"-1.1/\r Youijaqs-1flats, Ji~ox mats, We wish to call your particular attention to the fact that our Sit VerpanJ's Hats, Stock, as usual, includes a general and complete line of high class AND IIODGEMIAN'S 1IACKINTOSJIES. clothing. Young Mlen's S7_777 C Ij T7 ( EXQUISITE FURNISHINGS. rERRuN'S GLOVES. We wish to announce that we are going out ot the Ready Made made up with all the detail, care ansi skill which characterizes the Clothing Blusiness and substitute Merchant Tailoring and Fine best nierchiant tailoring work. Shoes. On account of this change we shiall. sell all our :FINE B3OX OVERCOATS AND) SUITS AT ACTUAL COST. Call and Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule. ATxHEmWOnAMS Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRtONIZE An roMc. aepitalS1ck,055. ooOWEN'S BARBER SHOP! AnSbr c.plu k$iSd,*$PJ4CIAL SALK , en's Uwl(ejxxear $5,0.Organizedunder tse General Banking IJawis No. 5412EASTemsUR ONRET af this tato. Deceives Deposits, boys and oells exetiange oo the principal cities ofthe1s United States. Draftt cashed uopoeper, ---THE A RG US~s-- ON SATU'RDAY, O CTOB33ERl.1 . identiistioc. Ottocers: aAT',J p I CRrtansosc 55 cc, Pros., j AS. E Vs~i.ce Pres.h ?II I, WAGCNER & CO., - Tailors and Furnishers. M5. J. I'05cr, Asst. (Csier. . AT 1,11W PRICEtS. REN T SCHLKR, 'GLND O ELA ISO-USEL!JO. K. BARBER SHOP. Yo hot rFine Shower Baths, New Porcelain 9hto raphr , M/onda, O________________ Tb Ocobr24h.0E. Wash i11ioeiSt . 11. 'dsC a ses. (111 Ni 5t1 ii INAD JIiiOiN Si',. TilE '10EVENT OF lIIiE SEASON. ~h It &4ttf~l (F l Tepenmnlsuccess. Elait N. Vaneso octt$Ell._ elia i(ilii,1. j- orYNTigia adgeatet of itall eailroad Does a generai Danhing businsss. Pasy:in- Il/I sy f!comsedy dramssa, terest an Savitng Deposits. Bitssfety PRO 0G APH n T e 1L.,m it ect ai)It.KEMFPrert. "P. B. afERCashier. IRA N DA LL NO. 12 W. HURJON ST. Prie, -- 3c, 50c, and 75c. 8e ,'ER _ MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! ANUCMNS E N A R lex li S l S Opp. ourt Hue send their nanics to L. C. (Grundy, MRS. VOLNEY M. SPALDING. Sec'y Illinois Republicain Club, No. Sirs liot.Sulidiiso'iaeet 9 Lawvence strict. Mrs Pof.Spldng asedaway f NoTiicF.-Second Glee. Club ex- ''iiursday morninlg at halt past ive. a ntoiMnay ~.2,a Shcc ices been an invalidt for fourteeni p. nm., room 24. years, andI for aomce time it has been H-forace Soydam, P~si U,ties becec expiected151aiuiiiost ancy hoar to hear elected cicairnian of lice junior 1hop that coinsiumptions lid at list pre- conmmittee. wailed. NOr[is.-.liwomen cot all tie- Mrs. Spaling's maidenc iamc wsapIartmnets of theIUiversity ciii Harriet Hubbard, and she svas boric please consider thenmselves iavited at Battle Creek, Michigan, in 849 to the Freshianisisread, Oct. i8, Slitwas grauat of he Sateeven if throughcnilstake they receive She as agrauateof he Sateno invitation. Nornmal school. In 1876 she was l N, i~ydioSCiOciMiTTEE. married to Volney At. Spalding, - **&-- now professor of botany. The iocncols reception at D~r. Her long-continued illness has Maclachlan's Thursday evening, was prevented her fromc occupying the one of the pleasantlest events of the place in religious aisd social circles season. for which she was so cvell qiualified, +-- TAILORS. IA! PORTERSIN V OO1LENilS. 19 5. Main. Goodspeed & Sons., SHOES. SEE rm,, NEW CRAZE, TAN CALs BLU CnERs. FULL LINE OtF NORMAN I&,, ENNErs SPORTING SHOES. 17 5. Main. Goodspeed & Sons., HATTERS ANt) FURNISHERS. Sole Agetntstorthlist"Milter flt." Finse Line of M acintoshcs. 15 S. Main. I - "J but those woho have been fortunate enough to knosv her us her honme, yae felt the influeicce of a strong III~iOlniS NoIOe10011!. Cristian character, ennobledl and purified by it long peiriod of discip - in the city ter 25acents. Agenit for line. Keuffel & Easser Mathemaatieal nstru- 'Ihe funeral will be held this after- ments. Under prices en everything. noon at three o'clock. Smc:Es. South State Street and Main Street. (Otrposite Court Houbt). "The Limited Mail." Elmer E. Vaee, iniager of 'lihi ,iuiited Stall," is a livisng testimony to Liie truth of the assertionso s often isade, that "blood wiii tell," anud that pluck asnd essergy wviii push itself to the tront. July 31, 1890, Massager V~ance was a telegraphi operator and traisi dispateher1st ('olsubuss, Ohio, the isnteriss of husisiess ansd the click of hsis isistrumnst lie wryote wit lis proved the niost phenosnsal, artistic, assd financeial suceess of the cesitusry, "'The Limited Mail,'"cvhichi netted him a clear profit of $6000inii one sea- son. TIhis play will appear at the Gravid Opera House sin Monday nexvt.