THE UT. OF M. DAILY. PERFUMES 2 YES.! THAT SHABBY HAT ! mo ^odthtwhnyi ;veUde IIT mA WILL SCARRCELY DO IN P NN FARBOR. SoG o ta he o lac osadinkimw th line h of51You are glad to retarn, and we are certainly jpleasedi to see you, ease(I the last drop you start for -but Nvon know app~earances go a long ways. CALKINS' MSCLGOD:i WTTJO SHTOW 70TU TKRE AT.JOS SYZEST To bino sonic snore. ALVIN WILSEY9, 21 Years in the B~usiness. Excelsior Laundry, 34S2tt tet 4 S. Sw.iiii iCITY LAUNDRY. OO2OAh~Sax.ON sras iilli 1 t~s olsssaogis e AN RBR. M. M. Seabolt. No. 4 N. Fourth St. awdlierled. A. F. COVERT. irop. MOORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, A\17 ( -.R R (I^'S A NII,1{A T FE S I'livectrsitY text- Ibsoks, 'licasl Ko(o1s, LUmsiItoo~s. IDesitat its los, Students" Note IBooks, lBlsank Ithooks, Stat i(:n1v. Wc saxve a ias a Stick of licsll l d Esseor ID)aft ingi Instrumeants. Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. LRETSTOCK IN THE CITY! The liocliestef:, Thei ioyal, 1111( The Perfectioni Stidesit Lamsps lane demi- onstrated that tliey give the maost perfect light of any lampissiadle. While the prices vary fromi 90 ceints to $1.5 cacti, they all give the same quality anid quan- tity of light. Nrgand Lamp, with porcelain shiaies, at - . - - - - (65 cenits lied Star Oil, that buirsns without odoir, does niot char the wick, and gives a pore white light, delivered at - - - 101 cents per gal Oil Cans, aecordinig to capacity, from - - - - 21) cents to $65 each. To see is to believe. See our stock and you will be cioivinced that we sell the st Lamp and best Oil for the least nioney of aiiy house iin this city. 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. BROWN'S DRUG STORE. THE CAMPUS. The Engineering Socicty will meet - tonight in Room4at eight o'clock. We Don't Wan>t Much! ! t Vise medic social has heea post- Prof. Davis wiullideliver thc opening poned indefinitely, address. All cisgineering students weE vANTyourm trade iniMNaie Course 3inO olitical ecoisoimivis goisi. 3-Pare invited. IWis SANT yosatisfied iithiiivry very popularthits seasester.Anieigolaaateicrs wesA to ksowimo-rsisseiaeii Secretary Wade has osed noicewill be held toaigist at sevens o'clock SIE WANT usto rey isuc astois that all wvio have soot paid their fees iateodq Is utl ulig Now, What More siilaniiYeu asndst asstd? s make arrangemoents for goiisg Can Ysc Want ? So many students are takiiig IProf. suet oe Pianos, Gitairs, .anaab. Masndolins, ete., is Carisart's lectures oa physics that a reiit. or soslsi onieasy paymieats .h fesna oit ilhl THE ANA A11,13011 ttGAN CO: new lot of chsairs had to be ordered. Vs J efessiascey xiiis t. uei~sies. aaiiarr, The S. C. A. will be addressed its first meetingY for tisis semester to- 5so t ;aia street. Sunaysmuorising by J. Canmpbell nilot. The program, xwhichs prom- MICHIGAN CENTRAL. White oa "Thle M.issionary~ Cosnfer- ises to bceintcresting, was asiaousncedl Time Taisle (ievised)i Jiiie 1,52.t EAi T s py. 11i-1. WEST. a. Il. esce.'' sa luesday'a DAILYx. sriv 1 press. 5)0 nyv55sres. 58i39 Jas. F. Burke, president of the T he Madison Daily Cardinal says N.Y im 0___945 N. S. 5imiiiis9. 55 U. S. College Repsublicasn Leagsse, that - Monci's MSinnesota-Mlichigan iNagara Fals uls it ii...7ipim 2rI niso uag 1 xr s . ill speak isnthse Grasocpera hosuse (Masssexvas thoe best ever xitsoessecliso IsinuIxrSS_,t ricie V1) 1 to o o iglslt. ths tar inorthswest, anti praises t) v Oictossi". 1( . « NI i~7s", r. Vie trizes for the testiisstoalrsseyvarius membc ers sof ourteams. lebs. 26-25t, icsss1155e, x'wtil oslot I I xuoseetsslan-lssss FIRST NATIONAL BAINK ;n-sa -csl iss isfessa'st~. Thflelet ctSsslI ltl 1 1 tss 1- ANN AliOli. ;lotr corlltetilslrs is 25 censts. nx udyionn n"hn 5t'1 .. 5mtl-S irp~so-sss sIIs 'fi; , J . nine'' 10111 i 11111 ss tls l on of0 ( thit Urrti<'tssreasied cal ldepasrtnilent wsill sttends t i - c -li 5'.i 151 , pres. leaths. 1-vei 111 5 itst , 1 s It v. (iv t.>O l, isi r. stloictitory exercises osf the thsorldsl Iitoysltititii5. GRAMNGER ' [airat Ciicago, oinlFrisday. rITTIflTI lcc itilsl be a sieetissg of tile The solsb. soedics islet Saturidav U IUULb 6fF 1ANG1J if Alsisttrioi Band sitt 4.x. islis, aindlelectedl the followvisg officers: s~ti~esan Qeahe, '2, s Hy. Sa.turd-iy isornisog, at 1.r o'clock. -'resident, L. C. 1Miller; vice-loresi- it-x NEWi HALL. is centsralllboatesi sand Address by Rev. Mr. Ceistosi. denti, Miss Murray; secretary, M\iss ev-ery pros-isionihawseenimadetontissote sseiJ ok;tesreRe~n comfrt of our pastronsa. Thiereaire nsostisis A fine portrait of Emilio Caslelar, J. ok;tsrr. J. M~n tomontte daninsg roomssbeing oin the' grondslo-. Oiieeatiacadessy,6 Mayard-st. the Spanish orator, will he hang in sol; noarshal, I.. E. Niscern. Send $125, Sit, ar &3,95fcr Sa- room 24. It is a gift from Prof. Vise trans-Missippi junior lawvs ple etal o byeBE~A~ ixrssao Trueblood's classes in elocution, effected a permanent orgrnization, strcty aure Sitbse foS rishe senior and junior honowop yesterday afternoon, electing the PRESENTS. Express charges rece ' nto tse sopah * * prepaid. Rfeeo all Chicago. cpson anu fresmen floigofcr:Peiet r ai mu u Try itaonce. Address, wl egvn psfloigofcr: Peiet r Ci~~l 7 I. F. OUrTHER, Confectoener,wilbgve tonight at the residenceMoly vice-president, A. F. Bia- 2152 Stale Stret. o Dr. McLachlan on S. Motso-s.I el ey;tr, .I.ebr CHICAGO, Dviin-t.sllIscetryO.IS.Wbbr Call on Win. Fulde. the 'Tailor, opiposite the LIsiilsdiig. oii Williaini-st., flrst door set of Stsate-st. Cleaning, repasirinsg andpresosimdoeieatl~y. Soils to order a specilty. Aulsiork first-clsass. 3 I11'YOU WANT O1 I 1 uy 9.=1oxn Clock~ 1 sio avsie Repairiag dose gs is 11 Mf M Ariijolk, 36 Main Street t STAFFOPP Yii TAI LOR Is Showrinigatifrst-class lino isf tDross andtiBsinitess Siiitisugs, Trousseriugs anidFasnty Vestitigs foi al and tuotittr. 42 South MtecStreet, Is the lais tosTofolisei Isisi- Iisio t-e iiost sills t stockii of FALL AND WINTER GOODS! isa Suitiings, Troiiserissgs, sand Fancy Silk Vestisngs iss the City, acid wousld be pleased to have you call asid examinele moakes a apecialty of Full Dress Susits. No. 2 E. Washaington-St., Ann Arbor.