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June 08, 1893 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1893-06-08

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Assoitment of NOLGLICEE SHIRTS in the City.

-- - 1-2 OFF.F - -.

HAvE-!YOti SEEN r4OUR ~tNEW fspstr N STOCGII? All Foitr-in-Hands, Chiatilly Puffs, Tckn. Fiay, Saturday and
Monday only. 1_-

It is a Splendid Showeing of Suits and Overcoats, Extia Viiue a't LowPrices
WadhamS 4.Ryan 4. & 4. Reule.
Ann Arbor Savings Bank 2] Years in the B.uiness.
Ann Arbor Mien. Capitni Stock, $50ti0t, CITY LAUNDRY,
Sonrptan 5, 000i.itt
Organized under the Ocenia Banking Laws M. Al. Seabolt, No. 4 N. FourtSt
of thin state.SReceives Deponits, huysaunh
selin enchan geono the princiacesmaof the.
aited Stiites.Draftn canhaduacne praper 000 r
nientinecation. Officrrs:" t /0 if
W.D.HARRIAN, nVice Ores..W ~ a. po
CHASn E.Bancer ,Canhier.
Ai J.FRcTZ,Anne. Cashienroo.r
Fla y IS l St veoj 0 c int ad Daring.
0{0} r ; ir, r a f en', 50c. tto Women'sO5c.tGivecsirenone
~~ a6 EIS E tito0.A0655, 76 Charity am,, Bastan, Man'


Individuamicke~ot, 02.50 tennecta, on, i,
ontinunitoiitton. ' ii npernwek.. Jtot tolii-
itormtiw. address';it once,
L. it. AVilA IZi, M nTo CitR
25'2t tat toot Avetieo , - C i-(-o
N.4Iii 0 i orTiUROni.CTRETon

Excelsior auudrv,
Tltlinintit. A. F. COVERT. Prnon.

nOC . L. A. Election. ~ K
O T1.CLNA. TeajundmeigothS.t , Joe Ti on s.Wieoti oin. aire's lea rt isopen to eyles-
Jttu,,.7ne 1ti Oiitttt l~ltT i. iettorc tin I .wllbTale t heiy he Cot tabia ctier corn everyowhiere tan
in ttesiii,"by tnC .i t9:,A. M., Saturday, Juane io.iterimanent ofto Colot bia re guar-
' i P 51 F'K Non None bitt members will be admitted. auteeti
0Ottn tti i Prtit ti ototin tetotThoere will he a lint of Chic namen of AtSottIoiltnio nti iut oto
________________ "TI) OTal iti Chtint fronit awtnyr's otit oritAlltbytttl frotwocntsams ope/Mig,
o ienintLiaw lecture room, C7:30 n, all who have bonded in thoeir tickeinLts. . ton, Nwboo k luao
_____________________ S unte it-Fintal intercla itogtme, 't1ilit.Co-edn who lance attended nix enter-
vs sIrw, at Athltlic0d. taiumentn are membern. All othersn gs (3 ISB " tLEI ' c
-- - will have ho lprenent thecir ticket ib 1 tAPF.tanhingtcaaiennn
Ninety-four Lit vs. Ninety-threebera thrnm.Tegae
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS.Lawbern thina .Tegley
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! with be reserved for tha board.
Thtn cnnbite iitercsciheampeiaoshaip re- XV.XV. OttItFtN.
3o_____ ast___ Huron_____treet, _____mainsito Ce ncitestethfor by te juti-+--
svttia -tiara, chtampttiosof te ltCdiettitpartettotice.
xwEAL Nattahe iotttrs, chiamouns of Cihe awoi 'Titerewoih be amtectito of tiocDem-
inPUTATON etnpartmetit. liii'tCotitetmies tn'ltdiocratic cltib tonight at 7:30itOthoc
H FcciITcs O RanI R. eppoentts, halvitngtoot ii inte final on-tlaiwlecture roona. Members of thore
veinsTRADE teat hasC year, Chic hanwv wittaittgtwoecltub osly are requested to be pres- lna 7 Wac hs
E nA. act. n ott of Chree htard-fetugtit ganoes.eat. -CItEJ, YS
E O~mlmx &.San Eigtgiit tacoersoif te'Varsity Ceamito a
nj nNotice. * tctt ll A01 iftF,
SAM c wii e illtplay, threeetante side of Cue --,
ltand five oet he sanethe hchaw s. Thor Ladies'd'enonis AssociationmWit
ihregmnadourhfirthitiChiVarsity ikindlhy requeots that no genticeiao.IF
Cwtrlers, xiii e ho ppesingtc heis.o utacconmpatoied by nibero of te
T ~'hi gam it ll shbte played'SatturdatyJunic associatioti shoall occupy courts tie- x. n~ A l o
i7, andantiiadhmisaiitn fee of 2to cetits longing to thin associatioti.ESHWA j
TA Gre-at ovitltie chaorgedh. Stec~rr.v
Gi -r.nn "aT-DT.( Cing Meeting. Another Wheel Taken.
iR G K E T Aswhteheleoging Co W. C. hhort-
J .The Webster Society held thoe last tema fef0(ttSeathDiviasio, wasasComtae
frem :30 Willim tnon st enigtI Ct s lij.JIA~P C hATrS.
7 rce meeting of thin college year last alli192tictd tor, euseioin time, opiing
I Prc s"eveniag, June 7. Thin wan a naeet- ferkhetatn guatrd, Cehtieii n s thlir, ___
withao notiud gutartis.
in_______tg especialhy for the benefit of tlhe -0--
senior nmembers and right well did BUSINESS LOCALS. GOO D S0-PEED'S
We ace offerng can entice stock of LAWN they imporove theop hportunity. Five POLIJEJUIUS jtto irthiofetChicPent-
otice, his tohcheaet hacks, cariagen,
TENNhS anti SPORTING GOODS at nmintite speeches mere made, calling; and horases inta hiceity. rlry tina. Cf
op old reminiscences and reviewing L oT.-AdiomondchPhi Iapfta lot s ii u AN
mauatrrswholesale cast, All neonesoa eclaite.pitaswithm mmmeoe ckmi. tettirntioe
maaamnr'proa euirte.Phit Katppa hetuae anti receive rewoartd. en
Thor program ivan interspersed LOST'.-A heta 'Thietta Pitopin. IfOMPLETE LINE
Rackets tncluded. DON'T MISS Tim IClaneivcF itho vocal music by tal. Bailey, ac- fitader owihl aeturniltom.Ce Iitlsad
in 12h istreet, r enthea nihetaIPm Lenige,
______ companied by Miss Anna Bacorn. lie wti be ewaruheth. 8FORTING~ SEE ,
After the prograni ended an election Tusa
j ' j was hld reultin in Thursday ofEvening at 'ranger's.
manhoOdresltignteAcoie o C(as, ini daninmg for hadimesandiitgent- JUST1 RECEhVED.
the following officers: Pres., h'. E. Cemen willtmneCt ThutrsdaymandthSattur-
Chanmberlain; vice-pres., W L.iand- fayevenmags.l Socleek. By joinin 1g G PMz- D
, at onee yeu will geC ix hessmas. AlJ
University 20 S. State St. loan; necy, J. . Adams; treas., 1,. stanad danaces, inleidnig Chin'Tin-
Bookstore, DStep, wihl he praeticed. Offine center
Fiske; critic, D.A. iEdwards; nmar- ent~rance Graniger's Acadhem,ne 17 S. MAIN STREET.
66Z' shal, V. F. Bickley. I bheek 'west of Stante street stones. , 1


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