-T~I- U. OF M. DAILY. o f publish in connection with it next t yearthe ALsU)INI WEEKLY, to meet Published Daily (Sundays exceepted) i a c d mand made by the Alumni of she Collee year, tby the U. of \M. We ask the most A .N o THE U. OF MI. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Hearty supsport of Slhe students and faclt.in u. ewv.nure Thnk SaaeeSipsiecopi50.53 penta~es. shlyisig one and all for their Ihearty su- TAN SHOES-Prices, S J.5O, ?4.00, ic5.0O . Lion may be lect at she atice or the tDAILY, port this year and soliciting a con- 48 SOU'M M A@IN SilTREET, - - ANN ARtBOR1 at Soflet's, with asny oatshe cdamorsor tinuance ot the same next year we authoriedjoesslicitors. -au-r siT r Couisationss thousldreach the officetby will lay clown our editorial pen until _VIIti1 (1I-IIj~S I- 7o sleic. Ai. sf lacy are to apspear the aext Oct. I. VW AGNER J. 1 . k C.X - 1.iii SALE ZtA OFF Jay. Addtreas alt matter iateaded for publica-, tia to the Maagiag Editor. All busineastZ- Y '=TA S T R A - cosmaanicatioas should be heat to the Ousa- Prof. Adanms cotnclssded his lect- T- - - teas M4aate. aotres in Finance yesterday. Exam- WAGNER & CO., - 21 S. Main Street.. AHEnU.AfkX.rDILY, siations sn the course will be given Wednesday assd Friday of next week. __ ~7~YTOLED Seniors, keep up with tlue times yK1 E5 and subscribe for the Weekly. WEr are gladtSo ansnounuce toat six torh ubr fte I~ ae; - 0,be issed this yeor than during alvi any prcvious year sisoce its founda- A-R=DeOctre of Traiosas AnnArbora. tion. IstheLEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS.Slag- irsoetbuldih;ne tetooherslargeattsodanse;Glss,,sssssLs T iii, success of tuesnior recep- R.l''ss. E I_hlI IOATEIAv, (Cesarville, oaenatheoentire year;conisaaciat gaduoates in greatl b. as AAsrbsor teconi.1' : .i -N aso emashorthandgadaates alt secraa its o . d os1i atndlIrasenaces .....54lp u tio 00edslrel n the pr.ompt 5it ofli,sig expess . tto2.7 c saslskinsparivatefrmsOI SOTI paymenct of Sloe class to.x. As statcet Horsford's Acid Phosphate. Lane psiosom wesekato weekadss arT No,.?.tMail onu suaeon .. 55..l 6 n in ycsterdtay's D)AiLy, only one-hluau .I Slave susedt it fosr several years, toot Nos. Toaledo Attesosioasoss. 6.5 Is of Sloe class luave 5Bad thoctax as yct, sslly itt my tpractice, hilt 511my OSIvl sln- j.0,V, .Q , Q4.0, $5 COtaS tatdacaome diviat*Dsily ase,atsdtcotssister it ussder all *Hs exseItaSnd c5eatstss. whoicho sa can attribute in a great Circtumstanoces otie of thse best serve ~First Cla s and Wastatsted 1i1 Toet3sand dau1 bten Alsslor ~ many cases to seglect. A little ase itue possess. Fgor noetotol ax- N J'" s 0 Other traissdaiyectepeta0,ndaa. hausstion or overwsork it gives ressewedt E sWrtIT.OENNELTO It.Si. GOCINwLI 0 tmore pronmptness on the psart of thse strenth tensd vigor to teetr y-E D tEF in r. O en. Pas.Agaet. Iocal Agn delinqisesot seniors will be a great tem." ieesie~ ~ & F ie assistasoce to thoe cononittecs haying A must excellenst tssndagreeable totsie M the rranment fortheecepionansd appetizer. It noulrishoesantd ilvig- w the rragetoens fr Se rcepionorates ttoe tired brain and body, iou- EE A - & CO PA Y lb choarge. We trust that every sen- parts renoewed energy andc vitaltity, atsd for will heed Sloe final call and make etnlivenss thse funcetions. ARE O11t1.AOEAUNTS FOR the parting excrcises of Conomence- lDesciptivamphlslest fee ons appllicatioss to ~ c ssH meaot eek as brillianot siuccesses as Rumeord ChemiCaS Works, Provi- 1 _ g sBr, She past repuitationl of '93 wouold IdmeR. __ iis1 t fDilaoo, Bceae or Substitatesad Im5t5t0ons. trod Sloe pubslic to expect. (olsid Jlorace Prljib ecs- C _____ FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. WomT1 this issue the DAstv closes HENRY H AUG, Gii asjii1 La n elm~s aqd ase the tird year of its exisiecre. Theoeachsersvandsoois, Gsitar, Banjo ssndl Ian- DaII~y, whticho uas establishoestac- dolina.tuiotlNVLSlY'S -OttStO llOOistO, cording to the denoands of tir ntis- Sloogc1, 5.MuteOs. T Tiw t)nI;. CAwTts.TMT dents, hsas beeto grosaitg in populy- ity each year since its estsblislons-isi, and this year has been a noosit5pros- perous one in noany respects. For the noany favors and kind words we have received frono faculty and stu- dents, together witho their hearty support, we are very grateful. Sn some respects thc position of editor of a college paper, swhich is withuout renouneration and filled with respon- sibilities, is not swhat it may seem, since toe is called on to so tenoper the nesa as to please all, a task wich is almost an inopossibility at timues. St has been Sloe aim of Sloe present editorial board to give the newvs in an onbiased manner. Itosv near see have accomplished this, see leave our readers to determine for themselves. If we have made mis- takes duriag the college year, see ask that they be forgotten, since we are all liable to error. We have been so auccessful swith Sloe DAtLY this year that we have decided to lAOPL tllb ,Y t',l1.t-4 1' t111 V 1i 1ll tlt7 l t .. 3 T5hsSpace Rserv ed for lF. G. SMITH) SONS & 0W. Itoodwaosd Ave.stnd SIatS treet, DLETROST, - SMCHIGAN. ' ANN ARBOR. STEAI L .5AxiiP 7 00. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. E. S. SERVISS, - MANsAGER, NO0T IC E.-Tas STUDENTS aasd Citizenss. Doa'tsend eout e ofseon cc C~andy swhessyoss caa getjsat as gtoastnR. s1. Jaoll- & Co.'s. Ice dos's eharge feasayle, bts give it so yasu, and tisat as oce-hsald. Hat aad cold lunchses at all lsaars of the daly and nigiht. R. L. JOLLY & CO., No. 26 Somth State Street. HOT LUNCHES And the very choicest Candles ..TUTTLE'S, . 48 SOoTH STATE STREKET. VICTOR CYCLES Yoaalsl scow thsecs. Lssallsasd see thsemsat Cycle Emporium, 11T W. Washingtsn St. RENTSCHLER, hoto grapher, CORINER 30AhN AD IlOUlON ST'S. This Space Reaerved fre the ()R1.ND OPERA HaTSE. GIBSON,- PHOTOG~RAPHER NO0. 12 W. HURON ST.