HER-,, tt* VOL. III.-No. 180. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. A FAMOUS CLASS. is fair to presume that at least two thundred of them will take an active tions for their Commencement interest in the commencement exer- Exercises. cises. It is the duty of every mem- ber to support his class financially The arrangements for the senior at this time, and by the plan adopt- reception and class-day exercises are progressing rapidly. e gy a-ed this yer the tax ay e thus re- duced sufficiently to burden each sium has been secured, and some of the contracts already let for deco- rating. Phe gallery will be fitted Theprofessor is Honored. up for a promenade and place of entertainment for those who do not Honors have lately been falling dance. An effort is being made to rapidly upon Professor Stanley. serve refreshments in the basement, He has just been unanimously elect- and thus avoid confusion and inter- ed vice-president of the New ork THE CHAMPION LIT TEAM. The Junior Lits Win an Easy Victory Over the Freshmen.-Score Eleven to Four. The freshmen and juniors played yesterda y afternoon for the class lclchampionship of the literary depart- [ I ruption of the rogram. The mu- sic, which is to be furnished by Sclrimser's orchestra, is already selected, and everything points to a most successful event.. '93 lit will endeavor to uphold its reputation as one of the most pro- gressive classes in college, and close its career with a reception that has never been equaled here. Mr. Kuhn, as chairman of the arrangements committee, is making every effort possible to creditably fulfill his difficult position. He is a gentleman of excellent executive ability, and great credit is already due him for the advancementcciade in the arrangements. He is being considerably hampered, however, by the tardiness shown by a portion of the class in paying their tax. Many arrangements can not be definitely settled till the members who expect to attend the reception and class exercises can be closely approximated. So far almost half of the tax has been paid by the ladies of the class. The gentlemen must not allow themselves to -e outdone in class patriotism in tI;s way. Those who desire invitativse and tickets to the recoption must pay their tax by June so. After that date the committee will assume that the number then paid up will be all who intend to participate in class affairs. Any who delay longer than this date will be unable to ob- tain invitations. The tax so far has been paid with a promptness which indicates that a fair sized rebate may be looked for after the tenth of June by those who are on the treas- urer's roll at that time. The class of '93 will be the larg- est ever graduated from the literary department. Theroll now numbers two hundred and thirty-three, and it Manuscript Society of American i Composers. He has also been asked to present a paper before the Con- gress of Musicians, at Chicago, and another before the Auxiliary Special Congress, devoted to the subject of music in its relations to the higher education. In this last honor he is associated with Professsor John K. Paine, of Harvard. Both Mr. Towne and Mr. Mayer spoke in terms of high praise of Prof. Stan- ley's conducting during the evening of the grand Wagner concert. Mr. Towne says that there are not more than four conductors in America who could have taken Prof. Stanley's place that evening, and that every tradition and change of tempo was carefully observed. The Tennis Tournament. lhe tennis tournament was con- tinued yesterday, and the semi-finals in singles and doubles were played. A considerable interest is being taken in the games, and some of the men are showing up well. In the singles Paddock won easily from Somers, 6-I, 6-1. The most interesting game played during the afternoon was the doubles, which resulted in Hamilton and Wright defeating Forsyth and AV. Chicker- ing, 6-2, 6-4. At times the playing was brilliant and exciting. In the second class singles Fried- man won over Jones in a close match, the score being 6-4, 4-6, 6-3- Burns beat Palmer, 6-s, 6-s, and W. Chickering defeated Lightner, 6-r, 6-4. This forenoon the finals in doubles will be played between Hamilton and Wright and Paddock and Lupdom. In the afternoon Paddock and McKenzie will play for the first place in the first class singles. dent, Two weeks ago the fresh- men downed their most hated op- ponents, the sophomores, but yes- terday they ran up against a 'Varsity pitcher and met a different fate. The game was close until after the fourth, when '94 took the lead and retained it until the end. The fielding of the freshmen was good until men were on bases, whcen they seemed to weaken. Whenever a '94 man reached second he was al- most certain to score. '94, on the- other hand, although its playing was weak in several respects, played a steady game, letting up only in the third, when a base on balls, two singles, an error by Wentworth and Krogman's failure to cover the plate i on a caught foul fly allowed '96 to score three runs. Smeltzer caught for '94 and a- though he showed himself a tri fle rusty in the position, caught on the whole a good gamce. Hart covered first base in good style. Rosencrans cut off a run in the fifth by his throw in from left field to the home plate, after Chickering had muffed Smeltzer's throw to catch a runner napping. Wentworth, Shields and Cadwell led in the batting, with two hits each. St. Clair and Hovey, did the star fielding for '96, the former making several catches of long flies, and the latter fielding his position in mag- nificient style. The freshmen were unable to do much at the bat, Krog- man having them at his mercy dur- ing most of the game. The score by innings is as follows: When you wanttheL atust --tropoiitan Strles of ti-:i s-or- Siboes at c to si -ia pair less than Ann Arbor prices, send for catalogue to Re" C* FL 10t, 183-185 WociioDiic DAss . DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. qiihmond Sir&ight Qt. No. i CIGARETTES. t ~Cigarette Smoker= who arewiling to Day i e iore than the 1 charged for the 07r6 j ! ~trade Cigarettes, wil : . tills BAN superit to Thei eamondtr, stellt cut N . 1 t;;;_arettes tire made fromn the bri,, - esBt, L. r (eiaey flavored and lhighE'ot Cc - Gold 1rwn inl Virgiia,Thi ts cipes th l nI 0,its &r ihnt ip.:1 and wis rought o eot by u i the year1tic. Beware o cimitations,l d ibserNthat the Ocar t as c-below is c,,n every package. i'thesALLEN &lcsii s aS 'slranc i Of thoiAitiicmsi ai ccoCo., Manufacturer- Nis p 1on,. Virginia. P. J. KINNUCAN, '96-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 11, ii. 0. . __t 0 3 0 :3 4 0 5 0--5519f __0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 0-- 4 0 9 Batteries-Krogman and Smeltzer; Hovey and Guthrie. Struck out, by Krogman, 8; by Hovey, 6. Bases on balls, by Krogman 2, by Hovey s. Wild pitches, Hovey n. Passed balls, Smeltzer 2, Guthrie 2. Umpire, Crawford. Price of the Alumni Weekly is $1 00 in advance. Seniors, keep up with the times and subscribe for the Weekiy. MERCHANT TAILOR AND I1PORTER O FI~LTE ~OOLE~Ls, 55 W FORT Sr. Detroit, Nihgan.