THE U. OF M, DAILY ,r . Pj-,gzz A LL The Rio isStpwilpt a fne edge o tqicksertanany you are noatsatisfied after minog the Strop we w itl gladly reaurs your money. Everybody is satisfied so far oat of more than 5ioo1purcase'rs. Calkin's rharmacy., A FINE DISPLA Y At 42S.Siate St.,is t Fto00 Giixtars aI jnosg Nav~Iolins,VIflirls5 Etc. Ati Eleganotty- tishedaod Ricth so Toe Neill bhe s ting for Summaer Nvear. Yoauworst oor. W1ILSEY, - The Music Dealer. T O-RMI -13:A S rWE E OOR &WTMOEBOOK STORES NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET MOORE TMOREAND CORN ER OF STATE AND WILLIAM STtREETS. A NElT -N!"ToY-0TESowTI L\TiFo uNNALO y§ p 1TI L TYjUST EEUP TE-,'NNIS GOODS AND hAM-1MOCKS. Our Stock will be found Complete and Our Prices as Loxw as the Lowest. >- ,M r REMEMBER TAT Y( V&her 3i1), 'Clippet lBtand" Solid masse Make ~ 0 'Dolphin a e3 "Putmpkitn, - - - A11 Winslows Cortn, - - CHIrCAGO t ;AL siA-- 2 11 Primsroise - - ' : 2 "1ELake Shore,' - Atnd all otlher Calmted Gloot; SicY LES. BU :I~gN~ 44 Main Street, South. UNIVERSITY NOTES. W ill You. Look ciiertin~idl At out Show Witndowf It tells The stol> ssd eply redt. its owl1 stry aboua T risat trlltet.leriot tirlbest. its ril Si ) ibttit'ire sira t tesaest test. - i slander. GUITARS Tire dential college still close for Al. ~ tier vacatiotn, Jutneo16. R I ESl cof. Knowltotn finished his lect- PRICES.ure to the larva yrstercday. TiHE ANN ARBhOR ORGAN CO., .K. 1).Melcide, senior denot, gate 5t sousts Y aiSeet. a enmonstration last night before tire Denttal Society. It twas the last I C II 4NCENTR L oreeting to be held this year. Oss I shale eiv sed)iiNosembesr 20tts92. Saturday'sgaines otn college dia- sass sep. I e. ftaslt_______ 4:5iagssorSperrall_500 er otnds:CsWilliants 5, Dartnmouth a; DtaytExpsres -r- 50tDy ELoesis..- 0 or N. bLisitedst- 000 8 ai- ------i9t3 Pennsylvania a16, Johns Hopkins 3; N.T , itrttd ....0 5 NbS._ rottest_ 959 Niagara Fails 8Split112, ,:. .Harvard 4, Yale Lawv School 3. itm, siiao l rr r'r0fs. 21 D. N. NExpress__. 5 tO8ft. It. Expresst__-5 48 Four Ann Arbor bicycle riders AthsrntclExprrs.58 05 Clhi. Ntitht ERssr.9 5 I. E1 xpres- t-s40 asifioExretO27have etitered for the electric light 05. trssar rrS, H.ttW. HArE,, sj..P.&5T. Aent,tCticaso. Agt. AnnsArbar. bicycle events at lice iL A. A. FIRST NATIONAL BA NK grounds its Detroit tomorrow night. OF ANN ARBOR. Tire annual "clean up" of the ,Capitat, lit, lit. Sarpicer atstProts, X30,0.tbl. campus for comrmenacement is being Transacts ossets.. bashing hbusiness, Car- dn.Da r sips eaxcsange said, ltters otcredi procured dn.Da tres are bring do., ?or ravlersabrad. P. BACH, Pros, out and fallen linmbs and rubbish S. W. CARKSOssa, Cashsier. I removed. DANCING and DEPORTMENT. The sixths interclass baseball game r's~t~r~l~'CII will be played this afternoon be- GhA~u1~t ~I\DM 11Ytween '94 and '96 lits. The final sine between the winners will he The buildiang specially bilottby Mr. Grangerg iaclades his fsmily hosme, and ectssins thel played Thursday anad will be hotly tinsest and beet arranged rooms Car instraetionl ta be faaad in the Stste. contested. Offlee. Center Entrants, 6 MAYNARD ST. The names of all who passed with, heed $115 , or 63 50 for~Sam- out exanination on Bills and Notes ple Resil Sax by expessof were postedan.thrl flT the BEET CANDIES in America. yesterday,an thr Pat apsen elegaet, hoxo&anad aemn unior lw h1 e-ae etrietly pure. Suitable.; !awsrwhosemnames PRESETS. Express chne no not appear on tel~t h x * prepaid. Refer to all Ciic go. y the ades mnainwl e ist. he ex-o I.1Ifl C. F_ GUIIEC, tConfeesiseer,,an I egvnt ato CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. this week. )TJ C N BUYCall on Win. Fulde. the )U C N B Y (Tailoir, opiposite the Li-,w lBuildinig, ott Williasn-st., first door 'west of Sttst.t it Totoie-,stor 1.10 psr doe. Gieatnitsg,reparingand prssiengidone neatly. f15 Plustso order a speialty. Alt wsrkbfirst-class. 1.2111 ,A)'1.C IF YOU WANT TO 1. .I.3, 3uy asm.1arn= Ooo1z (at proportionaite pricffWOfp.Jst r~nohk, 36 Main Street DEAN & COMPANY. An expert nmathenmaticiatn has ca L A Rl~GE H111U1J$1 culated that the anmount of energy WITH SIX LOTS spent in air average gatme of foot- ball is sufficient tre break ip twventy_ acres of the hearvlest silknots-indiA 5,sr-.i-ehtsc, itis sinous 5 sr-ri ty irs tire country. r tsss.nd tssItsssfor. s-elblt ore -rif lTre tentnis touirtnamnettwhicht be- 1)"01) t} is~.. eisr I r t. 11ir 1 oit i l ist-ir ni rn-s tlor is- it-s-t -rsm S tist an Saur -rywill .e co tin ed to- liiritkrriiexc-sient istcerrr oci ety s-issr e. p an ertrrysis teensrics CiY ~ pasi zit-.Cilt s day. Owving to the nmuddy cotrdistion 56 WestLiberty Street, of the courts yesterday the playing S KISAUSE, ANN Aset3os, Mci. sras somewvhat disagreeabie. In the doubles, Forsyth atrd Chickering weon from Grosbeck and Sontero 6-5, 6-5. In the singles Paddock 'iit~~ won frons Snydans 6-I, 6-a. Somers won from Watrous 6-3, a-6l, 6-o. __CALL OIN.. Crainsoon front Forsyth 6-a, 6-4. For sonre tinre the faculty of Cor- nell have had under consideration G H .- W fLD a systens of student self-governnment. ' ~ ~ --- The object is to taut the students entirely on thseir honor in etamina- The Leading Tailor, tions and do away switht the iong ex- isting evil of 'ponies'' and other ii-bosttiiiriobsissristoi--, leg-itimate nmeans of passing exams. l;'agcy Vesvtiorercoat. littarrie.s tie The movenrent has cuinrinated in isostspte tck in thrie city rid tire adoption of .the plan as suggested by the faculty to the student cont- No.2 E. Washington-St.. Near Main. mittee some days ago. When the - matter woo first introduced it was regarded by many as revolutionsary; but after thoroughly discussing the [plan it was adopted almost unani- moualy. The following is the q , rscheme adopted: ic) Each stu- si. dent in order to make his examina- capital, $5,o0o._SurplusoandProits,$7,00b, tion valid shall affix the following Does a general Banking business. Pays in- tefrmrithhi signature teeo eeton SavingtDeposits. Has safety have neither given nor received aid Rt. KEMPF, Pres. .F. S. BELSER, Cashier. in 'this examination. (a) A court Bank oven SaturaYevening. to take cggnizance of fraud in: ex- aminations sh~all he made up of the 0. _K"..BARBER SHOP. president of .the Universityfour FiN. So NNECTI ON,~ Iseniors, three juniors, to sopho- 55.ahs Tabs.~5,TiOA~wl ! mores and one freshman. W Baths fors$5.0