THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. GENTLEMEN:-0 We wish to call yoiii particular attention to the fact that our Stock, as usual, includes a general and~ comlelte line of high class ciothinig. Yoiiig Am's WE ARE AGENTS FO)R' Yoipaqs' lats, I(q)x Hats,, Sit VerspaI's Mats, AND JIODGEMHAN'S 4AI(INTOSILES. EXQUISITE FIJR'NISIIINGS. PEER! I~N'S GLOVES. We wish to inoniie that we are goingouo t ofthde teady M-Nade iade uip with all the detail, care and skill which chiaracterizes the Clothinig 'IBusiiiess aiid substitute Mercehant Tailorin1g and(1Fine host imerchiaiit tailoriiig work. Shoes. On accouiit of this chiaiige we shall. sell all our :FINE I3SOX OVERCOATS AND) SLITS AT ACTUAL COST. Call1 and TTT~ 1' - -- ' o -i - jexaineii. w aUaams3, renneay o& rteuJle. AT THE TWO SAMS. Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRONIZE AArbor Mich. Capitai Siock, $5,00 OWEN'S JBAR BER 1SHOP! QAIL Surplus, $15555 L1IIII Organized under the (eno-ral Baning(,,Lalvs Aol. 4 A limTovSJ' boom-9 1 of ibis state. ieceives Deposits, boys and _________________________ elilsexchanoge on the princioal cities of theI, uniedStates. Drafts cashed uponsproper --&T H E ARG US, i ONSATtj Z DAA NV. 114 o ANirs, Vicei'TOes., a 1Rl ; I; HiisNoo'oO s hier. (V N@, AGiNER J&VCO.) 'O I.1. Vonz s.. 'a- i s-o o 0A' iw l 5i('FS. ;- RErC}{E GIBSO"N, ~hotogrc-,phe !1 . ( '4 Sl1 AIiM \ .%Nil)11V oN DI-.. t) . 12 W. ltiltON ST. IN H O NO R O F TH E DAY , I ' E l-g them and ti rn s i ne10 O Ci- -/ j-ely, 14lff no udecisivesep e as11 yet ________________________I Michigan is Not Siow in Recognizing b een takes. ___________Columbus and the Fair. i FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. eesi l eatet fteitre oclee MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! l isheroity, ill lornor ot the (110000- Saturday's tootblall scores; Vate 30 L sHuon street. eyo nrc n h edctr a anat A. C. 0; Princeton sersvices at tile World's Fair, Ci- a2, Naval (Cadets o; .110040(1 5I, RAVE EARNED A' c1g11 Illthe 00v11ing5pulc11 000- It ilianis o; Pennsal 23, CrescentLA. H c ~r isssi re10( 11Lo ril 11 .C. o; I range A. C. 5, 1 eliigh tl; ' ro ill I 01 lint.' rof. tinsdale, hy illsitation of the iRultgers, i 6, Lafayette 5; Emknell YUTRD 0 1A11(11D tUnvesity Senate, swilldetiver an 'oz, Franktin and M(arshlltlr ; E d&dlfl e(100, and lProf.ale. wil i \nltlerst :}1. S'lass. '1Into0; lio (loll)a of ori.Opp. CoutoSs i hI or 10011 (0100 onwillIa~p l)ear illitst C> -ly a-" rergan.,~ize/orm1101, 11111 sill reinder a ANNOUJNC'EMEYNTIS. oliro o "The Slessiah" '41(an W ahrvis nationa((111 ('4l 1) _ 001DEMOCA', . - All fantounced toy bin foe 7:30. a 1liclfigffi( Ilelo rats desirifg to go aiootoilfell10 1051) t 730. home to vott':swill me1001illthoe lasw fffl- +111214qu000ro1, Friday evenoing, Oct. 2i, BU KST lE. ALPHA NU--ZADE1PHI at17,0lml j1 -(0.14 0 Csi ti?.--m' Teee ooeKs layUnteinth MVenl'S ltu(1eread Tai lors and Furnishers. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. Fine Sheo'er 1B, News Porcelain :30lE' Iva ill$ o lS, 0. 0(11ooJ'. Ils, 1 7,000:OW'x. 1o0s0a (1eral5n fi g lr tiess. Pso i - Depip t BoxsoItem(. It. KEMPF,. Pres. t'. 11. lI'Si, Cashfir. Goodspeed & Sons., TAILORS. lN1(UEINE 19 S. Main. Goodspeed & Sons., SHOES. SE:E rin' N EW ('RAZE, Fsui.i, LINE O(F NfORMAN & cIiINNI'S 17 5. Main. Goodspeed & Sons., HATTERS ANDI FURNISHERS. Sole Agenlts for thle I'Mjiler Hat." Flne Lineoof t a(kintoshes. 15bS. Main. -- Near Future. TheAlpa is1)oun(ft 0on Law Books, 'le.\ilaNo anti Adelphi Liter- Medefl, itlftffalil ll nierstyary Sooieties tunite io offering floe TrotIlsoss. Illsifl~estfolllowing program for Satuirday 0ev01i10g 11 Alpha Nfu hall at eighot o'clock: Mutisic, vocal solo, J. 1R. Nlo;reading, I. It. Lipton; talk, ~Llfl~lIS Nob BOO ! i'Mrcella Smoitlh.lDebate: R- ini the city tor 2" cents. Ageint for solved, float floe actionos of floe Kellitel &, Esser Mathematical Instrui- Honiestead strikers were justifiable. meut. Under prices ono everything. Affirmative, Xlessrs. P~erry andl Mosely; Negative, ;SMessrs. Stern and Kilbride. STO~dES: 'There 15s50000 talk among the South State Street and Main Street.mebroftseoctisfun- (opposite court House)l. mebroftseoctisf n iscpuuiiaio students5 from allinoisI who desire lo go hoorie to vote should sendt!hleir nanmes to L. G.Crundhy, Sec'y Illinoois :RepulicanO Club, No. 9 Lasenice street. 95 lit 1lass meeting Satlirday morning, at 9:30, 00001 A. Elec- tion of officers andt other business. Let cvecry 0110 svoo has any interest 110 floeclass of'95,he ((10 handi. V. F.VANTI vi ,,tres. lF~czi'r'rtn ixie--'Thoere swill be a meeting ofthfle U. of MI.lDeii- 0o0r1010 Clutotnighot, Ot. 20, at 7:30 p. in., in floe cluib roomis above Seyler's shoe store, Alhaino street, to make arrangements for the recep- tion of lion. Adlai E. Stevenson. Special yells will he suggested. A. G. TeicN1PsprF, Pres.