THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE LATEST AND BEST SEE S110W WINDOW FRIDAY. Aooortrnent of NEGLIGEEtoSHIRTS ia the City. _________ 14AVfE YOU SEEN 01311 NEW SPRING STOCII? It is a Splendidl Showing of Suittsand OvercaF.oEtra Valoe ot 1 o Prices. Wcdharn Ryan & Reule. Ann, Arbor Savings Bank 21 years in the Business. Ann Arbor Mitan.Capitalt Stools, $5t,0t0, CITY LAUNDRY, Sicrptts, $1505,0. Organised unea e iGeneral Banking L0w M. 1. 14Seabollt No. 4 ENsouth St. of this staic. Receives Deposits, bossent settlsroettotiec en tie principal cittes of the United Stateo. Drscis casieds apes peeper ideotittcetti. Officeest: ti~ CoHtLS TotO Otto, Fees., 00.0D. HAFtranit, Vice Pros., SidsO Ite itsso P. 1Hisco, Cashier. fitst fit. J111t1io, Ao,--. Cooier.its _s70,it'ey. L S z' istomfort cod Darcicg, *~;C' t btl ~ ~ ~ cs 5-.', '., 50 . 0 'o , 0c,t G ivesieo e ic F' rA tlitttdi~Ei Itifbi,76 thot y St,, Boston, Nise I?. 0P" .INL ENJrtiIAII. Vus,,Ju e (-,4 it 4.'0it .~ttoter' - Qic It -., Jutee 10-[ c T. to . lv io'tot,in. IvI7~' //O FK v> itu.,Jutne11-Newbterroylbttt. Lectutre ot T Seeking Higher Degrees. BR . A N TD A.1. LL . The aonuai examnoatioots of cni dte r ooflighter Degrees andtifor FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. Bachlrors' IDegrees ini the U.. of M. MILLINER AND ART GOODS h egtioidaiiiiy lit, Junte 2. There tire 00 EastHurtnocreset, t woenty-sootencandteiiisitt ail. The _________________________________ examnatottiostirepivite,500 onte be- ingtmittbitisave miembiers of the s Ae EANEDiotetAN itecotY andtiotitersot h iey optey Eoo'sABLE sitecilly totsiteo. he r it'eatinig sitd REPUrTAOtN idefiensttfte titseso te pulic tre ' FIeas'o rittiOtRS-o.inivitesi.Thetortiner, btne tood place of A ORioTR Ets the examntionso trets fotlltows: SOIACIoTED A. I3. Stotrims, caeitbe for the tdo- E ~to eof A. M ., J toe 5th, 900 t. mnrooim AID, 2 '.Thesis, i11bt.30 ni .; otbject, "the Koitiatiti dCairtesianttIdlets of Goti.'' S 00p.rotsouse. LI. G. Witeiteadi, for diegree of A. ___________________________________ B., JueItths ii, C9tt. itt., r0om r. T. Kotegaewa, ifor iegree oitPhD.,, ril, Junte 13,:111 a . ott., sotol N. 'tesio, n11te. Ini;otubjeit, "ITe Monetary Sy s- tern of Japantsi.' GreatI. K. F'riedmian, for d~egree of P'it.1 A ~%I'a.L13.,.iotte 1311i, 'Opit.,tooimiN. N'V.WVsishop, A.11.tcioriegr et f . ., 1titte Lbt,'2 p. nt oetomif gtee of 31 E I touie 15t, 9 a m.tomJ. P.If.'Seymtourt13. S.,loirdegiee of 11q Prices i[M ., Jutne 15 t,9a. n., ihemoical btilingiterootitC. A.XV. ttgis A. B., torlegree of - - ---- A. M1,June lath 2,Chemiictei buinroom1000. Wear ofein or ntrestckofLAWN C. A.Bowetn, A.IB., los degree of We cc cfeteg ar olle ooil of A. M.,liue 16ittH ,i, In.,soornii1. J.C).iDeediPh.iB.. fete eegreof TENNIS antI SPORTING GOODS It Ph. M.,Jie 10th, '0p. n Gi Ptiiocal lecturer00m1 manufocturers' woleirsle cost. All aesw A. L.IKiunsley,13. .S.,f ti egre of M. St., June 16th, 2 t. Is., Cheincal Rackets intiuded. DON'Tr Mess ruE CHANCE. huildinig, nonmII. Throis, 4 p. ms.; sosbjeet, "TIhe Nitrogen Comipotints of Milk." ...______ A. S. Warthtin, A. M., for degree of Ph1. D., Junitii 1th, 2 Ip. in., room IL. 'thesis, 4 p. no.; stibject, "The Valuse GEORGE W AHR of Music iso is DrasiaticKlmn. G~un~t~ WAHR DI . Curtis, A. B., for the degree of A. M., Jane 19th, 9, rotons E. (G. 0. Higley, B. S., for idegree of Me. University _ 20 S. State St. S", June 19th, 9 a. n., ChrmicalIbuild- Bookstore, Iig, room C. Thesis, 11 a. mn.; suh- jrect, "On the Retductioni of Nitric Acid by (opper." A SURPRISE PARTY C i -l:xE. ZW 011:Sryr COLLEGE CAMP at WORLD'S FAIR titdividtit tic"'t, 4tO5pt'roeeti, TFtth tfo sttttgo."Odessit onte,'tee t. .'ATO.T'l ,tto ettet 'i oE',tt et entie. - Chii. .0c AOT It)W PRICES. IPATRONIZE OEN'S BARBER SHOP ! Not 4 EeoT171DNitiS tREt. T. . --s ,t nce, A.IY., foirelegreob A. 31.,. 19 th, 9 a. in., room IL. Ellen C. if inociale; A. B., for degree of A. 31., Jttie 19th, 2 p. in.. room B. J. A. 1'. Ilildnoer, A. B., for diegree of A. M., June 20th, 2 p .r. room 13. Titesio, 4 p. iii.; suhject, "Intflutene of the Romotatic School upfon HIeiiirichi Hleine." Ct 13. Newocomser, A. BI., for siegree Iof A. M., Jute 20th, 2 p. in., room EG. RilesnhE. Garrigueo, A.13)., for idegree of A. M., Jne21st,.95aiion., rooiiiL. '1 t'heis, 11 'a.01.; subject,"'Flo egoin- nngsof tSatire io innleond." Hlenit L.IIHatch, B. IL.- for tiegree of M. L.,IJunir1st, 2 p. mi., rtoomi 21. Blantche I. Batrney, B. L., for tie- giee of 31.L., Junoe 2ndtt, r)to.ii., Idas-M1 Clendientin, 13, S., for tiegree of M.1S., Jutoe 22nd, 19ia. it., Botainicali 3Iss illi C. Wototer, 1'. S., for tie- Igiee of Ilt.01., itull( 22tit, 2 ip. itt., Mips 91 1 BIortitotick, A. B., for tde- grieitt A. 31., Junoei 23rtd, 1 i ., rtoomi h.. J, 1'. Dtivis, Al.3. for tiegtee oi A. 31I., line 23rd1, 9tens., irot N. 'T'he.sis, 11 a.. ili.; sobject, "Thte UnionPatcific Rtailwaty ltbteYear 11.' G. P Fttoli ,ADB., fotr dogreof A. 1 31., Jiutne 23rd, 2 p. in.. rooiii3. IT1. Rbertson, lah. II., for detgr'ee ofiP. M. Thesis, "F"erm~ents inite tritie.''ExamiintediJitte Otd. Senior Notice Scniors diciiring Comincecceict invitations shootilti iakctsc numbher woantedi known 1o the Invitation Conimittec at once. Address the Chairman, si Jeffersonstreed. BUSINESS LOCALS. ItCILIIE1.'US, just nuorbt of the Ptost- oiielis the best hacks, ciarriiages, and horses ini the city. ITry him. tf Your Loot Opportunity. Mr. A. N. Rose, of te Goldesn Eagle, Ibetrotit, will he at te CooRkhoutse on Tuiesdaty atdte dn'X eisdaty, Jsune 0ft ani 7, with a coimplete line of wvoolenis. As thisa will hete ltist iciancehub one for placeinog yiour ordler for it suit, it will pasy you to see whiat titey offer. You are sulre of gettinig the htighiest class wsorkc at a saving its price of fconm $3 to $111 per seiit. )on't tiss te sopeor. tunity. Excelsior auudrv, 20tI.5'1 H )NS'-l50 itt I1. 0G outod ,oric G artedt.. Cott catill'edfor itti diitr, .. A. F. COVERT. letsp. Natuore's heart is open to cyclers -- The Columitc,iticder Roes everyw'hereits permatnent saft ty - Columobias arc guar- aintered. oo sentbyttaitltfotto tWO-censtampitis. i'ope Mfg. 4 r /2E. asintonSrc 4i, Soxow 'N L""F-) oi ly WFon' Yr j ijt.M A9Np G ifATS. GCOODSPED'S FUJLL AND COMPLETE LINE SPORTiITG-3110ES, JUS'T'RECEIVED. GOODSP'EED'S