-THE U. OF M. DAILY. '.of 'WF. Tatty. Putishtd'Daily (to toos excepted) durng the Coee year, ty THE U OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Sobscriptiotn pieT2.0 pe year, inaialy in advancee utindop0000000cents. Sxsrip- tons aay e left at the oicte of the DALLY, at Stoffet's, with ay of th e ditors or alithortzed solicttors Commnixcations shold rech the oftte by 7 ococeP.e t they te to appear the net txy. Adotetstoaottmatter iteneded oe phttca- tot to the Motoxpoing Edttr. At)ltotsitesa 00 umtonoothold hetsnt tt the Bui- THE U f M DAILY. Ann Arhr, Mih. Thec Ediorttodoot hod themeve reopn ile tee+rthe ononor tattetmentstof oes.x poedents, op ertngtoitte DLLY. At)lcoymn00-0 be 00,f ele efoet ustt. t. ofthe rd .of, to blot od n.to PorDtotV til)osopend publica- tion for thoe coilege year witlo'Tlocr- da'ttciodr o gve the e- itorstime tOoO preptaretOfor t1000p-)> proaching ex2'amnti0ons. 1 1tE plan for holdng the S. L.. A. election osuggeterd editorially in yestetriay'sD s eem ocsoto tmeet the approval of a larte number of the mofebets of tie asocation, and it wouldl be oelif 710emanagecmnt would fot tto a practical tot in the next electon. tT is a fot to be rgretted tat too alumsni asociatiots of Chicago hare not providedl a U. of M. club houtte where studnts antIatumni could nmeet whtile attendig teo World's Fair. Several universiies have established stoclh leadqarter and tthe advanotage to be enjoyed by their stoodents are apparent to all. Why the U. of M., witho te largest numsber of alumni of aty Anocicat university, should be backwo-oii in this matter is entirely incomporelhen- sible to uts. To-me has been ome quettion raited at to the correctness of the tcore of the Cornell game as pub- lihed in Wednesday's DAHY, due to the fact that boths of the Detroit morning papes reported the tcore of the game as 7 to 5, intead of 6 to 5, the correct score. In order to settle the disputed point, the Doxtt~y addressed a letter to N. E. Young, president of the National League and American Association, whose interpretation of the rles is accept- ed by authority by all professional - scrers. A reply received from him confirms the correctness of te score as given in the DALY. We are, therefore, able to announce on the authority of Mr. Young, that the score of the game is 6 to 5, not 7 to 5. COM MUNICATION. To thetEditor t. o00M0tAILY: Ithetootot.vof ysteday t rootic-e :0000r- oosooootonfomettMr. L. G. tongoxinootoot hote enoteaorto 00explain ho-srathe oe:t o methodofo tootnowhiothhe otoposodeatthe. oolt--d tooeesooof tttto..LA. at-cturotay. -t'h me ottoth oooiwn too deotdedotbojectoofor sevralreson. 1t h irt paoto tytoo floaotoreo -inoblot bthox in-0sotrea 0c0o0005s00-eoobleot Saturday wouletot osto certinly t ottoalin00oftheo boxces. It art tt oteooo.e fthat oanone-shoultd attempt 00 ivent otoy tootey sytemt of votttng when thereore mtohtbots i o -00e totre terfeetlysatisfac- tty I0ftoutoh0a oetig s hetotin the chapeot, thoe oty wov to seen onsrt vote ts to hove a ballot box a-00eaoth dotor, tet thte voter post outat eittoer totaor, thetretois vooteotay be chalengedbtoaspptorter of te ooandi- dote- stationed thereo' for thoot purpose. It this moethod were -sed, I otuconfident 0n0 0000 coulod oquestono-thoeoaccuracyrof sOttoeresult. S. LA. .l)1~ Eroosot-t .13Av tEATi NCoeodarville, jN. J.' soys ef Horsfords Acid Phosphate. "Ilhtve toted it ltor Pseraol years,tott only itt osy practice, boot ito my ovvtt ito- dlividnual 0a00, ottodcotosidercitttndeer tll circumstnoces otne of floe boot tnervo toniicsfloat wve possess. Fur umettalox- haoustion or overwcork it gives renewevd stcenogths and vigor to thoe entire sys- tenm." A most exceetlettaoitageoeable toie atono appetizer. It nsourishoos atndlitnvig- orattes 1100 tiredl brain and body, ins- ports renewed energy and vitaltity, asod etolivetos theo functionus. TAN SHOES-Prices, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00. 48 SOUTH MAT2N STRiEET, - - AIRBOR. W A GNXER &CO-TIE SALE - OFF. TIBJT-S Z]A.Y, F'S 2LB aZ>s A2'URS> -_ WAGNER & CO., - 21 S. Main Street. ' DepartureofTrinto Al000 A bo r. Isthe00 LEADItGSCHOnOL OF nUSNESS. Stag- nifienotOtot buldig.tnine tehers; ltees attendance, LON O RTHo000. g oictilie; soperiornwork; nell suppled rediong Nt.0o tt oo o1o ro ;diylectoures; Stturye veningttlo receeptn;Tttaladtxrs*...t, , 5i.T epenotheoente yer;cotmeialgdotetineeeat I no. . OPassgrrAnnoArhor Aeono.101t)oo. to dtemantd;t isthothad graduates allttseurepoitions; No.. 'Maoil and ttoe ge r*.... 5p n ti :lg expeonses.to t t.Ospernweehtitprvpelotamifxsot.0IaSH ac..o r Noxw h at O ,067otR ad List ofStoodoota sowthOd O~~I caktpostioastfrom week to ee,aodress No. 2. M i n doO totPaosooenrt ...11 4ott. to P. R. OLtOOT, Prs.. Nool4. taoland Ettoreo*'.........000000000w. _________________________________ Noo. 6. Toledo Aceooooooodootion . o 5 . F $8 00, $3.00, $4.00, $ 25 ''etl StdrTie Firs Clss nti Wim-rnte 'IlToledo onty, daily, exceptt Sttndayo N 0 Evety Way. Othertains coalytaco p5tOSunday. Doty & Feiner; Get. Paso. Agent. Loteal Agent s Doty w. O. HENNET'r9tO.d5. GELjoSS 0007 AR EE$AN L AEN& C.OMP Descriptive poamphlet ft00eOtttptlicaioon so aRumford Chemical Works. Provi- 4 .K ohe2 B-, Bewatre of Subtitutes ted Ieottonss. (,04 yioi cVparrDdg c -Coo, FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGtISTS. HENRY HAn UCH, G; I ira ipm, La u-. q Tei is and jvase Totoeheetond solooist, (oitor. Banooand 'dot-0 doliot. Studio aotpal o su IASIAOl0R' VIofITE FORl CATALOGlUE. This Spaceeserved0for 1G. SITH) SO S . ootdward Aee. tnd State Street, DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. j A N NARBOR SimEr LATILTDLY7 Co. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. E. S. SERVISSO - MANeAGER,. N 0 T I10 E -,roSTUDENTS ando Coiteens. Donto sendooto of toots foe Candyt' swhenou ot get otuost as poood at 10. E. Jolly & Co.'s. W~e dtn't chaorge toor style, boot givet to007000, and thoat is oneo-half. Hot atnd .cold llesoatotallhloutrs of thoe dayttotd ngt. R. E. JOLLY & CO., No. '26 South State Street. HOT LUNCHES And the vary choicest Candies *TUfTLE'S,. 48 SOUTH STATESaTEET. VICTOR CYCLES Y osoualknow tlhem. Calltandoseetldsomoat M. STAEBRLER'S CycleEmpsriam, 11 W. Washingtsn St. REN TSCH LER, Phot o grapher, sooO t 1oc 20.0AND5 00TIOION TeS. Thois Spaoce Reserved foertthe GR~ANDOtPEstA 11002SF. GIBSON, PHOTOGRAPHER NO. 12 W. HU.RON4 ST.