,THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (S.ine s excepted) dring sele Clege e a, by THE U Of M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION I-, calmer moments, after the ex- citement of the contest is over, we are sure the disgracefsul scenes en- acted at the election of the Stdents' Lecture Association, oo Saturday morning, will be regretted by all, irrespective of departments. XWith- out attempting to locate the blame, the Dant v must depecate any bitter feelings betwveno the various depart- rnents of this great University, but it mtst be acknowledged[ by al that no snes department nor any un fac- tion can assume to itself the author- ity to control the election of the Association, where every ticket- holder lau the right to ate honest expresion of his wil. It is a principle of constitutional law, we take it, that the rigt of sufrage carries with it te right of hoising office. The violation of this principle is the apparent cause of the present trouble, in which the literary department stands opposed to the pofessional departments. Whethieraiy one department is sus- ceptible to the charge of greediness for offices we wiii not discuss, but rallier depend on the good sense of the tsenty-five huntdredt ticket hold- ecu o select the best nen for the offices, irrespective of department. One thing is cetain, that snless some coumpronise is effected be- tween tle tuo factions, there wiii not be a lecture course given next year, oc if one is given it will not e patronized by the whlole suuict body. It seenms tal the time is fast ap- proaching at this University xwhes an election cannot be held without a bitter factional figt. This is due largely to elhe evident unsatisfactory manner of conducting Cle elections. The only fair means under the pres- ent circumstances, xe contend, is to adopt the method of secret bal- lot and other machinery made use of in state and governmental elec- tions. Let this method be given a fair trial, and we are certain that it will be satisfactory. The DAILY, looking to the best interests of the Association, urges the necessity of an imnmediate settle- ment of the present difficulty, for unless it is satisfactorily adjusted, the Association, that is nmade a suc- cess only through the united sup- port of all, must fail in its nobe object of furnishing a fine course of lectures to the students. That peace and harmony may once more be established within the ranks of the S. L. A. is the sincere desire of the DILY. COMMUNICATION. Tolthe luEditU. ous 1. DAILY: uhikun selfueusronnged (up bringmisun- dltsslnuodI desie tv sindicste itue hotusiy of asy puspses.bhy(puis'hingthstunmethosulouf vot- ingwichehad beeni'u atproved by twouofuthe thre'and~uiatu's anduwihIin5tendiedstosub- init tote (usocxia sustioifr theicon sideration. Tat tiee sholudle snush balottboxes sutosisisw,'atlu'theuvoters. Thuatsuichucundidaineshould susbmit.(us thseupresitasnsindeinite tumbs~er oftnamens of hisuppoirts'ers, and, (seht ts'.presidensuludsappoinst Cessn thus nnumbeursue tellnurssine supporier uof eachl eaniddautsesscnutacseshballt bo(sx. 4.That nacexstfters sho~uld ecollect clue batinu the sectiounassigned thtem andiasnu counutelse sane. 5That Clue numnbeu'of51otscolct~ed by the severalies ofstll~ers be asded to secuise the total voencast (fir sehscandidate. L. .Louis. Dit. Eu11 tutuctIAs lis'-4-,uCedarville, N. If.,sayss si Horsjbords Acjd Phosphate. "I ha~ve uiseid it fiur several yeaurs, noit onuly illniy praitice, bust is nmyuowxniits- diviual ecse, satid cousiter it uutdec all circutnstasuueuolnof Clue best tuerve toicis thuat wte possess. For muenutal ex- thaustion or overworlk it gives renuewsed strenth ai nit vigor totClue ntire uys- tern." - most exeellettanud agreeable tonic stud appetizer. It nourislhes sudintvig- orates Clue tireul brain and body, inm- pacts retnexwed ensergy atnt vitality, stud enlivetns the functions. Descriptive pamphlet treeeun ppieatiiontis Rumford Chemical Works, Provi- dence, RI. Beuware of Sustitutues antuIttins. TANT SHOES-Prices, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00. 48 SOUTH'I MAIN STREET, - - ANN ARBOR: SP1RIIPt S IEITPtS . A gplErlsiid Line. 21 S. Main Street. WAGNER & CO. ts thse LEADING SCHOOL OF nUSINnSS. 5Mag- nuiienst buing nin e tleacerse; sargeeattendance;( gene disucipline; superiurerk; welttsupplied readinsg 'rneudail ecus etures; Sataudayeensingsreepions; open thenstireerear; cmercnstinl graduates inagreat demssands; s~uhothad graduatles nit secenaposiins; lt5'teug expensses $2. to $.75 per weekhinsprivate faust- 'es.Fo PeNnn'CAALOEsn andLisitfStudeintsewha toseupositionastreat wekto wieek, address P. R. CLEARY. Proo. F I$2,00, $3.00, $4.00, 5 o IFtrst Clasxsand Warranted tn E E Doty & Feiner., Time Carduinefet Sndays) 5'' e1,18t8' DepaetureutofsTranst iAntsArbor Ne. 1 Danass Eprst .. .... i a s Nsa . iPttuigrehAnnArbosr Accsunt4.21 . Nu. 5. Stail usedunPasner--....4:51 n Nou. i4. 'TailsandAtExprseess .....9is p n Cientral StnrdTiSten *Daily except Sundayt. Trains 3(andsinbtteenusAnn AussoAsaeues Toiedo only, daiiy, exciept cSun'- Other trains daiyexcep tunday. Wv. H. IJENNETT, It.5 S.cGRENW OOD Gen. Pain. Agent. ueocilAgenst SEE$AN - & COMPANY AttNSPIAL. AGENTS FORt IA. G. Spaldinlg Bi'o,, E 1r~hi V Di/soo, use r 1a t ut t a i rtn .f," or. FOE SALE BY ALL DRUJGGISTS. uzl 1u a~ -r ce'-u HENRY HAUGY G~Igpasi s, LauijTeipnis aq pJace 'Teacher ansiolo~ist, Guitar, Bnjoi ane Stan- p a l d5= duooms 34tSdStae Ss ASKA O1t WRITE FO1R CATALOG'UE. Shun SpacetRsnerved tor ". G. SMITH, 8ONS & CW. toonwdcclAve.suid Stute Street, DESTROIT, - '-lICHIGAN. ANN ARBOR STEA,,:LAIIITIDLY CO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. E. S. SERVISS, - MANAGER. NO0T IC E.-To STUDENTS and Citzens. tDont send otut oc tonnftr Candy whnluutyouuran ret just as good at R. IE. Jolly & Cue'. We dus'tchargefr tsle, buss give lu te yen, and that is one-hait. Hut and cnid lunchtes at nit hours of ste day and night R. E. JOLLY & CO., No. 26 South State Street. HOT LUNCHES And the very chosoest Candlen *TUTTLE'S, * 48 SOUTH STATE STRSEET. VICTOR CYCLES Yoteall noltheemcl. Caii and scnntcluea MM. STAEBL.ER' Cycle Emporism, 11 W. Washington St. RENTSCHLER, hoto rapher, CotlltNElt INLINt)ID5JUtO.C '. This SpgneRettserved dor te oGRANDo tllI At tioC:n. GIBSON, P1HOTO GRAPHR NO. 12 W. HUJRON ST.