THE U. OF M. DAILY __ a ~A FINE DI8PL AY At 42 S. SateaSt.,laistFHoar. Phe itens Stot salt put a iar edgeon i qucker tit anothller.I Gbitars, J3aj)jos, you are not sectsed after n-lag the Maado~izjs VfiolIsEtc. Strop we will gladly reaurn your money. Everybody as satisfied so far Alt Elegantly Finihaedad Late in oat af mare thua raepurcthasers. Tone. Calki's P arma y. WLSEY, - The Music Dealer. Wilt be the thing foe Seenener near. You want one. MOORE &WETM'ORE, BOOK STORES NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET _________________AND CORERE OF STATE AND WILLIAM STREETS. A NEYT PI I"LO-YLP SOJiILOF ANN -ARBOR A"'l P sEVNU1\TE 31ITY Ti REOLYL, TENtiNIS GOODS A I) IHAMMIAOCK S. Or Stck will be found Complete and Our Prices s Low as the Lowest. i rind any Otcher If ;~~ rakep HICAGSO ~ ~ OO REMEMBER TAT C <""Dolpi 3""Rvbsd 3 Sequashe, - - - 2 " Wirnslowc Corer, - - 2" Prirmrose 4 - - 2 " Lake Shtore," Aced all otheer Cannued Good 44 Main Street, South. }U CANBUY it omtos fr 1.0 its oz - - 1a i c < - a 1laO L Is at pnoportionrate ptiette f el DEAN & COMPANY. WilY uIok I UNIVERSITY NO'TES. Prof. Knrowntotn will give hais lee- t'lY u o k Ie eenta-c-to. ois teere on "Tle trial of Jesus fromnra At ouir Slow Winedowa? Ittells re rk erairlooeeeaI-rt- lgleaa~ci t ioairee And ow leplays flag, JunIezr. lt'srorecit r f1 bout et errai on tge n, hr re -Es .eati reaer ese- a. lrr te a. Ca. Ganecs aOThureesday resuliccd as I U. 0'31,-ii. ~U. Of' 1. this afte-folloecs- Harvard 5, fGeorgctowntaIa GUI =A1100ro1. IPrinceton T9, Porcilane7; Wisontsin ANN)r Freshmteanesocial toteirht.aedosL trcr1e. P R IC O. Tire senior lair lectres will cli oe 'T'here wciii be teo eaeetinag cathie 11dE, ANN ALBedI CittIA CO., Junc 16. ProssCluib today. At thee next e rrat l.;r ccit. (I'tie last rnaber of ies 5ear's It- taeetitag of tie club Mrr. Ervascii latader ccill be tplacedl otesale iota- read .a paper caJates ordionenet- IyH.__ne ott. Terr abr laetire s( oottueerbrsteal of.Statecy wiii read a paper ott Rev. J. I.Geiston eof the ires- rEar.-c1)rDoeWaES.ur n. "Sacred Music,"C at Newrberry hall byterian clhurchewill lareaclh Sunday .)yIre ------5 30DayEpres-_..27Sunday taorning at 9:15. evening on "allacy of Arguntents N. s Limrit-----e6a8lilalStun . --- s i N. Y. irrrart___ at9at5N. 0. -ererceal . It t9 Justice Brownc ceas unable to fdnislafor opening the World'se Fair on Niag~ara Falle apTH tt atin a. N.Rp in r , Chiageot'0'rosateDleis lecture on admiralty lacy yester- Sutnday." D.N.Eraes ___ 3 0, iIt atpes. -> t48 Atlratiac tres-_ . 5 ret ghteta Exlp__ a 05 clay atari till finisth it torday-."Noalt and thre Floodi.,"C ciii be 0. It. Expess---vo 40 toas rcatiorrExress t-It32 A.W to , H .Htrbor4 iss Eiltlay tite topic of Sloe fith lecltre on 0.G. PkL. Aicent Chicago.AW-. Ann ro. toLmily Fisoter cwiii a at thce fetal meetitag of thee Alpaha Na rOld Testantent Bible Stories reec- FIRST NATIONAL BA NK Literary Society Ibis evening. amined in the Lighat of 'Modern Die- OP ANN ARCBOE. 'leiil ccosllyda~t covery" to be given in the Firet Mi. Orpit-ri l. ire. Surpice< and Proftsr, $30,000. TeHg col lydabfl Transacts ar generas. tanhing bursiness, ear- wiltte Detroit HighrScltool tear.chrhnxSudyenig rigs exchatixe sued, leer ad ceedrt procured lsn Mise Elsa Liebig ciii sing "Jesus, tar travelers uara. yesterday, lsn by a ecore of S to , P. BACH, Preer. Thoo Mighty LordC C at thte First 5. iW. CLARN, Can.Cshier. Tire tenenis toutrnamsent will Pore- Bpitetrbtnore irig DANINGI and DEPORTMENT. tinue all next week. A great many It in tbe dlii anniversary of tbe be MEIUIIIU ~~of tbe games will be closely con- bgnigo b atrt fRv GRANGER'S ACADEMY thed egfmu psoicMsiray itoryof tefon pastorso andv tesed.A. S. Carman and be will givea The tbuitling npeially buit by Mr. Grasger Tefmu psoi isoay itr ftefre atr n iseludes his enmity flume, and euntarins the J. G. Paton to tbe New Hebrides, pastorates of tbe church. tonestondi e stae.dnmfuisreif will speak in McMillan Hall Mon- The last meeting of tbe Young Office. Center Entrance, 6 MAYNARD ST. daey 8 p. m. People's Vespers will be held in St. S Send $125,$2,or $350 for Sam- Mr. Harry Cornish, the newly Andrew's Chapel tomorrow evening pie Retail Busxfly express of apointed directrothCicg Cai the BEST CANDIES inAmeriea. toaopheCicg at 6:30. Mr. Rhodes will speak on Ptrpinueegitbe sr.i Athletic Club, will act as starter in the topic "Belief and Duty." A PE5 Se. xpes diarit th gmesatChcaro ody.. A. Y. P. V. Social and entertainment - U prepaidi. Refler tn all Chlcago. _ y fl111 Tr C.irUNE ,Condecto ,Stgg - Cicgo University, will will he held in Harris Hall on Satur- U~LV 212 State Stheet, b n - h ofcal nchre ' CHICAGO, ILLIS QIS. 'b1n fteobir hre day, June roth, admlission 20 cents. Call on Wm. FuldeĀ® tire Tailor, apposite tie Lawsil dintg, eta WZiltiaru-st., flrst door west of State-st. Cleaning, replairinanad presrsingldone neatly. Series tee order aspecaty. Altlerork first-clrass. IF YOU WANI 10 :3UY aM6A1ar= C1oo1M orehave name Repuiring dune go to Wiyt. Aranolck 36 Main Street LARGL1iO1J$A L WITH SIX LOTS a'. A tearar. ete ithrarer CCter-a C r --, reroo . ,arer iN tsi ' s;Irar ,ir1a- r r rr rr onero nrr epric iaCCrste re -Cfrrie r% v aeryIr re ta-rill. e'roa(rresrnr 11,311r. hrda~ t?,le arl artccC r inn -fraSityrrr- t % rrs -are rr ci> . C - aI t 56 Vve'sLiberty Streeti S. KRIISf AUS. Attetotemm, ANicer. _CALL ON-- G. H. WILD The ]leading Tailor, baa1-re, FinreStar-it aortat ierre Snt, te-s, F-ancay Vrertrr-re-re-out. lecrries ther host comprtleestock-Lire Itheact No._2 E. Washingtoa-St., Near Main. rCapital, 50,000. Surplus awl Proile, $1y,000. Soes a general Bankling business. Pays in- terestn Saving Depsits.Has safety Rt. KEMPF, Pes. -F. H. BELSER, Cashier. Hank oven Saturday evening. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. Fine Shower bathe, New Porcelain -Tube. 30 E. Washingrtnn St. J. R. TROJANOWSKC 3 0 Blathss Cur $6.00.