l e . o J . r., VOL. III.-No. 177. VOL. ll-No 177. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1893. PRCTEEENS PRICE, THREE CENTS. ONE OP THE FINEST. ( erary matter: Prof. E. L. Walter The Palladium of '93 is a Work of contributes a poetical translatioo Art and a Credit to the from the Italian of Carducci, en- Editors, titled Pantheisni. Thie advance steets of the Pal- A biographical sketch of Prof. V. lacdiuns of '93 are at hsand and give M. Spailiing, by Prof. AV. W. 13e-mn cedence of ooe of the finest 1ubli- M 1iss Isabella s 1. Aisdrews, 'Sg, cations eser issued at tier U. of A1. adds a sosinet entitled "'Northern Thle book: is ainsost slnare, being 8 l ichigan.'' by in inches, bound in dark reel cloth. The two hudrecd and fifty Poens by 1 iwrence A. M cloutli, i i 'ad'roch to the pages are filied with excellent iitcr- 8 ary natter and cats of the finestiidiilfai ofteubcton i A nw denrtcc is a uethological tinalit .There are eight full- pager,,.iieedvd.e . ii., risi, photo-ravures of fisftes fraternity lstrthed . C Vpoueyi isouses, president ainel ceans of de- 1lie other iiiterestiiig features are partmcents, grousp of niiie professors, s smru htw antd es gee club, banjo club, champion ftirnuer l o urt euaniedos-e clas eas, g3li fotbll '9 lsvEveryone should secure a copy of baseball. There are also nineteen tePiain n e o is full-page engravings besides nanser-tsealve dsiuexaenleseqaltyof the ous Ihsinorousscts. The cats were pilrto. Tesl ilbgi strawiicsarIn.lesegiaeelwbylMessrs drawn ad desined 'yMessr.T eday nmornincg, and the price is TracerXXWilliamsIPoswers andelMisses n s ie i i sulcsesyfv Blessie Duinster and Ra-ndall. Every- thing abouct therbook, paperhbed- cents-0-- ing cmechansiicaci execustion is saumode-1 Resords or Three Collees. of ari stir taste and is a cret to lice CICilnloeiM edlitor s aind publishterra alie. It is cii fX cuesaIa c e eilicult toiccesialncsar aneater deseign els fWsosnhspa h e for Ifrontispieces tan the'-so whichs adores tie oi'-ici'1 1 a ,c ft l ,isetoday in hiao nthe Oia the iaealy en graved pasgr ecn- w.It.2. . taliiig 11crboardi of eitors appear tier names of ithe followvingwe- 0t ud5c e ii c:105 01Wc-5 kenoccia en promeinent ic college, to 1d yt>_ ___ wvlomc the creetit of issuiag 11ccPal- 'ci-ce - -ct.rai5ccc 4i n 5 tsil laeliciicbelongs: FrainkeP. Graves iiius . 505 1~i z nmanaing editor; Charles W. Sti at- 40ddsh 54 14 lS is' ton, business mnaereiArtheur J IP c2ic ci t 3',It. -iii fti11iii.(> t' u Tuttle, secretary; Gerie lyni' H o cdla ii 0;)030} Earl C. Peters, Prank Rsch i .AV. hrowili ts1ec0 5 5t.5ft Callanm,' A. AV. H oulev ra d sc i s tsi Pie3 >m 20'ti'ICI.;Itvsin Fishcer, R. G. Latthrop, 1 arid 1It {bl'i< I k._ 8.0:,1--____-_ _ s::>0 habit, J. J. 8tlorsenean, I. V. D t, r Ilee abose tablescwhile slhoning fee, A. A. tPearson, H. F. Mc- the records whlich were msadte at ther Gaughy. This year's P~alladium is last field-day of earle institution, the sole publication of the senioir osntidct vlil silb h class, as the Caslalian wvas abandoneddosntiicewhhwllbte after the .destruction of the cots by innri h oigcneta afir inBoson.many were nmade under unfavorable a fie i Boson.conditions and on slower tracks Knowing this lice editors have than the one at Chicago. In the aimed to make the Palladium repre- table given above, the University sentative of all the interests in col- has the best records in nine events lege and have been most successful, and the University of Michigan in Besides the usual matter found in five. All the contests will probably like publications this year's issue be closely contested, and a number contains many innovations of espec- of the inter-collegiate records will ial interest. Every organization inl no doubt be broken. collee has received its proper share ________ of space and in this the editors have Don't miss seeing thse game this been very impartial. As to the lit- afternoon. THE SPRING TOURNAMENT. The Tennis Games Begin Today.__ The Winner to Go to Chicago.AY ° After several weeks of tedious --LS , wvaiting, owing to thce incleenrt lfsTES weratther, thte tennis ethusisast ws DETROIT, MICH. at lengthe able to lpractice lils ciffi- cult serves andl hardl drives on the ursw cosits as oftria as lie fouind an I adlversary sufficiriatly fornaidiatele to wvithlstansd hine.Aindl nosw'that the ( i assuciation teas imadte such impirove- Y mnsotholgrudadasfrnisihed newc courts, it swouelet be 3 sweli for all scho are interestredinencsi, cciii sce liic °;InirstsriexisisaCistl- tentihs to practice regularly and try or 54 icor Cuses iiti o ii S ciisiir les l n hanAnnArbo is, cs, ssenii fee-iteais:e toi to keep Ohp the high staindaretwic seleirlej"' has bee nmatained here for sone leers lnd. . - 101, 183-185 Woscss iis Acel., Ie view of tier applroarciinter- DETROIT, - - MICHIGIAN. cellegiate teninis tournamneat, shchri is to hr held in Chicago next week, 3iohrn ond Straight Qat. it has been derided to heavr the NoI spring tournamernt heri, begiiniing CIGARETTES. today (Saturd~ay)Jusee 3, anel con-)(i Iet mkel tinieeiig int o next wneck. thewn ert sc u ieec errs of this tourinaiment seilI he set 5 eiiee to Chicago toa repedent the Usaiser-1 sit1 icesingiles aindldoushies. dher j[ d i fre nadefr i te rigi,- are io be tnwo classes inoue'tourna u.a_ iiViCrgii, - icE, (Id eesnt hare. 'lt those w10es v nerser stoic a prieze ie a roller toni- ;. [in iS a S namnet are entitled to enter the e encas iai.,enCc _secondslclasadi seasnestyias= Vrsi leopeel that the etry lest cvll be--- lare o a scrieasscsessul --iicw-" aind interestinig series of meatcihes. Itie erpreliiaries, the best twso oattofthee sets cviii be pilayeed. TIe finals trill hr tie best thee of fire seis. t Regents in Session. The Board of Regents wsere in session a good part of y'esterday. Tlhe nmorning session, lasting until 1:30, swas devoted alnmost entirely to lice discussion and consideration of financial affairs. The committee on msedicine, to wvhom wvas referred the trouble in the Honmeopathic department, did not report, owing to the absence of Regent Keller, the chairman. As soon as the Regents find how much money they have, it will be P. J. KINNUCAN, MERCHANT TAILOR AND dIMPORLTERi 0 apportioned for new buildings, sal- aries, and running expenses. F'INTE 7OT EXN'S, Many of the medics and dents ex- pect to get away the latter part of next weekt. 55 W_ FORT T I, NDetroi t, fign' .