~THE U. OF M. DAILY. .JSo ball is making rapid strides forward, T 7 ~ .J Ut bb andI nos, finally, track and fielud Pa ibed Daily (aanays ecepted drin sports are coming to the front. the Cllege year, by Michigan students should con- a A .N o THE U. OF M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION gratulate themselves on lion progress ~A .N O their earn lan made this season andin n Subscription prier ali1per year, invaiby shlouldI do all in their pwe t ip-eJ\N SI-OES.-Prices $3 .50, $4.0 5.00. is ade ncr Ma I opira iicenas. Sbsrip-. poetos-, Lioss may be left of the clfie of the DALY, port this ranch of athletics. 48 SOUTt7II MAIN STREET, - ANN ARBOR.. at Stoe's, wih any of the eilinca or Whtlir the boys win at Chicago asthorizedl toliitors. , Communieationsshould reach theofeebyo not, eery student should make S M G (YJ TTT /(" Sl-~i fio'lckr.H i ftthyare to appear the next ti p his mind to help build up next me.C fJ 1 1 ~(/T N1v Lonc to the Managing Editor. All businesa year's athletic team. Every man cmusnicatiosashosld be et to the nuai- who has any aityin ti ieo ncsMange. aiiy ti ie 21 S. Main Street. WAGNER & CO. THE U fM DAILY, athletics should lay plans to begin Ann Arbr ich, training at once on his return to cob- loge, and help make a winning Ifm cr'OED ,' EDITORS for the U. of M. Remember that - e,. k lol it'i A .1, careful training will bring most men l s Is10II nit. ~ S lilc to the front. Y -o-. w S .W. rttlsG lt BuIi X b'n. 't Ii 'It< tOss ii '01[ Asbict~ t _____________________-_______ I i in 11a.1. l 7t.J A-a-tot At 0tyf' \ 1nt !? 1""1['-.to J / Cpa tue e T rins ai o nn 'It td 5 nlS4. OIl 1111 i. ro taLyInEA Sauraynno n. on etiosNn 7, 1al n la n N iorhndgautesalcu oiton 0.5. tMa 1.1l and l IN. .'I, says of ihc"c coyrpens2. tin2.5pwekhil eicte f acd"GON U Tiocof toutbe ~ toiffing if us''.a.cFor fieiALavnoand Lit 01 'ldonta who buhO~~t Horsford's Acid Phosphate. mP.itiR.afc CLEARtYo ,ndd r n N. f t1111ocece0 mataging editors anti business non- N________________________ o. . ToicocAcrotonlt l... a a a . so- agers of the DmLttv tonmorrowe night, "Ilave fied it for several years, tootFS $200, $300, $4.00 $5 Centrlhftandrd'1ime. . otly in tiy lprctiebtitin tmy own'tin t- ° Daily exepSunl~dy. as730 ocl. Impotantusi lvidll case050, andcotideril lit ude all *-First Class andftaratoed TrlbToledion na, dnbewexetAnncrbor'. c coccelynd11 r1 bass cocenig cheDAILY vand irfumtiacties 0110of fte best nerve LQxEvry Way ther ltraic dlly cet tiAnn Attot~~~~i Wocists'.day otnics th t we possess. For moent. loex . .BNET 5.5 EE W D A~umm WEF K [.Y. atustion or overwork it gives renewed E nnr w .BNET, H .GREwoD Strenth~l and vigor to the etire iyh sDoty &Geier nC. Pas. Agent. Local Agent, TUE propnosedi amenduments to the tet." S. L. A. consitution rendering it A mst exellesnt atd ageeabe tonic ' 4 'E - Q.. COM D&PA N Yx imosbefrayoeecp e-and appetzer. It toourioes atoolitvig 5 7 i ~ Jf impssile or ny ne xceot on-orates tie tired brain and body, i- ior in thc literary or moedical d- parts renewed energy and vitality, ad A _PCIL___N O partmnents (for that is the meaning enivens tie functions. of tie tso-year-and a-half clause) to Dscriptive pamphlet fre ott applictin to A . G iSppaldissg cV Bro,, preside ovr fle destiny of tha or- Rumford Chemical Works Prov- I[ilit cy DLs~ao, ganization, is a conceded mistake. dme .an iHOrfce Frtiride cCo Tine members of tle association, as BeaeoSusitsanImain. a rule, urge the necessity of cioos- FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ing thte man best fitted for tie posi- HENRY HAUG, GC Jmrgasihip'1 LaWI1 Tenpnis and J" ass tion, irreslective of departaent,Tacerandslosuta, Ianjo anid an- aI G OS class, or affiliations. WLSEY' MSIC51 ROOMS, SoeS ASK OR WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. ALI, U. Of A. studento attetnding tine Worlds Fair should make if a point to visit the Michigan stale ANN ARBOR j RENTSCHLER, building and the U.of Al. exhibit1171v L T"T.,i CyP h t gr p e in the Liberal Arts building, where SI1ti1.t V1i o registers have been provided for 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. COlNElMAIlA. NeDURON S visior. During our recent trip we E. S. SERVISS, - MANAGER. paid special attention to the exhi- bits of tie varioua colleges at the NOTICE.-TdnSTUDENTS 'World's Fair and were convinced not Ciiaens. Do' tend out of toots for Cady wen you cn get just as good tR. E. that the U. of S. is second to no dolly c Co.'s. we don't charge for style, hal other coiiege in the variety and x- Ths Space Reserved fce give it to yo,ad toat is sa-half. Hot and __________ y an G.cold lnhes at all hoss of the day and nigt. tent of the exhibit. F. U G SM lI ClITH ON Fyjfl.R. E JOLLY & CO., No. 26 South _____________ "'IT'%IIIII 1'liii State Street. 1'. .o. ~a,~ac~a UUIJ ~This Space Reeved for the ToMtOROWo comes the firt field Woodrd Are. asdSae Stret, HOT LUNCHES G5RAND OPEA HOUSE. day of the Northwestern Inter-col- 'EROTAMCIGN legiate League at Chicago. ThisDERI, - . ltCGN And the vry chocet Candles meet marks an epoch in the growth - -~~-~- - - - . . TUTTLE'S,** of athletics at the U. of Ai. It is a step in advance that followed up 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. will scowt put Michigan on a parVI T R C LE with any of the older institutions in VIC O alYL hsotE.SJBS I the east in track and field games. YOCall ndsetem atSO For several years past we have dem- m. STAEBLER's PHOTOG It PKEK onstrated our ability to cope with Cycle Emprim, 11 W Wahigtsn St. any college team in baseball; foot-________________ NO 2WHU NST