~- i~ __~ A FINE DI8PL A Yj~0j 3~M$~(\ -X 1425> c-i 1 I aeIi c psi -o) liita ine. f 1 ed, 0 n r 11 gislltxn y other.5ysIf moncy. Everyibouiy is satisfied soila ot soismoie tliiiy100 pu clser-,. Caglkin's Pharmacy. Gkiars, 13ar)JOS, All Elegsntly Fiishedi and Rich in i Ton. c-ii b Ltig for Sumser ver. You antssocnc. W ILSEY, - The Music Dealer.,,OLT L31 E IAS Wr-r OGR' WTMRE BOOK STORES NIO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ________ _AIND CORNER OF STATE AND WILLIAM STRSEETS. AT .Iz ' I T12W73 I ,P~~I S017i1.T171-71 NNt 23 31 H I w1 3 JIYEN IY 1 ' j-3T1 11E ,03_ 13 TENNIS GOODS -AND 1)IAMIIUI KES. E CYC LE S. Will 01 At our Show it's own sti GUI 13 NO PR(t THlE A.55 A1 1 tco - --- -- - - N. 5-. -St- wll be found Complcte and Our Pries I s Low as the Lowest. .E E~E H TYOU CAN TUYtbaltor, oppsoite the Latssilintg, oti It Clsprb-tsi Sili o-s ooitie tth iilt 60 tilttttot-st. list sloor os est of stttte--St. 11,t ll~er: aid- i'old meti 1o o s 1 -s i 55e5t1w5in ,r l si scln essi~doicetst 3 c 0l 5n 5 ,tES it oorderaspcialty-. Alt ss sis t (r.hss. Squashkep - - - - 1.1 - 0 IF YU TWA3OT TO --c ssat ; T - 2 i"1Primurose Co - - - - 6 1 15 4G 2" Lake Shore' - - - 1.50 "ersave some Repairigtde ags to Aind all oilier Ctanned Gooads at propor-titontate pice of '~' roc,3 aiSre S 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. I UNIVERSITY NOTES. The freshmtan lits will hold Lo-IARQG4 - 1H10JSE, ui Look trfv-etei soracyvstn ial in Grangera Hal, Saturday eve- WITH SIX LOTS Windowt I tolls setools. Wing. Thse freshmoass glee cltub will Q oi° abut he enir h meo hve om-fturnishlthtlensusic. -at-y- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Th aPthT-e sttO sitos tv ~ ~ T iso iDelta Phi fraternity swl A Is-erso isittll Ctics-sitvfty 1 th menedth ir or i prctca str-Iois ns'iatcttcft s--t- ittiissone-itf setei i ruol n PatclSt-give a bansqoet to-nighot to Jttsttce -etc-s-el ticot cst o ose. A seryt -si-ce lIs- 10. Slier, toctyti 01 ti-c is t re I 1ol I ird-i TARS gcry. I~~rowntsofthoe United Slates Sutiremse floorft- ds-51nc0e hall rt sit e rsi-i oost. Wioild s P o.S oti w y e a iigo tlet e x(' isllellt it-eicfo ocity ltics e tod s, hProf.lScot saweaslasssing Court. cSt elral bof eetthe msemnbersofhsisyct. DES. slolIesu o tctIi lae iefclyxiib rsn atnd re- 56 West Liberty Street, 1101 0RbAN Co., toay.spondsimp islronmltustoasts. S. RKISE, AAlellolt, wil MICH. -tins ret us tstice brownss will lectre tivice a A special train will rats Irons clay ots Admsiralty to thte sesior anod ' 1 ati to Jacksson thsis afterstoots A NTA p g. lawt.tocry rm - disc The irograms for the'96 tscryoociasltlet, ls - 0 n}) 0T v8,i1g1aeileso i nster-coliegiate Pelil-ilay at thse latter NV F : i.4m.Q 1; tsty J tot-lac.Thfieldl-day begins tbis -CALL ON--- s afternoon and ~lasts utlStra - __ s) .3;is 5 Hatrcard cots front Prinscetonton atrsos , r--- - ti MOentorial Dat- its aitattdfoughot game use trots antsel Clbsof thIocW G .[ XI\. I 'Ja b V 5s h a sore ofsto S. 0t s . - , ii artin st-as at osorb: ontt te Ati- -leic 1-ild ycsterday afternoots fot oIRST N IO N _L B.A NIij thtefirsItttice since Isis illisss. OF1'A,, is AtlOts. All sesior lasto sshIo expect to Tralissis X,' Sais-s - s i zrId-o Proflits, 1-(is-t eralloate are requnestedlto Itand its soot-siF-<- silt tsof siscredist iroc-sced thteir dilomna fees inmmsediately. tueex iscistSturay natnin o'loc S. W. C E sosx.cashier. Stsdy tmorniingatneo'lc te nior isswl meet at the gyns- DANCING and DEPORTMENT. nasium to sit for a groop picture. DG l\I'V1I'Q C D M Today te men on the track team A E1MYwill do their best work at the Ath- The bsuidinseiallessilattby Mr. Granger latic Field before going to Chicago. to be fosund is the State.MT.LH.Wlewilgvar- Office. Center Entrance, 6 MAYNARD ST. ception to the Woman's League to- S Send $125, S2,aor $3I50for Sam- morrow afternoon from 3:30 to fitoc ple Retail Baa by express of o'clock. the BEST CANDIES in America. Pat up is elegant bones sand strictly pure. Suitable Car Tane itzpatrick was at the PRESENTS. Express charges fedadgv h boys rpi.eert l Ciao etraTry it ances. Address, their last pointers before the bit Ci . F._OINT~i, tCetioner, ill EState Street, e t Chicago. CH5ICAGO, ILLINOIS. mcla Unicersity wiiilsnot soeet ag-sin ttio -year, owing to exanminations. Of- ficeers have been elected for ntext The ]Leadina Tailor, year. Thsey are: presidenst, I-. F 1isher; vice-presidenst, K. C. Sul-l cs ss 15is-1o1'x iii >5iunu .'cSiT,'rio s 1 iso 5 etiic srsisszco~t. Ittsc irsittao can; secretary, 0. L. Dat-is. s se -onslt. to !?issiitircity -is Thte folloswing prograns sas ren- tered at the Webter society nmeet- His. i E. WansiagtonsS., Near Mlain. -ing last es-ening: Declamation, J. A. Titoworils; essay, D. E. Edwards; X '-X oration, WV. J. Landman; impromp- tu debate, aff., Mensrs. Phillips and and Grosbeck. r lIb l& - The fourth game of the inter-class Clapital, $50,000. surplus andI Profits, $17,00o. Does a general Banking business. pays is. -series will be played to-day at the terest an Saving Dieposits. Has safety Diepasit Boxes Car Rent. athletic field between the junior and R. KEMPF, Pres. T.F. B ELSER, Cashier. senior laws. This game will be one ______________________________ of the most closely contested of the 0. K. BARBER SHOP. 5 series. Scott and Koenigstein, and IN tONNETION, Griffin and Crawford will be the TiuShwr bs.e orea S0E. wasbisgtan St. J. R. TSOJANOWSIKt I opposing batteries. IS Baths Car $5.0i.