THE U. OF IM. DAILY. THE LATEST AND BEST SEE SHOW WINDOW FRIDAY. Asrrmen' of NEGLItEE SHIRTS in the City. HAVE YOUJ SEEN 0O01R TEW spil RAG TOC? Ittia a tpeadit taing of Sit and Overcoats. Etoa Valut at Lw Prc, WadhamS Ryan & Reule. Ann Arbor Savings Bank 2] Years in the B~usiess, Ant Atmr Men Cpitt Stak, $5tt00, CITY LAUNDRY, Surpus, 815t.0ttt Oreanieotunder the GenentltaningtLas e . ,Seabolt Xo4 PT.F rito. ot thin v/te. aeeies t ooeait, bsarndnr Bet1l rxcheaeane on erniepl citie et thr t3icdotautest. I/aten cached pn proteN GmrtthottO ov, eon., ht Ii00/tar, so tax v. itaeto naho1 Le ,t ooat'y. .,,--~ ~ ) c icSatv a rtori tad trt/a. _.r.w n GOB. 4//o a r , Beaie hoe a . Jh .YEH S ,H , 7 C acy St, tato0 Mao' .. OF'A. (ALENDRl. p t s7 f io;. , 0/0une 3 .- . o1.sti/ . of ll. t at le /tI/ic ait/ e,, 3oor -46 '0lit oroin, Grono r-.alt aot ~,Sn.,Juneor4.Nrahro'y iHatItot/oe to a~ ~~~~~~~~- 1. _______________ rot, StitoutoyronSon s Mc.' R ANjDA JjL On the Track of the Tief. FINE PHOTOGRAPHS Thec new Victor "lyr" stoln MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! from lloward Coffin last Saturday 00enst Hrae atret, afternoon lan not yet been recovered, but thoose ho have undertaken to HAVEEANDN tranceA e it believe thttey ae m H asEPATsItN clew to work upon. eoncaYOURT1 An. The tleft of Mir. Coffin's wheel in 0 see-sconc one of te boldest that has been EA S61et San perpetratetd hr Ihis year. Last 0 6 oppcoutHO~e, fall some doena or more weels were stolen, tis season tre or more lave mystriously disappearedl 990and lhe ime lan conme whlen wheel- men realize that it in dangerotos so A Great: leave a bicycle standing around anywhere, and they propose in this ~ R~F K VI'~ case to ferret out the thief by means ~ of a detective. To help Mr. Coffin 1 * 'rice and to protect tlhemelves, a fund in i) ri bsteing raisd.'t'hree subscription papers, in the hands of Mr. Stabler, I. G. Irettyman and R. N. Gor- We aeofsoring one entire stoch of LAWNK don, are being rapidly filled up. TENNS aool PORING oOD atTihe Overman Wheel Co., toe man- ufacturrs of tec Victor, offers a re- mnufacturers' wholesae cst. All neon wardl of $0 for thoc arrest and con- viction of the thief, and are using Racetsnelded DO'T ISSTHECHACE'every effort n their power to dis- cover ome trace of thoc wheel. GEORG W AHR Ball games on Tuesday resulted GEORGE ATAHR, as followos: Harvard q, Princeton 8; Williams I, Amerst o; Minnesota i, University _ 2 S State StI Witconin 13, (exhibition game); Booktre,St Minnesota 7, Wisconin q, (league ttgame). A SURPRISE PARTY! -iHE W M~ COLLEGE CAP1P at WORLD'S FAIR t'ootoo orl tI ioiet, tileor ot.tot t, 0 tu.rrihi'~.00 per wiekot or ftcoo, in - TH(-'E ARiJIUS,- PATRONIZE OWEN'S BARBER SHOP!N Sen/or Notinas. Seniors desiring Commtencemenct itnvitations shoutldnmake the nutmtber wanted knowvn to the Invitation Committee at once. Adldress thte Chairman, t r Jefferson street. The '93 class ta-c will have to be pain before :June o, in order to ob- tain invitationas and give thec com- mittee time to arrange for the in- ception. F. H. SoIToo, Treas. Annoucement. There will be an election of officers of tlhe S. L.. A., Sateurday, Jutne 3rd, 9 a. n., roota A. 'There wiii be a list of all members of the association at the meoetiog. So tlhat the ptresentation of the ticket wail1 not secure a vote. All who boughat tickets will be entitled to vote:0 IV. IV. GRIFFItN. BUSINESS LOCALS. 10QLJLEAR S, just noortlo of then tost- office,loan tire best /h//ks, e/arri/ages, andct iorses inte tioety. 'Try lhi//. tf Coslege noen /apprecia/te it goodoltintg owhen th/ey see it. Last swenic L. 1). Atowater, Matoager of College Campoloat ti/n World's Fair senot ouot is first eir- eciloro, /and1ti/n secod clany receivedl ordlers for lodlginog, ore runtonitngton fol- lowtss: "Jus/t receiveridor circu/lar of oCollege ('a/op. Will wnot a tent sC/t,. aboutt Jouly lot, for to weeke or more." Thre Camnpi h//s or/e of tire best locationos ito Chicoago. Write to soome of youor friet/ds on th/e GO/sr/la or Roiler Cl/tirn tt thre ft/ic/rI I//ave tisenm lorok it over. Students, Attention. St/dentsta esiritog to I/aven ty clotties mad/e before vaeationo wili consu/lt tl/eir oninterests by eallinog otn Mr. linac, 010 tionGoldeni Eagle, at thoe Coso/ Htouse. 'lThrsday, Joone 1, he oill have sonmeeiooicee toveties inlsuommer stuitings anod goods for full dress wear. You call order how, and have (loim delivered to you at your pleasuore, anod always sture too get the most stylish ett at a savinog of from $50 to $15 on a suti. Give limeta call. ExcelsiorLa T--n rv '20 00 /0STII 0'') N ST:.tE . Good Work0a oj r 03. 00100/gil 0d0fo Nattore's Inrant is opet o cyclersr 'Tie Cnttolomia o o'le'r goes everywhlere i/o permant t roto reto - Coolumobias are guar- atnteeol. A/ll Abouot Coon io ,--Oree,0 't oolumiaoout ces Co., Bosotono Neok, C, L~o. 4 01 V0 . Wash/iontot Street 'roa '.21 WELL, YES, SottLto SAY Titni W NE Sitesit AN "liPa- GOOD13S PEED'S UiL L AND COM~PLETIE LINE SPORTING SHOES, JLST1RECEIIVED. GOODSPE.ED'S 17 b. MAIN S)TREET.