.THE U. OF M. DAILY. 1'Oi lohed Daily (8 to hyS seepte) darin The Coloee yar, by T E U. OF M. 1NDEPENDENI ASSOCIATION ID advaceinorle eo-o s 3rets. 5thtcilt- teno may he left at the offiet of te DAMPY, at hiottot, owith any ofteedtorsao authied olicitors. Caomouneations should reachth te ole y 7 otielt P. st. tt they are to appeae tie neat toy. Addreess all matter intemded totrpttbliea- tioe to the Macaging Editor. All bttsinems commncionoaashould he teat to the Bost- nesManager. THE U. of IX. DAILY, Ann Arbar, Kichb. EDITORS. C. A. llI'moNl,f aiw .t, oeeginvEtd.itor. E. K. teli,, to. 'ti:. Ai-toat Nolott. .ot'itto 7.1.t.1rsi :lttt. ti. r0. . 01 O , it. "94, 0-iI 01 CM.i1.m~v. lit.10Aul.lticoldit-. S. W. C110o1-, . . 0.Lit.,. iiet 'Manaer. 1It HIC ,zto.'.itt i",- 0-i-tu t ITERA0 Y.1L1W , lily 1.. .0Ic tt.' , A W.L - oi 'j I. I I ho-I. .tEW~ DE N1111A L. t .Co I < t t .0C1- tisit !i All,1opym ii -f1be0t11111.o1iCe )'i(tt :i<.ti of1 1he 11 y o tbi"i' 0 _ '5 SRestrictive Amendments With-I Ydrawn. The lost two amendments to the constituion of the S. L. A., puth- lished itt the DAItLY May 4, hovt been wvithdtlrawn by the mover, ond thoeyefoye cantott be voted on of the meeting of the altociation. Thete aye thie amtendments whicht restyictedl cantdidates for certain offices to stul- dentt who have been here for a cer- lain lime. AtV. AV. GIFINl, E. II. Harritmao, '92 lit, who it at prehent temporarily at te head of the Fenton high tsctool, will next year be in charge of thn Scientific Department at Coldwater. DR .LtttPihI IlO 3TEItAN, Cedatrville, N. J., Sas-toof Horsfbrfd's Acid Phosphate. "I have uisedi it for sevetral yealrsott otnly ftt oy prectiee, btut itt my 0o511 fit- dividoal caseO, atit cotnsidter ftitiuder till cireusnto~lces tne of the beat Iterve toties that we possess. For omenital ex- htaustion or toverw ork it gives rentewedl strettgth atttlvigor t h niess tem."oteett eaa A moot exeelletat anid agteeable totie attt lappetfeer. It itourioltet anittnvig- orates tlie tired brttin anad body, imt- parts renewed enea-gy and vitality, atid ettlivetis the funetions. i TAN:SIIOES. -Pices, $.S, 4.00, ',;,J.00. 48 SOUTH Sl AIN STREET~, - - ANN AR BOR.U sP Jy®s~IT1 pn 21 S. Main Street. WAGNER & CO. a . 11Time Card 0 inl ct Sunday, il y1, 1W41. is the LEADINGSCocOOn OR BUSINESS. nMtg- nif1i01ent1bui0ldinglneteachlers;large attendace; ONNOT1 go1d1d ilno; superiorworke; wellsupplied readinlg N 1 n .pes*... i1>a n 10101 dolly l-turest; Sturdeayevninglllrleetiotlns; .1iOllCl~O0 . 11. open th notire yna;enlloinecl graates ingreO e -i tv110.0l00s'rAnn1Abor10Ceom..t.. .1li- deandol; thotand grtes anlltt seepositiots; N l.a boalland I'alooeae r....... 415p.m 1log expenses tl.tctt2.lte wee i priate fact.CIG OUH toeecraettFor ct ATL~xadLit;ofhStudentswha1115 C0 mtoepositions front weeto ee, address No.1. ai-l and Fstooo rl ....e.111510.111. F. R.oCnEAY.Free. No,.4. and, 111lioyteoo ......11 . 1. N.0.. 7111111 1001 lttomolion ... 6015a. to - $ i 'Daily e-xcept0Sunday. F'irs'(Trains 3Satdti r111between 11Atnn Arb~or till 6 Ftrot .oos atrd Warratnted ilToledo only, 0dai10, excet Su nida-. N 0 Cl ey Wtty. Othoer tratins doily 1001111 Sunday. E { Fee.W . H. IaENNELTT', Il. S. (itFlbEIl COD:, Geo.tPass. Agetnt. Local Agent. S 14E1E$ItA Ns & C MPA 01 01000 C lNIP1)1 ITisi very implortafnt that thte seo- ioro pay thteir class tax as soon as possible. Mtemtbers of the class shoutld not be s0 negligent in this matter, as it is very estential to tlte nuccess of thse setnior reception that these be paid early. IT itsnweil knoswo fact that the Lecture association is onse of the msot inmportant institutionss of thte U. of M. It is an organization ftn whichs all sttudensts have an inteyest, thuts it behooves every holder of a ticket to be present at thse election Saturday nmorning, atnd choose sucs officers as will bent carry ouit thtewoisltes of the whole student body. Aa a whole we have had a good courte of lectures this year anidqwe will expect and want as good if not a better next year. So the thing to do is to put io able men to nmake the choice for on. A Farewell Program. The Jefflernonian Society will hold its last meeting of the college year this evening. A very interesting program will be rendered, opening with tha inaugural atddress of the new president, 'T'. R. Best. Miss Laurene Corbin, of Ypsilanti, will sing three vocal solos, entitled "Bobolink," Village Noon," and 6Wind and Trees.'' Miss Isabella M~axon and Miss Minnie Ferre will favor the society with recitations. 'The rett of the evening will be de- voted to five-minute farewell speeches by the senior members. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. i I Dreriptive Ipampllet freeont apptlction to1 Rumford Chemical Works, Provi- dence, RI. tlBeware 00fiSubstitutes aand Imlitatiolns. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. HENRY HAUG Tleneherad noloit,Guitoar, OBtnio and l Mast- dolic. Studio 0t WtC5ET S wiUSIC 000O1S, Rooms 3t45..0State S1. A. ~ ~ il -)" Did/lhliora-c. ancor ~iace Par/eridqe ' Co.a iMgasiuip5 LaWq1 Teiplis andJpace jali Goods. ASK OR WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. Thin Space Reserved for ?.G. SMITHI ON 00. WtboloardlAee. atnd Slate Stret, DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. ANN ARBOR f GlEAM LmPLY 1Co. 230 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. E. S. SERVISS, - MANAGER. N O T I 0 E.-,To STUDENTS and Citizens. Don't senidot of toots tnr Catndy whe ynuncan getiaust an gnndat RE. Jolly & C.'n. We dontlcharge for style, hot give it tn yna, and thlat in nne-half. Hot cnd cold lncates at cit Soars of the day and night. R. L. JOLLY & CO., No. 26 South State Street. HOT LUNCHES And th-e very choicest Candles' *.TUTTLE'S~ 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. VICTOR CYCLES~ You naall know them. Call and sete m at M.. STAEBLER'IS Cycle Emporum, 11 W. Washington St. RENTSCHLER, hoto r aphe r COYiNEiIMAIN AND HUR-ON STS. Thtis Sitce eerved for the GRIANtD OPERA.. HOUSE. GIBSON, PHIOTOGRAPHER NO. 12 W. HURON ST.