TPE U. 0OF14. DAILY [I ~ ~ A FINE DI8PLA jj)0 j) jM $1 \V 1iT 1141. fre ist1v: Sto w i slaly re'urn your, money. Everyboy is atisfiedso far AlEegntiyiilniosled and Ricci i Phae . r".May. V>ILSEY, - The l plc Dealer. I ' T 1 EJJrA - (.1 ~WE MORE B50K STORES NO- 6 SOUTHjMI SRE CiiNT7 VATIAI) ST1RESTELT0 -- NAND .. CRoNEziR' OFIT 7 STT IYL) ILI IY JY1',sI ic.i i ' 1 s.3m r ig J Or P ic' ' s Low as Lnhe ,Lowest. REMEM~BER THAT YOU CANBU al a Wia Fle, t -s anTalor, otlpoolte ti;,La' 1 l lli onOl Williamt-st.,lirst Itolor west of Stalte-st. . t sc I colpct l . 5Suits to order ai lIlelillty. Al101 irloa, 1 ke > Rierside I 1 1 - . 0 1 o ft ?- )"°y p011511sl, - ' " 111 1IF 'YOU AVANTT(O 21. cl F- - .1Primrose '1 m5o L 01abe Shore," - - - " 5s1.t 0 orhavesomeRetipliring 1d0ne so to And all other Canned G0011s at proportionlite price of Wqi . ArnoIJ,36 Main street BICYLES- 44 Maims Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. VilYo Lok I UNIVERSITY NOTES. A. L. Mulirhead, assistant in J4AhQ1 - 1OUS E W ill You1Look1 1l1.1111-ol12..he re x feas niateria medica. was the recipient WITH SIX LOTS Inlte t i °lit of the11 111 ile " l1111 so1w1"11 of a valuable surgical instrumtn :0A trS o id w ttlo se fban astepicpld~, fo h ls nTlaei \ e i it 'Ihe Poard of Regensts n111071 Pri- The concert tihis evening begins 11111 10 1111 .1Io1111or1111 ~1li 1111 11 1111 lf I GUITARS '(lay. A-lt S. C. A. receptioni Friday, Junie PR ICES. 2 at the Ba .ptist church lparlors. Uniisersity of 11110sriefeated tPerdue ' 1112ANN ,A R ORGAN (1)_ C., Uiiiversity yesterday by a score (If 51 o111111 01 t,11 100. 7, lit lDr. Loibard wvil1favor 1the clas liy Cli GA ~t n yi11logy wi1t111 a1sta~r chamblier 11111 1i. 11% ? .0 1 1 .1.'111 1 1 111105 1 ~ ~~ ~~ 5 11110111 11 t er88.'17 Concert this oevening -. 1---- 1110 s at 715 'he librttos 1107 Sp. 5j= f r l e e t a h Dr. Nio.81sr 1 '11 ne11 to iii 10010- . klee to 001111a1111101belfore ti e '01- 11. 0 1 11n11111 l l icul Associti11n1. Iinl I~r, A~a ]' rof. Kiowltoin gage a very in11ev- FIST 'si'ONA LANK01)1 1lecure oii thll'" Jurno1 11 J. p==".t i._, 1 . Le lil ti 11rnts 1107 l d n ioftile Je«'s," ilonlday 11igh1. 0 . gIF~iL . lintirl '11 111. 1 1111 lifr- ii uaccounot oftile Clioril U 10)0. 1 r1o1a111 d. 01111 Pils 1 10 1, P101001 j1concert there will be 1n eetinlg 1o S.1. (001soicashier.1 the Demnocratic Club until Ililirs- DANCING and DEPORTMENT. clay evening. AI"11~-I~IRIT Dr. Yutdy, lecturer in osteology, GRAN ER, ACA E~yhas decided to leave the University U alillaoril~ adterclosrie prcthiscolegeyin. The buiatithescloselof bthinbcollege year, inclsudes his, familyr hsm,s and coat~ans tir!adetr rvt rctc. H n fnseastadbest arranedroosfor insttsali ed lct io uxCtyna ts bresod lotie State.tedtolceSiuCtyIa Office.,fCanter Entrance, 6 MAYNARD ST, The Cheqoamegon Orchestra S Sand t. $1 asor$1150 for Sass- played at the senior reception of the pie etail tinsby expreaa at Normal SchoolYslni atSt u the BEST CANDIES inAmerica. Ysiati ls> St eat op so etegant boxesaand ud vnnadaesc o atrictty pore. Saitable tarorday eeig angav cigoo PEESENTS. Expresschargesa aifcinta hywr m i * prepaid. Refter to all. Chicago.saifconttthywr me- Try it ease. Address, Y~lT C. F. GUNsTHER, Coafectioner, ately engaged to play for the j unior 212 State Street.,nda ili-tiCHCAGO, ILLINOIS. reception adlunmni dinner. I at 7:4.5, sharp. The libretto of the weork wilt he on sate at thle huhl to- nligh~t; also at Catlins' druig-store and1 Cleiments' t0110c-store. lPrice ten cents. W8ord wsooreceived froim Professor H-udsoti a short tne 080 that he hadi seeured, for thse library, fronthtie tFrench governioci t, a 110rtionrsoth -III 110 -N . sap . Lt100e I11,1 1 il1I1lin mak 1111 II OClI It pl E'I(It0 11-'1010101 111MoIl-,. 5,-(1 West ibert'y Street, S. K-P7AU'SE, ANN-,Ain.lon, Micff. great collection entitled 1 Docu- - ' -- menus inedits 0110 1historie de t'rauce.' The v1)1111117, 62Il1111j(,. T-I ATII "" her, 0170e forwvarded 1110011. ii theo. G I ""V I... L nu litllsoii.In stitu11101, a1. I r. - 1117 the library last loCello The Leadling Tailor Menmorial serv ices at the 0011 ars- large crowdo. The nusic by tile most1 i-- ,1 111to1-11111 llIlie1(ity 111 school children was aniniated 0111 augutrs wvell for future loyal citizecns. NOa 21E' Washinghton-St., Near Main. The recitations were weell rendiered. T he orator of the even1in Rev. rxrttzxzrzcr ari W. Gardner of Albion, denon- strated the truthi of conmmander Scssions' statenment thlat the speaker tk maw l $ of the evening was one of the best ~ 1orators of the slate. Attention was capitol, $50,05. Surplua and Profitse,0fos. Doars a geaeral Sankiag buasies. Pars ia. Lcalled to the difference in the early terest en Saving Dlepaaitn. Has safety consitutonalconsructon wich t. KISPOepasit F SeBxes tar Seat. costtuioalcosrutin hih . E Pares. at. S. BELSER, Cashier. culminated in the civil war; to the Bank__ open__Saturda___evening. _ financial condition of the country at o .B R E H P -opening and close of the wvar; and 50 tONBARBtRt SHOP r that the social questions settled Fine Shower Bath~ubss New Porcelain { have been settled for all time. a30E.Bahieartont. J.. RANWK 4 t