-THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Dal'y (S znaes excepted) during Heydrick, e1f the Co'ise e ear, by Os-5i bhp1) THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Mtc'lll-cee. 21 2 RT 115 FSTE RV --- - - -- - - - - :31 1 - 0b 0 -- - - - -- - - - - 4 1 2 tI 1 10 .1--------- 30 1lb 1b -} - - -- - - - 4 0( 0 (} '? 0 0II I i --- - - - - - - -4 b0 I0 8 0I 0 ----- ----Y 1 1 ;3 1 0 -----------4 1 0 0101 TAN SHOES.-Prices, f=3.50, ,44.001, J.00. 48 SOIT'I'H MAIN STREE'T, - ANN ARBtORk 11112 cocert tonigict is one wiliCh every student should hear. Our great rhorns has lalbored long and card to make it a sarress and from nil reports tiley have burceedled. Sincre so mcuchc timce andi money has heens expended to give the students a treat tleyshcouldi not fail to ar- cepit. __________ Ye College Editors RMeer. ll~cebiil.7of blle W stern11P11s1 Abssu.im 111 litbib Iparionb Io-tie F nIvbei- l!' l I lll l oySc blr- dav, was 1- C(}?'c e Ii tIc 2111b- lm5 itl lb l,:,, - NrSc-___21 F Toi2i1- }3J2 SCORE IBY INNINGSb S'PR'pGfl SUIW .e pEfldG{ -"I21 S. Main Street. WAGNER & C0. Tomcorrowv evening, at Gransger's !aradency of Dancieg, Mr. Granger- starts a class for a shcort termc of A O E O ._ lessons, preparatory 1o the Senior Receptioln, Ja~ne 17. Friday ltce ', r Law social cilh givue a plarty, and on 3 72 Satburday ev~eingbile i rc-slicalltits ;- cold thir-isocial. 111 1ce 1t lt i 1111.11A111 r11 -111111cr 11th11'EADING 1 1 11 -OF-BUSINESS 1-11 7)7 cclccc I1iPt'.SCIctIllel at 1111 1all G S VIc i 1,11 ' . QN..111 -'1 Calm 1 i' 1 1 dIIl- I I ------- (ClI-c ford, . ------ '1111 ii' -- -- -- -- -.} _'tI. 011 1 2 i> 2 Q 1 3 i") E7 100 0 4 (t 2 -1 If; x AJIIW p o G IKAP HY Cycle Emp~orium, 11 W. W511ingtaon StN.1 I ~~