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VOL. III.-NO. 1 7 4.
PRICE, Tat., EE OllrYrs.
WE LOSE IN THE ELEVENTH. !ints'glhe pitched a strong game, and( GRAND WAGNER CON'CENTI
___-his hatting tlct the team. Btest in
Cornell VWins the Second Canto byI left field made a fine ronning catch. Lohengrin and the Flying Dutch-
aC01o.e Score in an Eleven Ima n, Rienzi and the Meistsr _ { Q
Innings Game. Taylor cauglht a good game, singers.
-- The runs were made as follows: &
Michiain'.sgreat annul h aseblat 'For Mihgniaisnisyision otpersotns wll lie sap1riciaflPT V
- sossi 5 p fireist11111n~n
'snilarisi (okanows thaseo h -i -s' 1 iIKo ht tile cost of --11m1" this ;-.j i
bast fr 1'~ ek vr
studientIhs encoisokingforowaidl to
this civcot, assipryig froo
cosilsi andeve-ssng lsetha
coldheptics. e haihasa uc
vsains. Nvrwstca more hcisi
tfl da c y hisir'scbasllandtao ose
failed to tuaeairantage of it.laos
stpecial train-loads of studlents, num-
hering in all ahocti fiteena hunrdrer,
went dowtn to Detroit to see the
game, a large nsumber heing ladies.
The yellow and hliue sas esery-
whsere, so thtat it was diflfrstlt to de-
cide whether it was U1. of Al.t cay
in Detroit or Mtemorial Day.
The ganme was calledl for 3 p in.
atID. '. C. park,'sod hy that houtr
isver tone thsousanad people hsad pasit
their entrance fee and pased sintoI
the gsrouns.tai Bollsgr'sad sttaad
hieachser s wetetpackcd, 'sdithsie
crosirdcextndedlelisenstirea distiancej
Karoundaithe iei.idK, civesn' it'srferitsg
awitha tsefielders.aMichigsnsatauicis
oustcidlCornell iniiiumbrsh , andout han
h.of. rs yelI li aadthtes.soundscofca
lisa 1horas enti lsironses thti
slicers of thsc sucfroI05fthaiiaa
Thlisalsie was a ntss I il n
fromissa -rito iinsas . Ciiil1 all is
hard atitIe einnin, adsaots
cnofatsie fis. ininsgitloe i
Ki srething so fr the neicico!);o
-utMhignsba £ts on
isa thixts n idtesoe
si foss- in t " ic i s a scii°e n o 1:
Chearsaycllsand 'soils oundaof t141
horns rdrownedacltlaevoices ioi tlse;,
players. For a tines iitsedsis if
Priest wouil he ktaoclkecl out of ltsa
hox, Pitt ita the sevettlhla settled{
down to work again, asad for lisa re-j
oaainder of tlae gansehits were f
For elevena innings ,Mietigatn
played a good fielding ganan. Craw-
ford's hack-slop work was fine, as
was Spur~ny's playing at second.
Smelttzer made some of the finest
steals ever seen on thse grounds.
Krogman pitched a steady game,
hut was plainly not equal to Priest.
Priest certainly won thse game for
Cornell. Excepting the sixth inn-
1nij o isa Vry ti' hast class Cif sy'ran
on Sisis csscrifce adl hllioo one--
'su_ the csl'p pscsi. osn s itios
( "i slsasi5 k5l ansItliisictan.swho pli'si' it Imus1tibe
tcirest Rushsel s alt aa isasknt i a iasaclcn
thretaIifomsotsofao i cc'tathatnsanlar has tat ic e-sicist'han i m lot.,4, , ~" o . 8- 5sstia ais r et
aSeltan tianedSelscamto highADETonT, - M lt(A
sintd.useinlnylisut ato lftoerd ts as aee of il risedtagon-U
to left 'soilcanachomsonm sacrifices the putt of Professor fitatley to .hnniSriih Qc.
bsy Spitzeer'art Steltzar astaetake the lprostuction of sucsh ' NCGARTTE
Corell scorecrtisothe firs t ok 41Is toa ahcosits ag c%,esmiiker s who
Neil taking hose ottbah's5stcaling Aeric'alho wouslrt s/tiussdertakea r =it a ittrie
secondr, taking'lu thdosisingle liy Is',gle(Iis seoeannserat eailyi nwillifinr
11. Taislosrtandthomson errstbha nhataishreidontthlsafisigars of ne l thx iiisurisor Is
l andtaRutiOlsheateshadartifIis slur 1 TseR ishmnSta ight
Rusell Irs <tirettniersie ma enrom5te bright-
'i( is te fact thai Iesa c .ss >t -' im'salrssy tfsrornet ant Snim t ost s
z\- in sini lisasetcondt as 1 5 tao meni 'loi siI sit g~out'siii Virginsi a i i rheold
ohen P o iia al Iatstoo, itawoulid iot hae iossihl" 5. isinis Irs an ' Sc Sraigt i g 'anrittes,
sO~t l5 sas to cl i n s , fot anys a n05550 ire siih a sosicert d iii'. li auiiiOs s sunt ilin..i ;in .0t
Isa tshc thissd GitCri1lcl addtaao nure sI s silhofl~aou creliar the A IT riasi oC.
ruso t lis aoe MG, cii s ah not of lisa finsalcharacter. IThose .tnos ti Sots - - lRihmuo. ix I. ii
ssingle,'Youngsmsenat hins so secosslnd loiac itsroiesss h ii
bsy listhotsaidsanicerd a bhon t sotI ftsIho.i iis s l ir
11 'silors as'csrsicer, J.Taylorlbrouglh~t gos r ctiIcs shcltsi sasd
III susti siris byyascleats lilt to tellf ts. umu sitcal ciwcia'sfttiiIls
ion ell l'siles tho score of gin till 1 ssas tsothneii 1 siosiiso
>; inlc wehll sa ni -5 ii -
J IafoadPetbtfaldto
recu'ist hisebtits'ced
1il ''sis n 's's'I a Irattling thsseccin's ec.
IsIIIthe le enth s isa onth
; snc .as followsa iso ~ t dasan
single to sassier, bidshsacs I iouIon
fly- to tisdi tisa.Coner15seent
Iciest to second hya a ingeatar
Mlcceit scot rtd tumNav1iisthathree
hagger 1to1rit enritst lamann
f xietarowisos's Ssi ns al'"
ccll, d ssilr in( t she Asi's tr-
tiot lit us Coi.'asnimusic store. Ptr5ce
ne docila1ri 'ilhey miay alsain tn
hotist at rise IMlll soss thenis It of
thes cosncert.I
ThelcIsloariig is lsth rarog
i.I. in
ii i r P. J. KINNUCANO
It. 5'1555.5 l~tnhiian--ri . Dileha. M ERCHANT
IS~rs. lr Johno
Fiasaeir SienaOr- Btishiii.
elst ra "Soloiis---- Miss FrinesA. zlr
IMrei nich mll TA T
T (1 U~
reisrise. 'sis.
--litnrr s's--.
Smutlrrr, r. f..
! hisirtir. f.----
Rtichi, bi ---S
Jetleris, 1 b----
Russiiel .f---
ldrsamsii. p...
'rafrts'i, c-.--
5 2i t t 50
4 4 0i 0 0 2
IAt I .dOatacid Scemrnes'. IIL1'
it:. tLsiirgrimi-_ I Art tI. Etca's tBridal MarcS.
Andt I. Introdinand siA AND 1 It's' '55 0
Eisa -----------Mrs. enerrsJshiisose itasop.
Ortrud---I-----l- iss tFraincrs A. Taiylor.. f - - "
Lohenrin------.--t- r. Edwaisrd C0. Toiwnie.
Ferdiniandi---------Mr. Heinrich Merit.
Iing -------------- Mr. Silas It.Miiis. 55 W_ TFORT 'Sw.,
IV. Mteiter-Singer. ." ". --relude.
Orchetra.Detroit, Michigan.
[Concluded en third pasgn.l