THE U. OF M. DAILY jqA FINE DISPLA Y io 3iR$i x I1$ TIhe Nini is :top sill putlalfin edg-, io n i uicker han ny oher.if ysouie notstisfied ofte using he lStrop~ we willi gladly rs sin your mnecy. Eerybosdy is satisfied so far out of nore thansioopnshser s. Calkin's Pharmacy. G At 42rs, Jta5t1jost lor TMarekoizs,Vtiois, Etc. All Liegrnt fly iishedciiand Rich is Tone. Weil lose htinlg for Summse «-ese. Vou Wsntole. WLSEY,- The Music Dealer. ______ _____AND CORNER 01 STATE AND WILLIAM STREsETS. TEEM.NS GOODS AND HlA MMOCKS',. 0.0-2 tocf -,vill b found. Complete and Our grices as Low as the Lowest. . a-.a I d41A I WlyREMIEMBERTHATYOU CAN BUY '1 J i Q~her Niii, '"Cleiplser Brand"1cSlidl neat Tomcato miortl,1li ( 1Y'c -}mP "olphin - c -c cc-1- Make 3l.Sq8uash, - - -- - 1.10 ceo ~ - 2" Winslowe Carns, - - - - - 1.15 CIAO2 " Prinmrose - - " 13 2 " Lake Shore," - - ' 1.511 Ansd all other Canned Goods at proportionate price BICYCLES. O 'SrUetr0 4 Main Street, South. DEAN & CC per doe. o of c })MPANc . i - _ UNIVERSITY NOTES. Will You1look 55 ' . --L~.The poe;.sigsthatrset len ve Bietokea 0 ese, autunal iweather At 111r1Show Window? It teils Busi nol a sin le singer'5grivCs 'Whenisprng's nansinced Oyrusiset leathe. its own story about lieTueeIusIlad GUITARSTihe U. of Va. won the college GUITAR championsohip of the South 110 haoe- PRICES. ball. The freshmniwconthe class chaos- IIE ANN ARBIOR ORGCAN CO., pionshuip at Harvard, defeating '94, 5t lSotlMi treet5s. 5 1o 2. T EN G '.\extSuniday umorning at chapel, Tf'TTTProf. Stanley unill speake uponl0 Sa- Te Table (lleeisedl November 2Q, 18 2. cred Music.'' Matil_ --- 2 dicouSp cotil080 Saturday's scores :Prinsceton 5 N S.I lied -- sifip!------- t . U. of tP. 4; U. of 111. o, U. of Chsi- Naa ~asl 01fII 5'7'p n cas-o CsAlbionlo5, Olivet 12. 1. N. Fpsiss . SG l. liC-. i 4"8 I s Paultinsa Weiss, '92 lit. eoter- Isil) . I x *l. Ei hiNi h ip.. 5) Ii. It. Ifises rs ii 00 1 sieoFxli's l0a2'istamaed the seinior class of fackuols 5. Sill' 55,tI1 s's. 0. 1'. N _l' ass.: 'seoo. Agte.Arbord '51. Highs School 0n Saturday taut. . , 1A I IAL Dr. Abel left yesterday for B~alti- FIR T N TIO AL A N mosre, 1\d. He expects to sail from OF ANN Alt ORl. Crultl, $IS 01.51 5 leo'sasnd Profits, $1 l~ols. Nosw York for Europe toniglut. Trasats!c eee Cis. anking ho-dnes, or-'floe Deke's and AlphuaDeltt's vieser esoli i-sos l, leterels oceedit peoeed ber teavelers zbroad. PO Ii. played a ganue last Saturday nuorn- S. Ws.CLAKSONa, (Cashir. in~g. Tile Deke's woiu byo-a score of DANCING and DEPORTMENT. 59 ilsano' ls6.hv GRAN ER ACA EMY received their new suits. The LUJYIfornuer are of light gray, the latter The huildingiseceially Issiltby Mr. Granger crimson. iaelades his family homue, aad conansthle fiaest and heal arraaged Canals tee instruction. ts hefCaned in the Stale. Thle freahman were out in their offie.,Centr Entrante, 6 MAYNARD ST. new suits Saturday. The suits are Sen $25 $, r $ 5 fr amof regulation Yale gray with 96 in aul. ple Retail Sax hy expreas- oe black letters. CffT the BEST CANDIES in America. Pat up in elegant haxsn and The final social of the Hobart stritly pur.xsuitable Cor PEET.Epress Chargen Guild will be given on rdy -u prepaid. Reter tn all tChicaga.yi ne-Ades . Teanoneti fr aJun C. F. GUANTHER, tConfeceioner, h noneetfrla 212 State Street, Frida was a miatake. CHICqAGO, ILLINOIS. a The '94 lawes have takeu a new departure in suits. Thse have come out in dark red cvhichu makes a cery attractive ap~pearansce. The No Alpha No's, muedical, de- feated tlhe Sigma Chois, luy, 24 to i9 Satorday afternoon. The feature of tse game wuas the way thoc doctors pounded ihe halt. Owing to tile ball goose at Detroit tonsorrow, Mlr. Rose of tie Colder Eagle Clotthing Co., will not he at thse Cook hoouse, hot u-ill conuc Thursday instead. Thle party of studients wcho riste to Detroit Msonday, cviii start at I: p. m1. from the ma0in0 hoilig sthe poartf' going Tuencdaf- sitl start fr010 the same blare at 7 0. 10. Prof. Knoviton's subject tonigt will he '"Jurisporudlence of thle Jes"s and tint of ne-cl ceek the "'frial of Christ fromu a Lawvfer's Point of Yiew." No admoissions is chuarged for these tswo lectures. In a recent letter received froni Dr. Howell, a1 Harvard, he remarks: "P feel nmore convinced thanever that the nmedical students at the U. of M. go into practice with as good a training as can he obtained in the country." Prof. Dooge wviii give his first ex- amination in Greek antiquities on Wednesday afternoon at z o'clock in the Physical Labratory. Those who cannot take this examination at that time will have to wait until next year as no other examination Ican he given. Call on W n. rulde, the 'I'iliii, opiositie the jLslw l ilctillg', on tisilliaiio-st., jlrust door smust of' State-st. Cleuning epaiuinoa'nileeessn n neatic-lyi,. Sunts inonordera speeialty.- All esurli first-clas. IF YOU WANTI TO B~uy a~&al~1rhClock or have saoue Repairing dneCgs Is WI. ArsjOld, 36 Main Street JLARGE - HO1JSE WITH SIX LOTS A lsa'..e house.,iil sbsutl C isy l.IC..e g1l'ieel irsteicstnafhouC se A'vry ll a ill 'ropiety in \o. ir siape.'eailon third flo ori emdaell oI' iliietd rsum . Si nusi maiske an ecellen lac e feormoioety lisi. 56G West Liberty Street, tS. KRAUSE, ANN Asenone, MTHu. f~n l i7 .0.<..