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May 29, 1893 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-05-29

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'JC. of 1 Tf. XiLv.
Putslisbed Osi~y (Sin says excepted)i during
ACCORDING to precedent the
DAIL iswiillI sot be issued tomorrow,
as the editors will attendl the game
its Detroit.

each felt that a trusly good time wasa
in store for theme. -
The greater part of the afternoon
was spenit in the auditorium, wshere
lDr. liutr cotiducted an "tttnsane A .N O
clinic," whtich was an object lessn --n
productive oif more knowledge to the 1
listeners thtan hoors of barth studyl TAN SIIOES-Paices, $3.50, $4.001, $3.500.
frontr text-hooks. He took tip the
sifferent firms of insanity, anti dor- 48s OU'rj MAIN %STrREETr, - - ANN ARBC
ing the lecture brought in dozens of
these unfortunate people to illustrate -Jl VO 'TTU 1~XQ pndi(
the different typses. The doctor in SP IYt'ILTf.i b.Oin
a clear, forcible aiid entertaining 8ine


IT s eeles t ugeevryloyal on ghly conversant with the subject 21 S. Main Street. WAGNER & CO.
IT isneedlss tourge very of insanity. ______________________________________
U. of st. tian to go to Detroit to- Through the columns of the Dxki i.v _~.
niorrosw. It is the one great base- the class desires to express its heart- I 6R ~-
bail stay of tae college, and every felt thanks to D~r. iHerdman, Supt.
student sholdtt conic out andisl c B lurr and Iis assistatits for the 01p-
snae i a uccss Vie payes xii portunity of seeing atas learning so
mao al i itscespoTver oplaefs ll uchtsof this imtportant subject., g tsE~.ir d alYntherpoertodeea5Nr
nell, ansIwiisback tse laurels lost IL>1,,-.
at Ithlaaa;sandI in noa say catsthey Dature ofTrsaisat AnnArl or.
be so materially aded as by theisteLAIGSHO OF BUSINESS. Rig-
cheers of their ci ilsiaslir feilowv goo s~i instia-,spsrisr wsrk; welstsupplied rsadisg N,5 ii
rooms,;daily lecturess; Satayevenringreceptions; -o. 1. Ma i n Expes55T15 . -
SttiitS opentse tisreyeaComcialgradtessin great Nso.. .ssgur AnasArbsor Aeri 't1i p.t11
do -,saiidtsshorthasni graduts allnit cre o psitions; No. 5. Malunit dtis asssni,r*....- . 5 ip.
_e.Io l AAOU ndLs fSuet h it. EsIisit~tat l3srrsi._1 Cedsarville cae ositos frsa wewessandss drsnscrs aladlzsetagec.....t 5a
yay' esieuts iiscyche every ituident N. J,, sass ot P. 1A. CLEARY, Pos.No.i4. : tatsi ndtEpress -..... -c.Si l;p. Ii
isa teuiversity ran seli afforid Hors ford's Acid $.0, Alf NsO.Tchate.~nsasss.
.p adfhel f2lfl C09 4.0Q esserniStandisdri en.
the trlsaadteIlxi t vhopes to Phspte tip"' Dauity e ceptSundatty.
I-"rivtI - I hatve sisesd it for several years, snot Fist Class and Warti eitn Trains sand usnbstwebisnsiAnns Auessissi
see ccciia arger cow stan ass ears osy nypseie it s a es- 0Toledsoaonly, daily, except5Sunda.
past at the game. Especially should slividuitl ease, ansi cssnsider it ussder till NIEeyWy Ohrmaisn t. ae, p5 isesiny.
- Cersesuistas ne unof thle best inerve wE- y F ie . Gt. Pas. ent. rsAe
the ladies seize this opportunity to tssetss a osss o ietse- S I % & Fene . iie. BENNs. it. L.ocal Aists rO
encourage our athletes. A special haussstiumn nr overwork it gives retnaere
car will lbe reserved for these, and it strenthanid vigor to the esitire Sys-SI EE N n pA I '
is hiopedl at least twvice as niany as iniemi A most excellenst stnd ageeable tussle
previouis years wili attend. atar appetizer. It nurishsensandisivig- ~E555tt GNSiai
- orates te tired brtain and bsody, inm-
Prof. Tayors Lecture. parts renewved enes-gy ansh vitality, tandA.C.asslsn VBia
---esslivensste fusnctissns.A
Prof. Taylor's subject yesterdayI rtb ikn
niorning at chapel seas the 1"Right Ruf l Cskfts/ a$'e~ov2 2 D ison, ,ry JZc " '
~~~~~~~(of Dissent within the Church." He doneeR-. . ~ssc sssdy V(o
examined the squestion froma the iBewart or Substitutes andsIitsiatisons. -
point of justice irsotesdissenter and ALL Gu gasiUm. L.aWi Jeqijis ajd J3ase
the church, ansi fromi te point of FOR SALE BYAL DRUGGISTS . t1 1J)J
expediency. HENRY HAUGI pall Goods=
Die church awieu formsed wvas Teacher asid solosist, Gsitar, Basis ssd Man-
suited to the spiritual and intellect- dolis. StudantAS ORW IEFR ATL U.
nal needs of the tinse. IHouyshlall It51t5s515 IG ROOMS, ste St.
the church adjust itself to the stiint -
of than presenat age? Thin is so he ANN ARBOR RENTSCHLER,
done by the tacit recogniton by1
churches of the right of diasent
withi8TEA LT . LY CD o. h aranher
wihntechurch, since it eniables 1 LfP
the dissenter to preserve intact all 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. GpiiNEltittiN r AND HRtON S-TS.
the relations that have grown out ofE.. Rls, - MNG .
his connection with the church; it isE.3SRV S, - MNGR
expedient, as shown by the past. NO I E To STUDENTS
Trhe Calvinistic churches have made ssdttTIes. ts Tsedofo an s
many practical concessions, and a Ctandy awhes yosteats get justnas good at RE.
large part of their membership is- -- Jolty &i Co.'s. Wva dont eharge tar style, but
made up of those wvho have accepted give itsis yost, and that is one-hair'. Rat and ___
them. Again, it is by such' working 5This pa~cssrved for eold lunchis estsllhaus sofethe day ands night.~
from aithin that the church most ,~, R. E. JOLLY & CO., No . 26 South
T S MITH) 0 State Street-
easlG daps iselltonewthoghtThs Space Reerved for tile
0 -T~odce~dAv.ass State Street, HO LU C E
The Medics Visit Pontiac, DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. And the very choicest Candies.
Last Friday, Dr. Herdman, ac- _____________ ..TUTTLE',S,**
companied by Dr. Breakey and --48- -STAE-STREET
Supt. Clark, took the senior medical 4 OT TT TET
class on the annual trip to the in- -
sane asylum at Pontiac. The com- VI CT OR C Y CLES
pany went in a special car, arriving . You sit hnow turn. GIBSON
at toi a. m. They were met by Gait and seetem at
Colonel Burr, Medical Superintend- M. 1.S siLER's P T G P
ent, in his. usual genial manner, Cyl moim 1 .Wsigo t
giving all a hearty welcome, and Cycle mporiu,21W.WHWashigtonTS

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