Published DOisi -(Sinmay the Cullegespc THE U, OF M. INDEPEND' who would have thot J.]Ii. I lis-N N(;ha to repsresentI the seniD~lr npaeo resigned. ITr is a strange fact .s ailltlhat makes us5 precut; thlose thl igs tis 1 15CC apparet l1 lIlTt <,1 tnI l 11 51 i 10C~ik 't' i0h Ihs Icsoa fall tht. Il-Is y i ( to . 1 ', 1, ". ,THE U. OF M. DAILY. S lege journalism iu the wcest. That d' mucht goodl sill coime from s11ch15a ' m~neetiug goes without saying. The- ' sexscpted) ll d15555Stie is unst far sistanst wvheo college sacr, Sty journalismn in the west still ustnia CA5. . o ENT ASSOCIATION an exampile svell worth thse emuisla- tionsof thte east._ -_________ T NSIOES, -Prices, .$350, $4.00, J5.00. IN O®.-Important Notice. 48OT5 AN TRE - - AWNNARBOR. 1-lba 11 gane,- I desire ito1ca11 the attentiont of the ttht iiilhrs itfte Chioral LUtonto the C1 TV'ZE T'TTTT1'(T floigreasl:de'ellouS itrsslay, (4.5 m p. .Chapel; gentle- G/A ta been elected mselt,6:4.5 1risllv; lissal rehsearsals l 51- orcas cntlay evenintg. I would urge the im- fo ls ntepotrtancie of these rehsearsasls tupon eachs 21 S. Main Street. WAGNER & CO. f L,. A. Strattss, assd every muembser of the csoress. A..A. SSALEY. ltly iiihsretstinI jINE S TOED faill to ftIlls ap-1,Da'- vii l isiiiii331. isItn no tsvCase/ is 1 9T~~ C5'.ss stli iilsllae tpid i-llt ttevtt 1i C iC'ttittb'ltetitltlttsIittitai1IC7t Cs Union and11t1 !tilt lld. lCI5IIC' CC s i LAING .SCHOLOFBUIt-S .BMa I"illi I I 15SF 200,.. 3. t r t 11* s t lviii':: , .. FS , lit, ,i. t L ) A '.t & C AtoJL. #S t'. ,< . y C _.1.31 "Iea slooi ll 11111 of ii>. c ICoIl'i 0111 SUri: . ersily tss 1 IS cson- gress. lhe coliedc ea isft! d~raing 10 ansdl, ainsisousesa11011 shold ~ llbe taken at 0ncC 10 secuie the prCoperC representation at tile lVorldsuCotigress of Uuiversity stu- detsts. THu college joursnal is hecomng msore anil more an indispeosable tihing at every svell regulated college or university. Thse western collegen nsosv coomiare favorably swilsthiseir eastern sisters isn tise sumber and suaity of college psapers. Every day a nesv college publication comes to our exchaoge table, whtich proves conclusively the growing movement in college journalism, which has fol- lowed thse westwvard movement of rapid development. Today the representatives of these college journals meet in Chicago to discuss plans and take active steps to broaden the field of activity in col- This Spbsse ReservedIfar sS lu ir siSOSlu lies D)ETR~OIT, - s-ICHIGACN. -_. S, Sos. V TS-, - !I - ' 1ris NO IC -riHmeNcuGLAND O RFA 110USD. Cand titstyousagtstttsas hoodiat x.h. SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 27 Josly host's. sWetdont'chsarge forstlehut give it 1o yea, andsia st is tae-salf.t usands coldisti('iteessatstll hsa otes day ae d s i h t..ily ' R. E. JOLLY & CO., Nto.26 SouthA _________________________ MIN5t15 5it]Ais State Street. HOT LUNCHES 16 - PERFORMERS - 16, - vesestting 7 DtSlinct Triibe%. I1l- And the very choicest Candles tirt'rhe dhirei tiC of ttessrs. Verts insdl 55a- -Ax r s till 5appear5 inifull naivlse ostme, as =J u cv' le ap redsecial eo e c Slslt'jstY, oieled T Victoria, ,E b* * byv Speeiairequle-st. 48 SOU'5TH STATE STRliET. Price: - 50C, 75C and( 1.00, _______-Secsre Seats at wvatts' Jssslrv Stare. VICTOR CYCLES T toallswtihetism. GIBS c ON, SCall ad see them at M.STEL.~tsPHOTOGRIIAPHER Cycle Emporium, 11 W. Washisgtss St. NO 12 W. HURON ST. 1