q THE U. OF M. DAILY4 PERFUMES? YES.' THAT SHABBY HAT ! ' reivhm l WILL SCARCELY DO IN PANN ASRBOR.. So Good that when youchace ; Ion01ndIhink in the lne f lou are glad to return, and we are certaioly pleased to see yeai, u s e d t h e l a tdo p y o u s t rt o i b t y o u k n o w a p p e a r a n c e s g o a lo n g w a y s . CALKINS' MUSCA az fOD4 I WTT.,LSSHOW YOUTH WE IAZ0T0 STS'EZESi To hy soe l~le LVI WILEY 12] Years in the B~usiness. Excelsior Laundry, 34 S.SasStet.1 ScA le 'oeeec. T,1CITY LAUNDRY. 20Coo 11RO s' IcrT (Secolie cigeoc, A. RBR.IM. M. Seabolt. No. 4N. Fourth St. And delivered. AF. COVERT. Prop. MOORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORE, NIO-6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ?AND (1()-N1ROFSTTV A D I . 11. 11 FTS. ;- eril cTxtl~i lMedical h1oo(ks :, iWla c >Itsl l ( o t.-. )itd l i-,stildent c' N()Be I1k oh-.. lnih Books, stat i ei'v. We h ave aci avre Stock ( ciI iltel anid Essei, rtI lg I nIistriiiielits. Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. -TQITiZTOtOOI7S.- LiOW 010005. LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY! If The Rohester, The Royaol, ancd lhe Perfections'Student Lanps have demn- onstrated that they ie the mlost perfect lic--ict of any lamips msade. While the lirices viary from 90 cents to X15 each, they all give these ouality and quan-i tity of light. Argand Lamp. wits porcelain shades, at - - - - - 6i5 cents tRed Star Oil, that burns without oder, does list chth~ ie wick, and gives as pore white light, delivered at - - - 1(1cenits per gal Oil Colic, according ts cspacity, from - - - - 201 cents to $6 each. To see is to believe. See our stock anld yoouccill be cionvinced thait we sell the best Lanip and best Oil for lice least iuoney of any liouce illtisis city. 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. Call on Win. Fulde. the Tailior. oppiosite the Law Buiilini, on Williami-ct., llrst door rest of State-ct. Cieaninlg, repaooiingandlpressingcloneietly.i Sihiit oider aseciaiiy . Aul clockfistclasso. IF Y OU WANT TO Buy au Alarzn Clock or05havecscoeRepiingine 0cgv o AW m. Arijolk5 36 Masin Street -AT- BROWN'S DRUG STORE. I THE CAMPUS. There are only eight students taking lice sceminary iccAnmerican WeDntW ntM c! PBrof. Decwey boltedyetra history coder Prof. AteLooglllic thcis morncinio semester. ceo cA~r3010 1010 llMilie Dr. Abel sails for Amoerica, from The jiinior dents are rushed for WECANTeiyou satisfied wiiiu 0very Gecoa, Italy, today. tose and cwill cave to lake their' AVWNT tsknwhour1100 lilel Dr. R. Taft, of Jacksocc, visited Htistology, Saturdays, frocm 8:3o a. cccEcWANT01 11carysciiia lck os the dental departmceict, Mlocnday. coo. to 12 Ci. cwi liiilll ueeds. Thce faculty icas grantledl2,5 Stc- It is reported that a certain fresh- Now, What Mo~re Caca You Want ? denots the priv ilege of chiacgicng their mians "co-eel inadvertecntly bolts 5,acsl. iGitas,a.osi. Millndoilic, ito 0degree. her classes, Surely thcc ways 01f1the re n o sod o0eay pymts. lProf, Griffins has ciecliccedtto read cnicnitiated arcelhard. L.11 II diEciscoManageroc any mcore political notices before ltce TBhe first orationc in ltce course icn 51 octci on stieeti ccvclasses. Acnciecit Orators evil1 be delivered MICHIGAN CENTRAL. Ed. M1cPlcerraco, lit 'go, lacy '9-i ccxt Tuesilay. Thce subject cc- ma c P.Im. WEST. 1a. in. cs still imsproving frocmc a case of ty noccoced is "'Peri-leo." Bal_ ------fr O i oScia~oLlii0 c mcxre ---- ay.xrsso-- ! phoid fever. It is said that 11he sophlomore N. Y v.i >ic ---9I5N.S. Limlited~ 905'.i Harry K. G aslei, a stucdent ini girls cill establishc lie precedent of Niagara .Flils Opi- iI . I11. ,- fiim, icaIiiigoi.lessc. 9 bg, has re-entered the University inviting 11cc lrofessional girls to the Atln. N. 1010114 At rca Eec 9 1s to concplete lois cocirse. freshocacnSpreaid, tcis year. 0. Ay. R'(c.ic E ii.iiti-ciiilc lies The 0 genlemecn's casses at M- D cr. G. S..Peck 0occ of the assist- G. &T Aent Cicao. t.Ali Abor Millaic Hatl are folly attenoded. -ants icc thc holocicop d~epartmcenct FIRST NATIONAL BANK Tthey nmcct four timces a ceeck. last year, eras rececoly nmarricil at calcl 111lO ANN5ulcgocl cus,50,55. J . H. Yacoeecferg, cwho cas tbcenlDetroit, to Miss Eulla A. P~ark. coos cgilt; eera 1101b1an11king uiness, 010- assisting ihis brother at Grand h our Alpha BPbl girls of ltce Git- foarcciii i icc abioi. iiuc i eOlceedRpidla clro b o olg. varsity of SMinnesota, Minceapolis, 010~P 1000005 illIces. s.WPraiis~V. Cah. The1juliorcl.wschve heenls ctl- stopoped off lhercesics their rcturno G RANGER'S ing coccus moeetings to nocke or- frono Syracuse. Thley wilt remoaino rfiTY TI raccgemelots for thceir class election, till Friday. S ClOOb OF UANU1N~ J. G. Foulds, '9 denct, 11as been A teonic tournoamlent is annouced SO~s easnOctbe, '2,to ay '91-obliged to take chcarge of his father's for (Oet. 22, 23, and 24. All inter- ((UR1MNEW~ HALL is centcallr located and businoess and wiiiloot retuirn this esled illtlis event will find an- eer provision babees made 511 promote Ctsc I coumort of 0110 patrons. There arc noastairs year. nouncements in lice main hail, liter- somont, the dancing coon' being otoe gcladlO.ObctaacyCanr-L Prof. Taylor has announced ary building. S Send $125, $2,or $3 50coroSam- quizze's in all his coursescinPolitical Prof. Carhart purchased a large thpe iBESTi lsab epro sEoomifrthanxt 1515]quantity of electrical apparatus while C- Pot op in elegant bones and hbourA.t~nmeis ewa bod uigth umr strictly pure. Suitable Car h a boddrn h umr PRESENTS. Express charges Yesterday afetrnoon at the homo- It has arrived in New York, and is Cpep id. cer todsh, Chicago. ccoop hospital, Dr. Wood removed' fU C. -tGUTHER. Cnfctsioner, a fibroid tumor as large as a child's to he admited free of duty, and will 2l2 State Street. CBHICAGO, ILLINOIS. head. h e here in a few days. --rie:- TAIL OR! To Shcowcing aitfirsf-clsssliue if Dress andil'd 111111005Scitiltgs, Troilserings ind FancyV esfhcgs for Fill andsicn eter. 42 South $tate Street. S i G. H. WILD, TEHE LEAPIITG TAILOR., Is thehplacee to go for finse 'I'iloriteg. Ile hats the most select oftock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS! in Suitinigs, Trouserilngs, and Fancy Silk Veatings in the City, and wrould be pleased to have youl call slnd examineIle makes a specialty of Full Dress Suits. No. 2 E: Washingtou-St.. Anna Arbor.