ji ally U N.'\IVEI'%SITY OF MICII[G-AXN. _.IN) OCTOIIEEf 1. htS92. i'cItt: tt. i rlet n ldrialCo-nll oceat THE UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE, Itaa ad aan at i etroit, ont____ Tithks'It0Z'7, t ',tI I (I at CS i A Newsy Periodical for College Men have beau averancail aanl Managoer and Women-The U. of M. Wilt be I viffintis to hte coitratilated 00 the in it ev-ilettt listit liessiee cit. Th ie Changes of the Summer and the lltltioL is f1e ts BTe Seittettibee ietiher of the Years Prospects. i si shiiita't IltheItt0st iit/o eslet e ttS, at ihomeprotltilly teitlt (thatlintt cc e. 1,1;i Is periodtcal is putthlt etd -- oer I tveiits i I lxiOttat 70 South sttreat, N ae'Yorkcite, Foot Ball-Practice on the Campus-( IlctI Iim atid is lev oted to Mittsvelsity caes PlaingDaes-ropecs fr he vreic f ifnnttesotaitslitite- PlyingTheS-Prolo Msct-frThe attolis; (lCetlir 2,DepetiseUnitt-andaictthe Univ ersity life tof the ewhole GymTh Shol f usc Ihesity.,it Iuh solan'tolis; Octobe'r 22r counttry. It is pr intedl onihtavy Students' Chriatian Association- ~ ~ i f ~e(itfc aenlrdpie ~oisl hs News of the Various Departments- 29,Northiwesterni it C li ii tO;tae ttitUisufltoorcrs ceniltetdwiit hatdomecphptoohahlrey woithIlteoc5,aN omeici robabnll It is ate artistic and lit li class For ther pastttwit seelksICalit.it Ithacta; Noveimibet 12,I elsigl tperiodical its eery, repectand ito lDygert antI his mnt have been get- either at Toletdo 01 .ttin Arhot; college matn eho astittes to kert ilit clog" ill shape foe thee fall contests. N o eniber r19,at lionec Nouseniber touch witthscollegelitfecatnsell tie The11 practice teas hern hard acid 4. ACotrnell at D~etrt.wittiotit it. Dw Wtliea yeuattbe Latest Metreoislitan Stylts ii Shites at 5tie s$1 a fair less titan Ain Artior pries, sand tsr Catalogutoi fa__Itflanitemessoster- At pereenit there are twceuty-.six faithull nd th me fatow the ntrtentrying for ther teatee aticlall are stilts of their trainineg. So i hg good ssork. Nex~t hIonel y wtork has beeti conefinedt nostly to the t rainitsg tabile at tirettvtitan's falliteg ottthe ball, tsasslimthe ball, witt hr spread andtei e mecncitsill trainitig on signtals, tacklinegtatt settle doswn to a hasticesote swsork. ther details of the gamec. o Ztyngfr7) ~ tilS ie i Turle Athletic 0Associatiotn tas tlits: Croaler, Nta'soti, Viart ss beenmostforunat in ecuing he astmnat, O'Dlrl, Iru~perhlecke, bea ttot frtnae it ecirn' Tho'tmteas, jeseccI, Iroxi liSoth-l services of I.'. E'. iBarbourc Ylt ' , oth, McAllister, t-eiititerI-lolt, as folthall coach. Mr.IsBrbour Wtraey, Neill, 'Mitcliell, Alexander, WVoodweorthe, Mi~ituttatu, Iygert, Sandtersons, Iayes, Birt, II aetlteg Mac lierreati. Work on tlse gyltenasiune, prople haretlvetedi to he told, teas practi- ti y ~ comee to a lealt. Mateial for ther oiteglehave liertidelayed osting, as thersuerrintenttiaotif cote- struections extplainsed, to tte Honme- ~ 'ge. steadt strike. The Carnegie pseople huave the contract for turtling islt the' i rots trusesand girclare, attctthe Htonesteadt labotr comeplications I leave delayrid the shipenit. The iron inea arrive at any titter, how- everatnd a ftull force of tne will he at once puit to work. It is believed tlhat tlte bitiliders will he ahle to get .y the builditig eticlosed, as tper con- tract, by Derc. i. 'Tlee$7,000 paidl W . F. GRIlOIN, isy ther differett tucletit organiza- Mianafebest Bait Teat. tions wil be clevotrd to theehpurchtase teas played with Yale for tier past of futrttishitngs. threr years as quarter hack and is, ~uET'CRSINASCA1N as apt Dyertexpesss i, ias Newbherry Hall is fairly alive wtithe as apt Dger epresesit i ~5old atd etnw stetdents. Roont ocr godaZe_ cudlargohe e is turierd into a directory in swhicht had our pick." He is indefatigabule refrretes to ateout se'vein hutedred in his stork stith the elevrn, anthter rootues ated seventy-five boarding uifn are fast comngc into nipepa ces are to be found. Conmnit- shapee~rs are at all tise traites tos selcouse uder his skilled discipline. An ther freshmtane, atnd about tewo thou- heour and a half on ther campus, and sand hand books htave beets distri. a run of five miles into 'tier country huted. each afternoon is hardetning ther At tier Stesward's office ther asso- playrs sondefull.ceation is taking, a religious census, Satuday Ocobe 8,is he atefrontwich lists are lieing nsade, safrtrdayrstohae,8,hichewidate and also a general register, which is slaet fothe rsogme, whichnwiltpr accessihir to all at Newberry IHall. plaed n ter om grund, po-Thil gives ther nanees, withe house liably swith Oherlin. We shahl twice leestisuec oneS pae.) I Te Septenmber issue otirts the ~ H NP ' eighth installmntt in a eerie sotRi. . Y E & C s articles ots thee University of Penen- DEITROlITMb. II. sylvania. 'Tle Utiversity batnjo clb, lte foot ball teaut aud sixteeti P. J. KINNUCAN, lpromnenett atinielaffiordlpictorial utateril for tis tparticvular itsetall- ment. Sotme of the otheer shjects treateit are; "'TheAthletic Ouit-INM ER.CH-ANT look,'' "College 1itecorils,'"College MNorality,'' "College Secret FIter- cities,'' "The IHigher Educattous of Wonmen,'' ated a bsudget of Ulier- TAI LOR( sity biographiles. A series of articles on wstern colleges and universities is sootn to AND I Itt ii I ii iO atplear. Mlr. 14. I). ilaht, lit 'g-, of ther University of Michigan, willI reperesent the stestern field. Hie is T 0 T 1 now at wiork ott a series of articles on tier U. of M., tier first of wihiche still appear in the terar feture.55-' -o s. METHODIST CLERGYMEN. I What They Think About the Univer- sity of Michigan. 'The Mthtotdist clergymen of Michigaun, recently assembhled 'in state convention, ipaid tierir respects to the U. of M. as follows: "Wile cleerishiteg Alhion College as our own we are not to foreTet tlsat as citizens we have an interest andI a responsibility intter State Univer- sity. We believe it incumhent upon tie, antI all good citizens of the state, tos guard stall its interests and lrontote its prosperity. It teas a strongy attraction for somte Method- let fanmilies. Anong its professors and sttideints are utany umembhers of oiur church. We coumnend thee efforts of tihe local chorchs in bsehlaf of Christian truth and Christiau student. 'These efforts are nianifest in tier procurenment of some of the leading neen in methodisne to lecture in Ann Arbor on religious subjects, and in the systematic inquiry for and visitation upon students who are menihers of thee church." .uetroit,.JRuIvni1gau. 9,tzhmond Straight Qcff. Ns. I CIGARETTES. Cigarette Smskers wrho are witing is ear alittle more iliac the price rharged fsr the yri ttii-y C trade Ctgarettes, will fiad Tnts BRAND aspectsr is alt others. The irhmisnd Straight Cut Ns. I Cigarettes are miade fromn the bright- est. mnsat deicately tlavored and highest east Gold Leaf grsown in %rirginia. Thts is the Old and OriginatlIBrand if Straight Cut Cigarettes, and was brsught out by us ins the year 1875. Beware sf imitactis, and observe that tbe trmn same as below is an every pathage. Tbe ALLEN & GINTERt Branch Of the Amserican Tobacco Cs.. Manufacturers. -R'ichmbond.Tirginia. Coal! 11 W. W ashington St. R~. E. JOLLY CO., W W _,. T10 ) ,-T = I AND ALL STUDENT''S S51 ilEt u E