asortment of NEGLIGEE SHIRITS in the Ciy.
__________Friday, Saturday and M~onday.
Choice of any Sft or Stif tNot in or store (Knox andLint I ~ntt'ottexcotrl) at
4 S. tese Ilit cst $250, $.75, $3 Of and 40. They Nsl ,wt
It in a Splentdidt Showig of Sits and Oerots.Exton Vae at LorePrires,. )aru, so caomeoly.
WadhamS 4 Ryan 4. & 4. Reule. IEEJW 0S~VS$
Ann Arbor S ainSt Bank0,00, OWEN'S BARBER SHOP! Iritrrtt it startLL.6at ni e t= l r. 'fit- E elsior LaunlcrV,
on Abo int CopealSta , W~oot, t. E r I tiroitil Ot totttt.tttt fib o li jaecetttc. I o tull in- 0 EAisS'1it tOl STREETt.l
Srplan. En$160.00 o n' ito TFT
organized under ehn Genrl Itaning Lows irt ttoii m t~ter- ntt(t;s)tro rk Gt i t tttrnrttrrt I tod- ealed rtt't
of' thinstatt.ReceiesoDepoit, trys and _ 1 .1. iii7 ts it. < an elierer. A. 'C OVERT. 1'rot.
Settg excaeltothe prioipal citie of he Grand Ope La Q t '"srtttlnitA I e,
United Seames. Draft cased oeain oereJ JJ.P jOU C
irenttttrotirn. Offier -'THE ARGUS,-' 'e-t S1roO
D. . HAR ANi ie. ito eee. FRIDAY, 1551 MAJ6h N Ol stN(121N0.1
Oians tF. ftlsoerit Coshir . '
tt. J.i'ttoe. Asst.Caser. i, AT I W IHil S. fIi
IT of Thie N.' E lit;
a B ASE BALL TEA . I j Sae iscoortadDrni. <
01-01 -1.z5Men., 250~ ane.. 5nt. Woen's, 0. Gite stze hor. aztase, e rt is15opet to crio esr-
I sttti Ititi.r ij01' WIIOENOII CMPN, 76 Chaey ISt,,Boston, MasTh'le Crlumbeti 0 .i 0 nr o 5 tttr otlicient
c / 022 "_, (PJtOF M. (ALENI)At. BUSINESS LOCALS. .itre lAt ( urrit..1te l ui
snt byrt li rt at0 s ,IeD~g
rt.i lty: to~I t e ;p tirIon ettisao r i 7-IT e' tyilotteoit iti tomeiI0 in ite C., Blostn, N 1rChc"
________________ in a fouti intht e garilot.
'T' )a _B atir h biacs Ltom'-Onm 'Thuaithrtseeetitg, l ad r C r'V IlE EL
for h ttity so tintoct~ u~.1) a gotickttEpiil witt tismailtgolt1 alg 1 1/, 5 .tD. W sitttSteir
'11. Nty8weAtt rtie Hni .ti'iti theO itoitri r earit attacted. liemart hasitintitiaso 01
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, tti orttt ithn th-lthart-i. Fflor.Ttyor. bosidsFoindtrpt,.aIite receive ro- .
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! Mto2nInslE-trbtiltfu-it rears[of11 Jefrd on sreetandteceie re
30 as HronStee, fon, ay I Ie~n iru'lon4 teletn~t Illve yoti ver toppefd tttotl ohiswh t i . .W
50Cs aa tot lit., Mh aywtt. trrtil tio t nti s ltlrotth te nietlo dia Iritiiiicts really s)
S AEERE Ni darcoftht itoo-et. Sinsine. JiiIttt ost--Between Utity ],lock aid
dot-' r; te t. tointiite. Sctm rier & Millen's sttre, Itity',,,, od lAR Noe IN L E
ENTarIABLEstyv l-u. et i .ero si'l it tetit. withi aitr chai. Finder letve t 2'l0 tiOS IN 1 .
Fox u rasoE m e S itheti., huay,1 i-t1it. ri i il-t't it-a
000I ion ADEiiic . otay o3i-iChral J'OLoILee.e T f', just iorti of the pot-
® ooo n Vo. lt t t ns tiiiott-r. otice, ts tle best h~oo, carriage,
SOLCTED - ati. hrs ire in tte city. Try hiim. tf w oad 7 WiLT,,YSS,
E A Dr S 1e! 'P e 11.Bound to Win. A oelinthie right irctiot i isireo
iti Wl Tet, f_.bseal em Industry, Progress, abit, Success. 5xori m sext' ti
xS Opp. Court Hous.of laealemit See the lettoit Eiveoing Nes lJhcy-
sm arting tnder the defeat receivedt clopedia Lritanica, Po t O ico Neesrnrtl
at Ithaca last Saturday, is practic- Stand.
log witlhthe firm deltermination of oInto SL Ln, or ii excangei for prtt-
wnninglte gm tDtri etmill. -Adress, AI1 TA Lit, Xo~ts s'
A. Gre t - an secete anEethuoWatic crwd --
Tuesday. 'io swell the attendance Mantot, Wxfford Co., Mic.
(which is the great incentive to vic-The Pulmic Library, Ieto tit, lii't. Ill I)AsTE.
R1..GKT tory), Ite Golden Eagle Clothig DeroirEeliii2No7s
vC. fNo. 9o Woodward arenue, DetoitlEenoin,--1 htve tttsiohss-:m~ N T
Detroit tax dcided o donaeral volumes of the editiottmoo thte Jim -
I j Prices a bonus for the occaion and give a cyloptedias Britantia yountre510
reurn trip ticket to Detroit, imctort- selitg i this city siththettooiial
_______________ing armision to the game to each Impitortdl edititnmot the s imtnowtittnm
person purcasug to the amount of the IDtroit tPubli Librry wh Iihi rot C0 D P E '
$8001)ter Vottune). I usd h tt 11tto e
Wea fergour entie tock of LAWN $ o xvorthtnit the clothing or gemts' ientically te sute, p agsfr aep
furnishimg epartnent.osmd If titv no dosubt ttat otto st is
IENS n SOTNGGOD tsistotmmtisly teotter. I
TENISatt t'thfIG I~ltS t1Senior Reception and Dancing. also fimd itt the bck of eatim vtlume ohf lL 1
manoturciiers'- rolneae cnst. Atlinew 3. shttrt termm of dateimg lesons for reisionms, ittclitg the censs etf ile, (
tladis ammdlgentleomeni silt begimn at smiththe ttestif oruirtitiott eetth so- 1C Jjj'E LIN
Racheto isatudes. IDot'r tt11 Ottit Cae. (Grangers Actemleiy slimSturdaymorn- jet, whtict intot covredl by the origi-O PL E ..
ttig at 10 oclock. Thin eltass ewil also mat editiomn, above mettionetd
Th ouvddtscnb hne otewr rnsi ihnteraho V .mot 'Thumrsdayvetitgs t 5 o'clock. 'Tlhe ros tthichi you ar oferitg PO T G O
suit this najority. Mr. andl Mrs. Gran-matnty who do snot foot that they cn SO TN lC S
ger start this class by reqsest. 'Those afford to by it at the former price, JUTR EICEIVD.
GE R E interested please letve their sanes at anuthslst be a great boots to those whol
G O G WA R theAcatdemyote block wsest of Stt desire to hayours,.GOODSPEED'S
Universty - 20 S. State St. The Freshman Glee Club held an Librarian.t
Bookstore, important business meeting last 'ios comlete st of books now o 17 S.MANSRF.
I night. exhibitiotn tt Post Qffice News Stand.MINSaEE~~