-THE U. OF M. DAILY. ' C. of '~f. arkf. Published Daily t(asovepte~lda ring the Coivearn,tby THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION lieos i the clipping we gave yester- day from the Cornell San, it it evident that the editor shared the feeling which seems to have been prevalent at Cornell regarding onr team. Vituperation seemedi to he a staple with the writer of the arti- cle attutiedlto. WitH the tectire of W. 1L. Wit- son last night tthe very suiccessful serics 1)1 lectures of the Students' L.ecture :associatins this year, closed. A-i far as the qjuaiity Hi the enlertal ninunts ;given this year very Littln criticisml cH 11(1be miade on the course, but there are crttains dv- History of the Chalpter, IV. H. Wilson. Address, Hon. XV. L. Wilson. Laying of stone with reading of contents. Work on the house in being pushed andI ills exll-.cted it will be furnished ready for the toys when they retutrn to college neat fall. Important Notice. TAN SHOES-Prices, $3.50,,0,4.00j,$~5.00. 48 SOUTH~ MAIN STREET, - - ANN ARBORV I~e ssr-Iscall the attentions of the O'T DT 'P (7 TT ill" mem-mers soff the Choral Ussioss to the f3 k Uk fiollowisig relsearsats: Ladies' chornos, ~ Thursday, (:4-5 p. ii., Chapel; gentle- mseis,6:45 Friday; linial rehsearsail Moss- day S evensing. t would urge the im- 2 .M i tet portanee of these rehearsals uposs earls ansd every omenmber of the ehimus. A. A. hnA~rsx 1-NES 1)u.Ft-ut imu iA~M.5-.. vi~ssIe. thelivLEADING SCOOLr.OF BUSINESS. tug- N. J1., sirs of sniss 14muiiig;ninesesavhevrs; lrie tednce; 17 vent lisiinsuperivorwrork; vetllesuvptied rasieg Horsfor'tS Acid Ph1osphate. ; allctrs;Study vnigreetins dieeman; ,seorssandgrniuasovanlsecue poesiins; "J have sised it for Sesveratlyea,Se t sa'g exenseiivn Sto 55.t~perweekinpiv~ateofs- m- e.FrNvnw CATALOGUE nnd List orSiudents hO nitty in)soy prtctice-,hut iillmyosril ini- tnaepositions fromaweekto weekniaideess -I----P. A. CLEAR?. Pmoo. WAGNER & CO. Time Csrdlillefft lihilar. S, lay t.1t9. Deteur seof ri nssitAnnsArtor No. L.MliasnsiExpres*.. ... 7 i.o. Ne. t. PasseAnnivl Arbo Aesii,'.t1S p5. Iii Net . Nl sillsndsPasengver*......4 1751p.in Noi. 2. tuil sandlPaseer ... it.rn Ne. 4.Mail and Er-essvr......b)i0l I. i .I forts in the euithiodsitaide tierof ibyI ther associations that -shoulid be rim- ireuistaeees 1110 of the best nerve- c liedl by next year't board. - We tonics tht w se potssess. For'nrsestat ex- hsaustion or isserwsosik it gives ce-nesseel cannout urge too strongly on ste strensgtih sld vigor t h niess msenmbers of lthe association the ini -tem'ote"itress portance of electiiig good nien to A most exeellent tand agreeable tonsic and ippetizer. It snistrisliessaet isnvig- sssanage nest year's corurse. orates the tireed brain and boudy, ins- paorts ressetterd energy tisne vittdity, asid Jefrorsonian Society. enlivesis the fussetiosts. ________________________________ No_ ti . I T'oleoAvvccm oioli... G "1: a. so. F $2.00, $3.00 $4.00 $5 (eset2alStndard eTimse. F j H '' Daily exsoptSulndayr. * ,r 'las ans i tirasiteil ill TraiSandiF ru15btwlevenAl vs as(- * I burstdo nly, daily, exept l5Sndayl. N0 Every XWsy. Other trains dolly eare110 Ssiday. E I s. BEO~NNEurTT, .0S. OsPEMYOt Dl. s Doty & Feiner., Ges. Pass. Agenst. Level Agent. Tthe followoing programs will be reneedi at lthe Jeffersonian Society tonight: Reseling, I.. L. Baker; do- clamation, C. T. fIhaxton; essay, 1). ILockton; oratiosn, W. C. Bel- knap; speech, A. XX. Jeffries; biog- raphy, J.- I.. Stetler; imtpromptu speech, C.- It. Stewrart; imipromptu discuissioss, J.- J. Danihoff aiti H. K. Btente. Dlebate: Resolvedl, that ore shonuld hare an incoute tax. Affirms- ative, XV. J. Buslo and C. 3. PLikey; negative, T. A. Lane anti I. AV. Heal. A full attendance is desired, as the last election of officers for the year will occur. Corner-Stone Laid. Yesterdlay afternoon the S. A. I. fraternity laid the corner stone of their newv chapter housne, whsich they are butilding on Southn Slate street. H~on. XV. L.. Wilson, who is the P. S. A. of the fraternity, assisted in in the ceremonies, delivering a sisort and appropriate address. Mr. Wilson, dnrinsg his stay in Ants Arbor, is being entertained by Ite fraternity and after the laying of tlse corner stone was banqueted at the Cook House. The following is the program of the exercises over the laying of the stone: Introductory Remarks, T.E. Gray. Innovation, L. B. Lindsay. Dveiptive siamsphlet tree on applicationtoit Rumford Chemical Works, Provi- dence, RI. Bewrare ef Substitus oanImSsitsatests. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. HENRY HAUG, .'e'aeher and soloist, Gssiar, lenjo and Massn- dolint. Stisdio nt Roons 3IS tilit vSt. 21 Years in the Business., CITY LAUNDRY. ' MI. M. Seabolt, No. 4 W. Fourth St. ThisOStae Reseersvesdeer 55il7ensol rdAve. aiiilState Stirt, DETROIT, - MICIGAN. SI4EE$4AN P- &mCOMPANY AILEi SiEstI AeENTS F5I A. G. t ,Slinsg &oB, stn Iol-eeePtss-/-isje - Co Ggipigasitim. LaWI T7eiuis aid Jpace paII Goods= ASK 01R WEITE FOE CATALOGUE. ANN ARBOR. y8TILH LLUlmRY Co. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.- E. S. SERVISS, - MANAGER. NOT IC E..-TosSTUDENTS and Cilizns. nonet sesnd net oftownsefte Candy whesn yess can get just ansvised at I.E. Jelly &t Co.'s.Ste dois't chare lerstyle, hat give it tso ots, assd that is one-halr. tHnt assd cold lunsseioat alt hues ofacthe day andi sight. R. E. JOLLY & CO., No- 26 South State Street. HOT LUNCHES And the very ohoioest Candles *. T 1UT1TLE'.S,~ 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. VICTOR CYCLES Call anddsee them atI Mi. STAEBILER'8 Cycle Emparium, 11 W. Washington SI._ REN TSCHLER, hoto grapher, CORINET;, lAIN AND HURNS~lDsTS. GRAITD OP EAIIO-USE. SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 27 OiesiolsslSall=As 16.- PERFORMERS - 16 ilvwesestln" 7 IDistinct Tribes. Uri- ster uhe direction Ms s r sr. XVerut sa n t a- rio, sill appe-ar isn tlfull airensosume, as 'hey asspeared beforeTiser Majsesty, Queesn Victoriss, hy seeial requsest. - price: - i500, 75C and 1.00, Secure Seats at Wtts' Jewelrv Sunre. GIBSON, PHIOTOGRIAPHR NO. 12 W. HURON ST.