all Uf Ila El 1. A]M-[ ZA Voi.. III.-No. 170. Von. Il-No.1TI~. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURISIDAYMAY 25, 1893. PRCTREENS YrIcF., THrFF CENTS. THE LAST OF THE SERIES. was always ready for intrigue. But 'TWAS A VERITABLE FEAST. --John Qirreey Adams said, when TieCndinCu anutLs Another Successful Year Ended. ITeCnda lbBnutLs Hr. Wilson Closes the Course 'Madison tdied: "A sousrssihite as Night a Grand Success. I' Very Ably.tesealista ssroid il A Large Attendence. Instsigt te nnthans flilthrone of Oreniipotence ia's _'one to ' MU' twsenty-fourth, 593r sitble lecttre eIS. L.A.coarse wIi its Goil.'a'1'ir senoralile tevent ins theIhistor y of deliveredIby lion. W. I.BNilson. A New Ga.s" LCanasdanilib oftthe 1.olf 1t. It bein'g so lte its the scasointeieThelc 5ca issin of the lbaniquiet"iveln slid riot iiavecthe plasreof adircss- ers'' iis ifl i a"c'cIsi- itn rls-sc iisg as large in auidieniei t"liricire isn, a~i sst tire sect-erlyI rirtlsbirthIlday tstIQueen speakers oft th-e orss av ben U oIs-sr zstelstics1,11 at N'c..1515 Aout fills toyai ishijects favoresi svrt1,1-sisattherO I rue t 55'. of tcseri ijesir sit isround thre tbanr- Mi. 'Irson is on f te rol et I~e vlrriri' tr arnha '5 '555's' 5 sI pcadandernjoyedi tire goodi p'oliticiarns uf thins countr yiranlit edil ts-heexceetionofticcics -efcit's arsing501rom a riiswatof fel- is-sri~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~n ag'ipesrtotcrlrs istcontinrs msarny s'trr zsnnr''sandI rti s r asoi ctsairr rs r His subject, ''Jarres -Msadison,''wirs nsir etrs.Ile5l~ isIcr bl'ise1s very ably hanidled. He spoke partly hy Sari Parks a former I'. of lI. A tnmber of promrineirt Carnadians, r as folloiws: mnt, are excelleat antI elsers threy armonig whom clay'behe nttionedt Hots. There are srinetwho are trying to are reniderecd in thre way lithatLestis, Dauid Mills, '67 and lion. Ws. dlepreciate the sworks of Jamses Mtadi- Seheimerltorn atnd MeLachilar intig 1McGregor, htad heen illied hitl son. IBiography does nothing bitt thent, cannot fail to please icy- audi- were unahle to attend on accorunt of- deprecite him. I place 'Mr. Madi- oe tbics sa oo see other engagements. Dr. Holnies, son on the pedestal wills Jefferson anti has heen tmuchtinrproved by who wras a ntudent of tris institution1 and Hanmiltons. IItiwas chiefly witihl sonme excellent additions anti the in 1S6-1 vas the honored guest of the wrork of thre confederation and quiartette, Meisrs. George, Pratt, the elub, and the speaker of the occ. the adoption of the federal consitur- Thonmpsorn and Wrehster is a glee cation. Thre toasts twere all appro- lion that lie is hest knoswn. XMr. ciuh in itself. priate and wrell givens and were as :Madison hail heen a h.aidstrident The Clseqnatregori Orchestra hsaye follows: all Iis life, and ill preparing lisi la- nonie rusic especially for the min-1. Toasltmstners address, P'res. WV. A. iier on the Virginia pulars for tre strels anti their part of the prerform'i- Price. federal constitton showised hrs creat ance will he irell kept cli. 2, "The Qureen"'P.. 1errtelly. p mnsm ftenueos'"OrGetr.A.Hmhy ractical s1.atesmansirip. lTre prod- Aogsneo 4. '"rir Native Larrd,'" Dc. 1'. I.6. irto rsoii rst eorcteexcellent featirres trill heeltre negro ftlris hasils of the pissent consrtitution of ? Ons arril nelocdies, the character 5. "Cisc Adoeptedil ltsie," G. W. the Ugnited Slates. Mr. \ladrson's ,and fancy' dances and thre ness farce. Tuppr. greateit opp~onent in thre corirentron Tlse tumhling irork in the grand i "The Dlepartmret of L~iteraturre iri Ptrck -lnr'. t si a ar Ifinale, "A TIragedy iwithoirt Words'' Seiencee rnd ltre Ails," XV'. A. foighlt duel, a duel on wiihl more i very nurprining and thre cluh 7. "'lhe Dieptmrentlof Medtitne," depended tran any othrtpolitical 1swinging hy' S. T1. Reed trill inctatle Mrs. .'E,. 1'ettigrew. hattle fought in lis country. 1lr somnewi anti uniqure cmoveenits. S. "The lDepartrmernt of Lair,'' C. I1. Mtadisors met Henry's onsrslgt IThsswtill he the last atptearance IDedriek. trit sie lea-cu loic ~ntI IorfItse mnistrels tis year, as the 9" ''hte Sechool of P'harmaciiy," A. It. tire firsal role iris tittersMardiorn's pserformianice whitch iris in rave heers10.r.'ThIe College of DlerntlSnrgery," plain iris adroptetdhy' a large major- gieni at D~etroit, sad to he akin- D). N. Swift. its-. AnsI thoughir peparedtIforrosirs donetdosring to the imipossiility' of 11. "ThrelProfeisoir" l'rof. D. A. Mare- a etsie rg ciyt--secruring airsopen cate at the L.ycein e Lclani. 1 ). A1. Sihieldls. Iris beers ertraily adlalitahle to thn s Teare 2."Cs Psh" V. A. 13arlemirs. - greatI commnwealtlh. The ciii wii Every'stunrt ought 1o tiirnout l1i. "Tire Ladiies," A. Ptettrtire. I was a terrible strain on tre constitu- to-nrrowrnrght to hrear tire nest Since 1854, over six-hundred ' lion, hut a greater strain trill he the songs5 and jokes and give tire hoys Canadians hrave gradua ted from the vast industrial revolution, a hearty reception at their last per- LT. frac.Adn tdn hn of hi. Besides other laurels, not the least Ire knowrs that this is all done for the At present there are niore than attrihuted to Madison iras his un- hersefit of the Athletic Association fifty seeking the advantages of ans hesitating resistance to whatever wvas should fail to give it his suppsort. American institution. Thse ohject wrong politically or financially, al- We trill give thse progranm in fall of the club, as stated hy the toast- though it injured his own personal toorw *& master, were first, socral and interests. He resisted the trading The following is a list of the play- secondly to correct the false ideas of voters at elections, and he was ers from which the senior law base- prevalent in America regarding defeated. But he resisted the effort ball team will be selected, for the Canada. to get an established church in this inter-class championship games : The banquet was a great success Crawford, Spurney, Jefferies, Rich, country. He resisted paper currency T. P. Griffin, Vorhee, Bowen, Bar- in every way and is doubtless the and was rewarded with success. ker, Reed, Conroy, Paul, Ashley, forerunner of many like occasions According to his biographers he Tamplin, Fleming, and Stone. to be held in the future. t0t. 183-185 isrsWslrAs-cAv., DETROCIT, - - MICHIIGAN. q-lQhmond Straight Qcit. No.I - CIGARETTES. -'i -CigreteSorswsho mornte thaniheurice -- chrgesd lee the orri-V tr'ssilrCigarelics, still lind S _ 0s Tets liUcrzsssupeiorto > asri oihers. 9 Tie 5Richrmondtraight 5'55' in tiesae rsss'lerontthe tright- est, mos, dl-clately flavored ari higherit cost Ood ev '-g-ownsint'irginis. This is the Old tesd OrrinBandroftraighteCuLigarett, sa we' rouight eathby as ia the year 1t"5. iBewreorelissitations, and oblsere that One Is~ sarmeeaslbelow isaneerey pckage. The ALLIFN & GtNTER IBranchr Or the Ameriean Tsbaco Ce., Manufiactrers, - - ERirhmend., Virginia. P. J. KINNUCAN, MERCHANT TAILOR. AND0 131t'ORsi'tE 0 55 W.SFOR~TlhSr., Detroit, Michiga n.