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May 24, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-05-24

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VOL. IlI.-No. 169i.

A Good Prospect to Win the Pennant
and Interesting Games

F'ormi"," AFreakofl1-urnan Nature," CORNELL SEEMS SURPRISED, o
ant 'ys! i dd'' un y ews The Victory Won Saturday by Cor-'
Scliernierhorn sort McLachlan re- nell over Michligan as Described
spectivein are spicy tor il~l surely in the Sun.

PRiG;, Tuter vo C i-5.

'lie followiingisiis left tsttile ilg ousrpat cicrs i
for ti iwestrntrill:(Crawfoitrdc;caatrlnigispeo nlad
'-ross ,Bak, rifipitces; h s ubindneiseclet
"Seiymoiir sb;Spu st sz b;RiphG. C .11ed 11hea iaur lnio111
iof sis f tll s hosad eayt e
Russstli 1 f.;Jeffeiti1'is taitd soufA~ ts jftn; hs 1te, wil ptirfoirm sorlit
a'bsd a'mand's eailolust Ol uin'ilt to new sovemetsswuills Iis cliitis its
play 5any imore .this steasoniotillc-
couist of cotee orkso hatth 11iia etlitldsaI"ragitsyswitout
moake-up Ilfl teteam si radically10ords" 'is unll~isilu adslartling, conl
clsa''eo I ilsirlg isissiy falls andl feats ill
Fist clsibsstill tie dcl 015 the gounittaitdllofty Itmbling.
trip, Iowa College, today; Grinoell, They Will Receive -Diplowiss.
'T'hursdtay; Minnesota, Friday; Mad-t
ison, Saturdlay; antS Northawestern, anul omenemntan r1, -1

jSpeaking of the Ali h; ,s -or0 tt 1____l
1goose the Daily 1Sns, 5 iii in asome hastcatc od

Mooday. Most of these teams are
playing good ball, andi consideriog
slit tiresome trip, our boys tao
hardly be expected to witu every
game. 'Thlere is little doubt, bosw-
ever bolt thety will lulls enough to
omakelsei sure of thte western hen-j
saut, iandtIwill retitrn in good shape
for the Cornell game at Detroit on
Decoration Day.

tietyiwill be held tonmorrowv eves'
in'l at the residence of Mrs. Dr.
Miner, 42 p;. Liberty street. All
the menmbe-in of the Homweopa thic
departrett have been iisvitedl. Thte
professors of Slit school w'ill also be
presenst. Twelve memsbers of the
society will receive diplomas, sod
Dr. Obetz, being presidenit, will pre-
sent them. The recepttions will be a

Dents Were victorious. plessaint affsir, refreshtoeiits will he
- served, soil ruring the lstter part of
'lilthtlirid gaome 'in the inter-class I te eening a literary progranm will
:series wvas played yesterday after- 'it rendlered.
goots at lteatletic grounds between' Madison's Fteld Day.
the dental rdepartmtent anrt high -iIrsOlhl e iiulfet a
school nines.'The playing on both 1latFiyatotd ayec-
sides was gootd coosideringe ltIighs
o leot recordstsvelve of swhichs are
wiidt prevailittg at ltst time. T'e'ltt
ness U'. o''.r tcols. 'olioswing,
fielding was exceitionally good.thelb y'art givnlini'sfitl
H-artsad Witninig inerethletbattery 10y ----------_-_-01:
for the rdents: Norse, MAIcCormick 20Y~ ---------- ----2
sort '.say'narid for Sthebigh scisool. 440i y5s441
'T'he pitchaing of Htart insgoodon'y551) yds------------- :7-
ive sits beitig marde off tils deliver, tile_---45
Nonse otcuiedtithe liox fot the Ish;. 1 -hlde-------------3
schtools uitil the tnitthlin1011ning lit iew l;------------- 0
Cormsicke itsihigthe last llatisg.'1tmiltei~yd
'lhe croiwd present althloslh not a 1 mtile bicycle-----------25
large one matte up for ttuttbers by Luittoiig liighljutop --- 157 4-5
Runtsiiig'broad jutnii .. 15:08 l-5
their enthusiasm. T'he score by in- p Iale vsailt ----------9:10 3-10
flings is as follows: Htamlmer tltrows---- -- --80:01 1-5
1 3 4 5 i6 ;I 8 I9 S iotpt - - - - --t - --- -----3
M-1ti olgtislx---- 00 1 0 Is 0e--t
0 _The Commencement inmber of
Something Unique. thle Yale News will be a special

ii' lilil"5' sloly :afer ivel'coictky
'1111 tool:. bossys'foi iliiwn-itoss i They
I 'ist v'iillr ii'ihey tookhit Lehiigh
Sttiii li'ttli'' alld'ii'i rittit1b'1'ksto
wss iiitistrotiti" it iiis thtiitheiy lisi
benenSliiriiigly beatetn by Coriiell-
they, wohaisd faceid eairy left lissiidet
piteter in the couittry iwtrthi aetitioti-
inig, ila n li-o 1usd not yet ktnowntheli
it15511111 of defeat.
They inert itideed badly beaten.
For the first hose intieSlithstory if
the two citlleges Cortiell hiad defeated
Miecsigats on the diatmotid, ait sic
hail totte it ina such s neat, cleall-cult
waythsat there ws n10oiioubt in thse
minids of the spectators istS o her sui-
periority over her old rival.
Atsd yet there was somse excuse for
Michiigsat's ptoor showing. Th'ley hiave
beets playitig all this seasoti ititer the
tiew 'baseball rules, whiich provide listS
the pitclher's hboxshisll be placetlfise
feet bssek of its oldI positiots. It is
scaireely to tie wondteredl at, thserefote,
thaS they sere utiaitle Sto iindl Priest
for more thaun theyidit.
What 11101 of ethiusismstheire ws
'The Cotritell yell wass freqiietly giveti
dlown, andi gooid plays toiibostli sitdes
were liberailly applaudsedl. In ftact,
Michigati wistreaitedl far better Slhah
St liometessm'scotililever hope So be
ast Ste lisit otf the AtitiArbor stii-
detnts. A greait ertwdsNtvasS in attendi-
aince, Slitgransstnd, blechters, antI
adjscent gcoiisids bcitig filledi ntl en-
thisiisstie spctators.
Mrt. McCauley, Sle it llpirt, wass pes-
tereil by a rabbile of ickbing Michi-
"'itoerti cveryttime lie tiiaile a close
sletisiots swhith wmalgainstSthem, atnd
tlieir siporttltlate e matiindls wariedl
evetyout. While it is trite that altmost
everyctose dleision was agaitist 1Miels-
t""st, 'et lnobotdy believes that Mr.
MeCaudeywssunsfair.le mmas tytitti--
tally sipartial, utidsiot a slinle decis-
i00 ws5a ciiarinjiustice toSlit Ants
Atbor team.
1Prtestws Stelion of Stelday. In
fact, She liot's share of Slit credit of
Slit victory rlemonstrably belongs So
im. 1St strtsck out sixteeni tetn.
T1he Psi U's defeated thse Alpha
Delts, yesterday, by a score of so
to 8. The battery for She Alpha
Dells was Bourland and Vanderven-
ter; for Psi U., Chickering and

5than5 Annt sri,,, prines, c-eld itrCattlogeet
1 01, 1853-1855 mWtitseARD~AE.
q 1ehmond Straight ?at.
No. I
Ciartte,Smoers awhe
citargedlfor the orinla
trail Cigarettes, wxli d
F ThisBRANsupsaerier t
_ -- all ethers.
luts NoiI Ci' arettes aresmadte frees the bright-
est, must dlicatelyrftavredis ail highest test
Gdi teat grown in'sirginia. Tis Isthe Old
andltOrigisal(Branaisof Si.aightautCigarcts,
aed vasbroegtuttyius it the rear 18"5.
dieleare xi tirisations, asis observe that the
firem namt a sbelow-is an everpackage.
''he ALLtEN & GINTER Bdrancht
Or the Amer'tan TobsacoCe.,
Mitanuftuers, - - Richmosnd. Viegint.


One of She many good features of
the minstrel performance next Fri-
day evening is the music. The Che-
quamegon orchestra play their parts
So perfection and the singers are not
at all behind. The songs written
by Mr. Park, "Merely a Matter of

eight-page edition, containing a
complete account of Commence-
ment week: the Harvard-Yale base
ball game, the boat race, alumni re-
unions, comencement exercises, new
dormitories, etc. It is to be pub-
lished on Friday, J une 30, imme-
diately after the boat race.

55 W_ FOERT ST.,
Detroit, Michigan..

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