THE U. OF M. DAILY, THE LATEST AND BEST - - Our Little Tale of Woe,__ Assortment of NEGLIGEE SHIRTS in the City. TOO MANY "" WRITE - VIISTJS! IAV~E YOIL SEEN 0101i1 NEW SPIRING STOCK? I It is a Splendid Shtowing of Suits and Overcoats. Extra Vaine at Losw Prices. One-Thsird off ors Entire Stock of theam. Forty-three Styles to select froom. Coome early ond geltrisoice. Wa dhcimS 4 Ryan 4. & * R e u Ie . iz':srv-o s s - Ann Arbor Savings Bank OWREN'S ARBNER HP onn Arbar Misch.Capitlal Stock, $5,t'. Nt.Ilse c'n'itr Surplus, $1s0,000. \.4ES UO TET Organsizender eke General Bankling Law o1 thin satre. Recesves Depoaita, Learn and aselasexehange an eke principal citiea oc tise Unte tae. rat cseduon proper Qr n pra House iefcalldItn. Orcr aedo : O er CortsoiAnN sa, Prea., tos1 .HVssn rlsr FRIDAY, MAY 26th. CHA.0..H ossneo, Ceehie. A. 1.I, .sr , As:-t. Coshier.44 BASE BALL TEAM. 7R4L'Plt now opesn .sl 5stt MARFK ~7U.OF M. (CALENDAR. Tues.,'tlsy0.2;-Regslastsssrcl Uio essebs- 1ST ~ ~ , Wsed., Map 24-Hoes. W.f L. Wilson's, lestrersin tetsn etue:soitnsre. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! Fri., - say t20-Benefit, airesbytsphe Minstsst an East Hur-oenSreet, for the AthletcrAsss.'soMtissaat Oaessshos-. ss.,May 2S-Dewerry pHasll. Tise Rightsoi Dissst Wiesissci te s uects. Prof0. Tasylor. n S AVE EAN-uERANtI Mon., tMayp 29.-DeanssKsoss ttsn's :5th lette- ENVIAB5LE I in JewcisLots series. Subjtsj. "J trisosr- EU RPUTATIOe eeco he.esMNmsio re e On eScO Rn3YR. Ossca tetsr.As~oi~ ee O OURa TRADE Tars., Iliy It-C. cof M. vs. Cores It troitct. SOLICITEDo Wed., laiy 3s1LChoral CUnisson-scet. .. ppCour Hose. Monday Holiday. The lrum a, of lDePauswUniversity, in reference to the proposed chasnge of the regular swekly holiday fronm A Great Saturday to Monday, says etditor- ially: 1.f\ 51 i1'4 0oIntay holiday is steadily gain- j~l in frends. Mfany colleges swhich 1n Prces not long ago looketi tpon the chaogc I ij v IC~S *with distrtsnt have at laot madic the __ experimnt, and so far noss'e can * learn, not one inscdissatisfiecd. Other We are offcrineg oar enstire stack of LAWN j instittutions have thec natter sutter considercation, and soon the Mondlay TENNIS andctSI'ORTING GOODS at4 holiday swill he the rusle instcad of manof-acturers' wrkolesale cool. All reese the exception. l31tte i\onday io a Ds' "-ccvI'o!l f'- -rit quic to e fr s tc -- - e . . ^e' - 0;c cei'ttsaiapsforGjleof Ch s" cc--s.. sstss-rot.. - tissss L. 0. AYssATcn, Z00.0 Casslersssv Ascs. -THE AROUSe-. FINZ JO013 INR II;1N 31TheNeSl ~iap15 in IHosiery. S ave tiscomfort and DInning. Mlen, 2ar., 35e., 50e. Womn's, nr05cr rae sie soe WAIUKENHOSE COMPnNY, 76 Chauecy St, Boston, Mess An Open Air Concert. The Glec and Banjo Clubs will give an open air concert tomorrow nighot, in front of the lasw building at 7:30 o'clock. Thin in a complinmen- tary concert to the students and the clubs invite every one to turn out and hear the music. The concerts given this far thin year by the clubs have been unusually Soce anti we can promise all weho are fortunatc enough to hear thenm tomorrow night, a rare treat. BUSINESS LOCALS. Lust--Betwseen tnity Blucke ansi Schasirer & Millen's stre, traly's goild wsastchrand chasin. - Finser- leaise et 20 E. Hurron. 1711. POLIIEMUcS5, jurst norths of thse Yotst- office, has thre best hacso carriages, aiad horses irstire city. Tiyhinis. tf Fetit SALT., or ins exchanrrge Pier propi- erty irsAnllArbor, a fitst-claess stavse mill. Address, M. I. TJAYLO,ert Manrrton, Wexfrd Co., Michs. Mine. Laura Schirmer Mapleson. It is ecuriosowtos'loaitheoprilesiretso 'ivc cresdit to or hasve cosfidencse irs thseir osriscoutntryimenr or fellosv citi- zeiss. a cusriosoinstace of tlisscr thse receptiosewhichs Madamsie Lsrirss Sechirmer Maiplesontireceisedl atlBco- tonr,wnerasfter a lproloisgedltotir sir the constinrent, driinigsw'icsheras el takeen tireswhole of Euirope faiirly try storims sithi lir lute-like voice sand life- like acting, shres nade her reaperarance sit tire imusic hall ini Bostorn, her nastive city. In spite of tire seeather wich raged ontside tire aiudience was tre- menrdous. Since then her ctireer in America hras been eveii more suceess- ful, perhaps, than it was in Europe. Madame Maplesoni and her excellent compansy will appear here sit the Grand opera Houeie ons'Tuesduay evening next in Gounod's immortal opera, "Faust.'0 Efeesior aundry '0t ESs TN5I k ' .1 sm eslirlsed. FA COVERT, rp Natur-e's Ibeam tis open tocycers- 'The Coluitbias cycler goes everysshere iii perioltecllt safety - Colinitbias are guar. anteced. AltliAboutd..l..sbias,-fee a1 Columbssia encies, or sentbytrill.forst.o.twocentcstampss.Piopea Mfg. Co.., cB-osto, News Yorc, Chicago. *5gtof IE 1',Wa51sinegon steet Aol-: NOW "IN LIrNE." J3road .? We, oc, /C WE SHOeW AN "UvP- rst DATF." KUiM A N P GChATS. FUL L AND COM PLETE LINE SPORTITO- SHOES, J JUST IEEIVEI). GOODSPEEVjUD'S 1T. S. MAIN STREET. Rackets iacouted. DO'T rMISS sirs Ciicr. I GEORGE WAHR, University _ 20 S. State St. Bonkstore, thing of the past and the app)arent necessity of Sunday study is foreyer abolished. We fund the weork lesn broken into than fornmerly and swould advise our sister colleges to "tate and see that the thing to good." Foet SALE. - Victor Pneumatic. New. Call at 40 So. Inigalls, between 5:10 and 6i p. in., or Satrurday morning.