THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE LATEST .AND BEST .taOur Little Tale ofWo Assortment of NEGLIGEE SHIRTS in the City. 100 - MANY -WRITE - VESTS! HAVE YOUJ!SEEN OUR NEW SpIRING 5TOCIJ? Itais a SplrendidtSthoaing of Suits aned Overcoats. Eaxtra Val-tue at 1ow Prtees. OeTidoftonLatie Sokof temn.Farty-thtree Styles ta seteteflomt Came earty ant get ethice. WadlhamS Ryan & Reule . -r '=CMJrr-w O is- Ann Arbor Savings Bank 'OWEN'S ARBNER HP An Artaor aMtadi. Capital Stork, $6a0aE,0ettaa00,rtane Surtlus, V05.000. N.4ES UO TET Organized undaer thet Ovaeat Banking Lawn or thin state. itecoives Deponits.byhaynd atra0Nl selsrexaaanaeon 00the principat citiensvothe I~ngl~ n tLoitratStatesa. ODraftsttcatsratupon prpere 1 A lj Ca taNaMACaK, Prert., Stitavalal a o cya al a t al:he NV. 0. HtAtttMNa.Vive Pte., It HAS. F,.Hinco x, Cattaier. CLIFTON - HO US n ~WHIT MORE LAKE . I la aa'a altat DANCE HALL with PIANO.I n/'D.). j'S1IITII, - Pteot'tt,loie. j / 1 / MARKc,9 P. 01M: CA]LENDAIR. a "t,"~e ea , aa E.xcelsior JLauflurV, Vte ~ 'a tc-a ' aF 3to,V'a .. ' a et t. ' tt ', ' EA SrtiitfaNSOItttl ' I. alet ta >a-a a a . . .'O 0 bola a. D.t. A-WAt.O 251l'4a Calumaaet Aae oa. aatal antieeal. A. F. COVERT. Praaap. ---VtT H E A RGU S - ra a. TieN ew Shape ias Hosiery. yt / Site Dicoaftrt and Darning. o.a" a"7 Een, 2an., aav., 500c.Wae's, 50e. Give iza tho,. N'tanre'ar1111,I ttita open to cycer- WtIKENOSSICOMPSNY, 76 Chauntey St,, Boston, MannsiTeCaal tatl iaaeaalee goes aserysere itt tat-eta.aaeatt;afety-Colu. l..aace goat. The fouth page contains the nanmen avtl laatI of the committeeo. IHuston, Ash- or sent byemailfea tw r-cntsap. Pevafi. radoa & Co., of Philadelphia , are __o.,__oston, __Nw____r_, __________ fuarninsting tihe invitations. 66 C T R R iN'Ii E. W1 1 Fin-taaonaoaern BUSINESS LOCALS. ____ _______ It'OLfI-M US5, jutst tortia of the lost- ollice, has thlas t lhacks, carirgs I t~ anta ihoroes intheaocity. Trry liii. t Foat SALE, or in exchanatge foar proap- erty ini Anar Arbor, an first-clais tave mill. Acltrens, M. E. TAYL~ai, AHENtOtn0 "I N Manaton, 'Wexfordl Co., Mlih. FOrttSxATE. - Victor It1neuattie, Nina. Laura Sohirmer Mhapteson. htatit I a aSAY Tossy RANDALL FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! 30 EastHuron Street, p, 3 S RAVE EARNtED ANt H FORnS OnRan3 Yvit. E A. D. Sevier & Sa A Great VROKT Tloas.,flay ;"'-etula oral ni aoaarehaear- sal. Waea., Many 't-Haon. W. t.. 'lilsvna'- letulae inn Sttadetta' Lare at savaaiantanaseraas. NVn .,Many''l-CnaaanaCiaapla iaaaaaa , Caaalc ias-t. Fri., Intay 2 Oa'naa'l ieant ay thaeMinstre'als faar thae Atlte Asaaaciatiaat aparaaaoa'ea Sua., Moas?8Nenwerry Htall. Theaa'taaoa Diasntaa Oltinnthtin'Chunreha. tProaa. laayor. Tuae.,'aarnallaaaeeaaaia. atl.'a.,May 31--aaraltaaiaona'aaitn.'rt. A Work of Art. Thte menmbers of the scnior liter- ary class can pride thenaselves in having the netent anal nost artinti- cally arranged program ever ianned by any nenior clans of thin itntitu- lion. The nmaterial in Japaanneelparcha- ment card cover anod paper through- out, of a light crceam color. 'Te cover in decorated in browvn ailian It is eaatiaaus laholoathilaople are Iao give cenait to or hiave confiealntce itt their ownacouantryment or felloanvciti- zeen. A cairiounaitstanace ofathtisastn thae receptiton awhichnMaanea u tara Schirtmer Manplesoan rceedalttBosc- toan, whne after an prolotagead totur tat the coantinenet, aduring nwhichishae htal tntita n ' lialerf Eaaropeiao tirtyylay stortm withn her fluate-like v'aice tail life- open booksarniontteed by a icroll tote acett.a'tting h anenerceaptpeaarn'nte upoEwichisprite, Universityatthe tmrsicehllhin ilastoan,harc atative 1pot wrtchciepritedcity. Ini spite of(lie senather svhicha of Michigan." Above all in an en-- raigeadotstitde thaetaadiee atrte- _________bonneed '93. The firnt page containnsanennaocas. Siance thteti her caarerann the invitation proper, ttion wicht Americanhatnbeen e veanaaaore satccess- is engraveal a vienw of the ntain buila- fil, pehals, thtan it anas ian Euaraapa. We ave vfring tar etaire stock of LAWN !inlg. Thae seconel page cotains line cmpant wial pear erati it axeellenat TENNIS aand SPOtRTING GOOS at I class lay progranm, an itanovation Opserta lotase aoat'Tuesdlay eveetitagnext over prevouas years. An '93 is thei-cin Goaaeaa's immsortanl opera, '' Faast." manafactrrs whvlenale cat, All nesw "bannert' class a htndsonmely en- graved representatioat of tine football stud~ents, Attention. Rackets includead. DON'TMISS 'rtCatAsCE. banner, around whtichitsi artistically- entwined '93, illumainates thin page. Stuenets adesiritng to have ay ____________ In the back-ground is a football clothtes mante befonre vacantioanstill coan- field with gold poles. sauit thaeir oawnt interests lay callinsg oat On the third page in a fine steel Mr. Rone, of the GolenaaEangle, at tine GEORE W H , plt nraigrersni( na tarw ook hov euse, 'Tueaday, May 23,anlie TIT UD lat enravaagrepesetin analtr xiiiitavosomecihoiceenovelties innsaem- on wh-licha a nomber of books are go- mar snuitings anti goods for full-niress log op in nmoke, forming in lettern wear. You canl order now and have University - 20 S. State St. of nmoke the wvordn "Graduation of tinem deliveredl to you at your pleasanre, Baokstare, ti aei on h and always stare to get tine most stylisia 93. Upon ti aei on h cut at a saving of from $5 to $15 on a program of commencement week. I nult. Give him a canll. F ESeHeltOAN "UTP- GOODS PEED'S FUJL AND COMPLETE LINE SPORT.ING SHOES, JUST RhlELiIVED. GOODSPEED'S 17 S3. MAIN SREET.