-THE U. OF NI. DAILY. . is.Dr . I.Hagler, who has heen Poxshe Oity(Svaxt s~i51~lldx thalnmology and Aural Surgery for thse past three years.- . NC she Cs i've Sper, byA .Il.tr THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION He goes to Sprisgfield, ill, t _______________open an office in the practice of his sperialty, where he expects to meetI TAN SHOES-Prices, $,43.50, $4.00, $5 .00. TK.a4QBIHN os. with a better remuneration than he - - ANN ARBOR s gettii' here. Riegrets are heard 48 SOUrTHMAIN=STREET, IN a short time a thorougih can- 00 all sides and especially from the vast of the various senior classes of totter class sues, who expected hisj'PL' 'j jj'''dQ' instructions text year, in their dem J T'Lk I'1f o Inc she University still be made in the " onstratiosal course. The very best I interest of she Ati v1-1Wr:Eit, wishes of all go with him. 21S ai tet. A NE O which we are gladi to say is meetisg 2 .1li1Sre.W G E O the wearmest reception fronm the _________________________________________ alumni. Every membher of the sns- *OLEDO for classes should feel an active in5 -ARMr _ terestia his Alma Mater, weiehaserdaiconto n t he 3> o ITeritcertainly n 00 . .L better way to keep in touchs with iN. J., stars of university ife than by subscribing for a weekly the designi ofl slilci is tocfi-i c...newsofiteeSst tohe i Ho. sfol d's Acid Phosphate. I have used it for several years, nt LO IL111115il uc -liiv vii ny11Illy pracie.tice iiliiiy Otwli - alaum ni of the U. of M.l iiividiial citt, and constier it uinder all __ _____ ___circustainies oie of the bsest nerve toitis thatiwe posess or cmental ex- Ix asihort timse group pictures tiflhmstion or overstock it gives renewved tihe senior classes wilt be taken. sttcesiitii and vigor to tlie entice sys- It is very desirall that every trnsm-te." A naost exeellent asoil agreexhle tonle ber of the dififercnt classes appear in stud appetizer. It stourishies tnin vig- their respective class pictures. It orates the tired hrai nd od iy, imo- scents strange that asy suich request parts renewed energy stud vitality, anid need be macle, but past experiences enlivens thte funcetionts. save shaown that it is very difficult Deseiptive pamphtiestreevon applieaion isti to eta torughy eprsetatveRumford Chemical Works, Provi- so gt atiiroxiilyrepesestaivedeuce, R.I. group picture at this institution. Bteware st Substitutes aod Imitations. Every student should havee class FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. pride enougha to want his class to ___________________ take a respectable showing. WVe HENRY HAUG7 feel that when the Glject ofsteTesehee aed soloist, GustarOBanjo asii'ties- picture is considered there can he doliis. Studio C OMt so douht hut thsat every one still Roos 3la s. State St. turna out. - Lenuro. 2] years in the Business. Prof. Thornpson's Lcue CITY LAUNDRY, -- M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth St. Itn 1'rof. Tisoiapson's leciure, Dett re i f vsrans . AniAbr tsothe LEADING SCHOOOL 01 BUSNESS.Meg- niiteiit building; nine teacherse; largeeattendine; ON( ORH roo;e di lctuiroe;iSaurdaen venltinecptio ns; No.1 . sl ad i ess. e ..P a n oenthe entire year; Cercial graduaes invgeeat Ni. i. tIiw ' teAn AborAcoi -,i p n- iiemiand; tshor thadgradutilealtl seiireosiit; 5N . 5. Mai iltaPse-er*...et 411) liiut.g epenee sit 2.t2 per weekini vtee ami- Oi.CLri ee eor tvx veve C ned Li;eoftSxidents iia Cit it~ cae vposiietions from weekto e,iadds s i ~ No. 2. Msaiiuanil lesene r*.......1lO4sa.vi aP, a. CLEARS. tree. Ni. a. Mail aiid S stre .....) tp.i _________________________ No__x. i6. ToieudiiAtcciiimoiiatiin..645a r I ' "f, .00, 5 CentrlvitandardlTimei. F jSj$2 aL D ~ aiy excetiSsiniae. Firs C~lSSandWarrnte inTiiiedo oniy, daiv}eeept Sseiiat 0 Ev ery Way. Otheretase aisliy eeptSundaye E Doty & Feiner. 1iW.. ~lTET' ;est S. etI E !geetI) S$4EE$4AN - & COMPAN A C ,pting cBi-n,, otil Ilorace IPnrljtidyc c Coa G iasi ,jLamhoTeipojis aid JBase Jpall GoodsE AS5K OR WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. Sunday morning at cihapel, he laid the story of tise prodigal suit f40515 a lasvyers point of viesw. He said that wvhen tile son re- tamned litowxv recognized as a son, yet he weas not told he stould receive a share of te renmainder fortune at his fatther's death, for the father says destinctly to te elder toss "all we have is shine." tHewsa given an opportunity though, to set to stork again atad sisare in te future gains. Just so ally prodigal whio has wasted Iis portion of honor, inoo- cence and virtue nmay retulrn hut Iho returns bankrupt of these gifts and his portion is not regainedl except by years of honest endeavor. Goes to Springfield. At thse close of this year the Uni- versity still be called upon to mitt thse services of one of its most effici- ent and popular iostructors in the medical department. Thit time it This Space Iteserveateor itdcactdcive. iii Stole Steet DTil ROIT, - '-MICHIGAN. .ANN ARBOR STEAM KLKUINDTPLYCo. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. E. S. SERVISS, - MANAGER. N CT ICE.-TIO STUDENTS sod Ctiioens. Don't crud vat cf tosen toe Candly ctets yes coo geeluslasooved atR. a. Jol' & Co.sWe doist charge toe style, hat give it to you, and that is see-hal. Hot soil ecold lunciesitc asithoussfatshe day sod sight. R. L. JOLLY & CO., No. 26 South State Street. HOT LUNCHES And the very choicest Candles *TUTTLE'S, * 48 SOUnTH STATE STRET. VICTOR CYCLES Yeuaall Snow them. Call and see them at I M. sTAEBL.ER'S Cyl Emoium, I1I W. Washingtos St. R EN TSCHLER, j) hoto rapher, COLltEElt SlA1AINDtn t1tsae STC.. GRMTD OIPERAiOUSE, OiNtENtIHTtiNtS'. TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 2. MLtAe. LARA S UUf HI IM E 11-M1APL E 8 U1 Royaol andsImpcerial Coiiert Siiger. Te Leesl- ing Primas Doves of Tois tiiiieii;. lienvtlsst sedacduiaxas the sccvii part ci tehe entertai nmint the entire thurd act i(Gscdn Scense) yofsioarid's imimoirctal opera Price: - 5Oc, 75e and 1.O06 Seeure Seat at States' Jesceirv Store. GIBSON, PHOTOG~RAPHR NO. 12 W. HURON ST.