A , . VOL. III.-NO. 1 V 7. VOL. 11.-No 167.UNIVERSITY OF MIICHIIGAN, MONDAY, MAY 22, 1S93.PRETEECN. Prim THREE CENTS. LOCAL RECORDS BROKEN. mile, as did Hoit in the mite. The Saturday's Field Day Memorable in p~ole-vault was a pretty- contest, the Annals of U. of M5. ; Austin winning at 9 feet, 6 inches. Athletics. Geary sias the best mans in the STe aannal spring; Field Day seas junsis. His alt-arousndssork is ex- held at the atthletic field last Satur - celiesnt aiid wins for hins the fildc day, and to say it was a grand suac-Ilasses. Martin Lwoutit probably cess would tieexpressing it svcryhaebsdhie adntices nmitdiy. It was so niucthathead of kelptii nity'frossm tie fiel.Thi'tte any fielsd-say hielid here in thie ast X2titurdlte was a prcity racie'XWite that coimparsSons asseentirelsy ott itning iby-a loot un-sr Reiiin 27a35. o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u o si Retedms iI heltin e ail tillthtitslast was ecualitto any of theestern iscotl- tiurule, shoretrecouppederite tege fiatld-stays, ant in one at least isiier ansstnscois se a it eclipsedt asiy recorsthits thasvet etelusl h gse 5 sisan' beets madacthissyear. I lit illtbe brosugtiusitints h-anext The clay svas all thatsicould be ;twoueofes o iadyseea asked, ansI the track was in prins e offijcsers, 'f'sterayMeCey- condition. The attendance, whlich flos ugs upr ~cCy at fornaer field-days has been smnall, saocsas'rnel. Maues was even lamger than at thne base- Bliss, Harding. Referee, Duffy. ball gamnes, and a largeonmber of Strer, tLister, of Detroit. Clerk ladies wvere present. of course, Decke. Timers, Willianm- The prizes competed for were son, Griffin, Watts. Ananouncer, elegant gold andI silver msedals toAVW.Gifn Folwgisaum first ands second winners anid a nmary of events and winsners: splenstidt set of field-glasses to wi- sa 0 issard ias-Wons by G.ChaCipmni Sit.Ihelnson, desitsecotn'. Timie 10 iaer of mnost linlts dusring thne slav. e Btesides this tine class winnine the 220i a'issh tnts. Chiapimastsfirst; largest nsunber ofIpoinats Inns its helnons se ois T isse 22 -5asee. nanse engravest ottthe S. I.A. 4111-yanrdfias-Ashley, -e=1 awhfrst son0 silver culp. '96ilit5w itl ise Sandersoni93 itiiisecond.iT hnitie is See. thathnior, an they woia 40Itoisnts. 850-yalis rtiltGiosish iili l 'The oilier classes ranaked as followcs:tMolt, 95,neconid' Cassidy , denlt, thurd. 95 lit, s8; '94 lit, I1; '93 lit, I3; sime, 2:6 1-5 '94 lawv, 12; '93 lawc, 20; Medics,; Milte Strt S1 1 inst; itlnswothi Dents, 7. 'This field-dtay decided 293Iasecond.limWe ose5:09i. for tine most part tine teanm that iill iesi itsncoiIGiy iflt compete in the events at Chiscagothsirs. Time, 272 -sec. wchicht eant wil1 probably sausmber Misle bicy ce telen, 5 lit, first; fromsa16Oto ig ISieeicy, '94lit, sectoss;incsit 596 lit Tine star ceceiii of the ciay weretirdl;iMor~isfuth. imsue , sTwo-site bicyclte -Beldensflust; the soo-yards sandasadthtie 2ao0- tyscsd1isnee ud1is yards stasis, buit snaby Cisapiss t souts. imue, a-aS over Lessonbyly ens thsaia a foe?,'.ssssssssig broadsilumnp--Gieary, 96, 'T'hetinse for tse loo-ysnequals t inst, 19-ft l-i-l Coffissn, seondt;IPat- inter-collegiate recordts ant i ii terott, 94 laws, thirst. bee betenby istInv me ss t ic Sstinsgbroadstjurnsp--Geasry, fist, bee betenbybuttwome inth li-t 7-ill; Colist, seond;il Horton, third. avord. It was caught by si-s Buninllg Iighs jssnp-Geairy,fist, wcatches. The 22o record is esqual -ft 4-ill; Codlil; seconldt;Dortonl, tisird. to any made this year. Old track P'ole vasult--Assstin, li95 lit, fist, 9-ft men who were present said they had 6-ill; It. Chapmnul, 94 lasw, seeonid; - Crone, '96, thirsd. never seen the twvo sprint races Hanmmer thsrosw-tPerry, '93 lana, first, eslualled on any track. In the 440 74-t; Laultnalr, 195 lit, seconld; Hasl 93 dash, Mitchell, who has rum in 52 law,'.thlirdI. seconds, preferred to run against Strnt put--h~all, '93 law,- 34-ft li-ill; time rather than he handicapped Findlay, seeond; Reed, thsird. withnon-ecor men He ade High kick--True. '94 law, -ft -in; withnon-ecor men He adeGeary, seeond. only 55 2-5. His pacer on the hi- . ,r cycle did not understand how to Saturday's scores : Northwestern run him. Ashley made a pretty 4; University of Minnesota 7; Yale run in the 440 race, making 55 flat. 5, Princeton s:, University of Chi- Grosh had an easy thing. in the half- cago 5; Rivals, so. WE LOSE TO CORNELL. , Michigan Forced to Play under Last Years Roles or Forfeit. Outr boy-s hardly receivdci fair deal a t Ithaca, Satu.rdayr. Cossnelst masnager refussed to fulfill lain agree- I unt andil Ilayusslesrlisa newv rites, asic st t s otirleant at a tig disast- santa-c, andt captais~n 'Ial'y-or insisstes oflyn witshbut onae sumpire, anii aCo nasma. lust M'iciti- gana sdnes nst ascribe tsar defeat esn- titsely to unsfair tactics. Wriest isa tine tselist-scertinsly pron-dactt tanzca to tine boys swhile Taylor be- we hinsdsthtinhie bat gas-chimnaexcellent thSt support. For Michilgan Krogman pitched a good ganse considersng that he mad not tried tine fifty foot distance before thnis seasosn.lie let DLI but one man down on bails. . Snmelczer msade a splendid catchn of 9IQ a lone drive, Spiczer and Spusney carniest off line baiting Ihonors, the latters hmne run being lise iongs htl ever seen on tine grousnds.f F~ollowing is tine score. 1 $l or ,$ Soesniat e tss-I55 a 1tirles ROIT, - - MlICIIG{XN. imond Straight Qa}. - CIGARETTES. Cisette Smoses ahe aressslsing toDeaelisttle sithared Iorthe otirtity liade OCacettes. ,tilSaid 'T'utsitnsuSperir to 5ialsthess- Thile Richmond itraights 5. Cigtartt es amde Irs-a thsebright- )st datlsi's flavos-eds andt highesteelst s-eal gronen51Virgissia, TMiis thscOld crnlead of tStrasght Silt igarettes, t8bogtt f ot ivyaas1in the yeartI8". rs o5 itations, andsdevets tnste st-cia sbeine-isan every v-ni-age. ALLEN& GINTEs'ranch Of te Amserican TebacetPuo., Iarses.- - Rschson,sV irgiaia. llatiis1%ssLi lest, .L.i - Pri est, )is-_ 1iciesif__--- lSce i'sasss 1is -- - -- - - - - - - 1 I 0 it -- ---- -------i ii12 i -- -- -- -- -- - -- 1 i ll31. : ----- ---- ----- <3 0 2 1 i -"--- ---- ---- ---5 1 1 ? 1 t "---- ---- == -- ---4 0 ° 50 0 i 0 0i 00i 1as -- --- - - - - - - 4 0 e0 1 is -- - - -- - - -- - 4 1 1 l 52 1 -- - - ---- ----1 5 1 ii 0it 5 -- - - -- - - -- "3 0 0 ii 3i 1 ----- ----- ----- 3 -0-0 0 0t antI Osi asnd StiR 'rhe A Massufa A Distinguished Visitor, D~r. Virchow, Professor of Anat- omy, at Berlin, Germany, and son of the world-renowned Virchow, visited the University last Friday, the guest of President Angell and Dr. Abel. He has charge of the the German educational exhibit at the World's Fair. He is also visit- ing some of the leading schnools of America during his stay here. He fleft for the east, Saturday. P. J. KINN1iUC.AN9 MERCHANT TAILOR AneolIb1PoIa ER 0 FIS'-=0TOO a-s, 55 W- FORW T' Detroit, Xiohigan.