THE U, OF M. DAILY ~ ~D'~' A FINE DI8PL A YKj0j1iM $AiA\ ti A" I' 1.1A- ----_._ AK 42 S.iState ar .,, a i rfo or. you ae otsi.fcd a. fter ,tip te 1 Panci$oli5If Viluls, Etic. will cIretJI g f no ner wc-ar. Xouwanst ode. Strpl e il l gladly re urn y017 soe. REveryboy is sati-id sfa All legaintly iished and Rich ino out of moresthan ti puas ers. Tote. Catkin's Pharmacy. WILEY, TTheMusiZD aerT MOO E WEMOE, h uicDae. BOOK STORES NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ____ ___AN1i CORNER OF STATE A\1) WILLIAM STREETS. . Ni" j L'?lOY DLPSov-r7%T l Cz'1ANNITTNLO 1 jIr z IY/ IY77soryp TENNIS GOODS AND IAAdIOGKS. w~ ~ ill be found Complete and Our :Prices as Low as t-he Lowest. d ' cn REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY Tailor, opposite the Law ' Bili on It>, "b. Clipper hBraiid"Solid meat Tonaoes for 61,1(1 pti rdoe. Wilasnt,irstndoonarwesitiofae-t. 8,i , 1 17-" opin ' " " s- " " Suits tnorderspecialty. All work frst-clas 00M2 ''Winslow Coirn 1 "Pirs ohr -CoIstlpn nt yW N CIAO .2ccPirs " - - _ _ cc c cc 3 u zmw 1 r l o FRSLAT- 2 " Lake Shore,' - - -1.0ohaesm Repairing done gn to And all ohrCannoed Goods t pro36tionateStreeet BICCLE. ~ 44 ainStret.Souh. DEAN & COMPANY".I Will You Look At ou1 Show Window? It tolls ila soiii story about GUITARS ANSI PRICES. ( UNIVERSITY NOTES. THIS "FIXno" InACE. TIhS running turf ncan ntelL,e TIhe-fret. esalished well, Than frequently nhe selling -race islbata al lagscll. Fiel sports begin promsptly at 2:30 p. Ill. Tine U. of ill. defeated the U. of THlE ANN AIhi1l ORGAN CO., Id.3to6 ededya.51SuhlfiSretTine junior laws play the Normal _____________________________school at Ypsilanti tlfis afternoon. .. G JG NG NT I Dr. Martin was called in conssnl- .......tahion to Caro andi Caas City, yes-, TimneTable (Revisned)Noveesnr 20,89?. terday. nA. . p. . WS. n1 Mtail-------- f 5ChicnSpecial - 30 h ii pes.----50 DyExrs_--s2 ePal U'a havewonth i tir N. s Limited _ h__is.Mail . _- :n(ame defeating the 'eaPis N. Y. 1irniied _--9 51N S.- ie -9 59 7 etP in a. naa~s pl-rri, CShicagn Ex.'husay 1o5 1) Nan. Lxpre-s s I ii: i NiEt pi *1__,-5 48 Tue S. C. A. seirvices Sitnoay Atlnic Ep essnii4ii n Ci.NcigtEns n9S05 Or i. nirs---.10 0 P .cfic.Exress 0,27nornineg will he conducted hy Prof. 0. 1' ,. . Ase, i Clici ao. A . Atiii Arbonr. IThonnpaonn. Subjcct: Story of the ITIRST NATIONAL BA pNjr Prodigai Son. on AN A~lin. - Ninety-five anti Ninety-four ilaycid COnnit,,n*i,)IllIllSaionic and Poits, $relasS. a good game oii the athnletic field Trarsoaetsit nenenaSoankingebuhns,forIn-yeer afrno. Sre6t eint xii ne snld, lenters on credit procured yetray for travenersEasres,'in favor of ' SW. CLARKSON, asohier. ( Tickets for the 'Nrarsity minstrel DANCING and DEPORTMENT. performance will he on sale Monday AI~A~1IUat Watts'. Prices have heen placed GRi'NGER'S A A E y at 75 and 5o cents. Thebuldng peial uilt y Jr.irai1. Thne hoard of regents spent some ineludes hin family home, and contaiss the timeyetra looking over the finest and best arranged rooms for insttons ystra toh besaond in the State. caimpus for a site for the proposed Office,.Center Entrance, 6 MAYNARD ST. new administration building. - Sesd $125, $2, or $5 50 for Sam-. Monday afternoon will occur on C ulu pleRestaiBnx by express of~ the campus the first of the- inter- Tifl!7 the BESTCANDIES inAmericas. P sPot op in elegat boee fior class baseball games, '45 and '9;6 p~tS~&S.xps~8 earesbeing the opposing teams. The p repaid. Refer to a.hmeto Crysosee. Addraes gme ill certainly be an interest- C._ . GII0THHR. (lenfeeisnee.gae 20 St aeStree rgone. There will he anainmportant meet- ing of tse Denmocratic Cluh, Mon- day night, in tine law iecture roonm. Seniors desiring Commsencement invitations should niake the ninmber wanted known to tine Invitation Conmnittee at once. Address the Chairman, nn Jeffersontsotreet. 'The followving programn will he rendered by tine Alphia No, tiiis eve- lning: Pianso solo, Mliss Fischer; declanmation, Mr. Duncan; reading, Mr. Dasef; vocat solo, Mnr. Nelson; recitation, Mr. Adans; essay, Mr. Kellogg; story, M1r. Saciler; s-oral solo, Mr. Watsons. Tine Msinisterial iBand his abeen fortunate in securing Prof. Dewvey to give an address this evenning in Newbherry Hall, at 7:30, uiiontlne ''Relation of Phlilosophny to 'Theol- ogy.'' The Band invites all swho are especially interented in thnis suh- ject to he present. The annual election of a secretary for the iBandi will alao take place tine same even- log. 'ihe following men left via thr Michigan Central for Ithaca last night, Crawford c, Krogman p, Jef- feris z b, Spurney 2 h, Pearson 3 b, Spitzer ss, Smeltzer r f, Shields c f Rich 1 f, Griffin nub., Seymour um- pire. About two hundred enthusi- astic students were at the station to see the boys leave. The game will be telegraphed to the DAILY at the. end of the third, sixth and ninth in- nings, and, if possible, will be re- ported at the- Athletic Field. LAARGE -HO E WITH SIX LOTS A lane houinseOth iAinsiont iwin-iltar-ie rom n i oltsi- Io sle antslbssii on-half isrieeiioifeeSfirtosiofinome. A n-cry lars eehaol. 'roinirt itn Nio1sape.earge Sill]sistiini floorsir dncneihall sir iilliBrd rootS.. Wosuld m~asle sis ensi-enit iiLesrnfor Society hose. Eanssyissyeils. C,01sL~t 560]West Liberty Street, S. KRIALSE, ANN ARnIOR. MICit. CALL ON-~ G. H. WILD The Leading Tailosr, For Fi S ei, orun-iasnien lush. I'risser-, anicyset onoe iS-ieri-nat. lis'e arries- lihe nmist ecosslete Sitsec ini te ecina No.12 E. Washington-St.. Near Main. a8 ta ,al11111 lank, Capital, $50,000. Suarplus and Profits, $170%,. Does a genersilflanking business. Pays in- terest o Saving Deposits. Has safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. R. KEMPF, Pres. F. H. BBHLSER, Cashier. Bank seen Saturday evening. Q. K. BARBERL SHOP. ste eioxay ,, ]Fi,** Shower Bths,~ New Pereeleia 901.Was5,tegtssn St. J. H. THOJANOWSgt 3l, Baths for $15.05