-THE U. OF M. DAILY. issued by the annex faculty, and W . O % z countersigned by the president of ____Harvard. By tlits arrangement the ---- Ptilhe Da' ily (Sinaas eeipn..i) daring svomlen's college will be kept dli- IA .N O the Co iv' vyeew. by tinctly separate from the college HE ii. OF d, I ND0 FNENO T ASSOCIATION piroper. Thie students will lanen the ______ privilege ofithse graduate courses. T ( !his aiid the higher value pilaced TAN SIHOES.-Prices, $3 . n, $4.00, X53.00. mpoii the. degrees will be the only -real gain to the annex by its admit- 48 SOUTE' MAIN ST+REE. - AN RBR lv-'ti ss i, f the .i) sir board to- sauce. 'Fite friends of the aisnex tire nsit exactly pleasedl with this A 5-l di it, 7:30. Important business. schemise, fosr they see in it an attempt SIJP .J..'.5 S'L I1.I.P GS ki~lAN~11F~s"hav ben mdeso excludle forever en - education Anms~sssivrs ave eesititICfromn the college. 2 .~ i tet wisereby she lDst ie sill receive cons-b21 .M i Ste . WAGNER & CO. plete telegraphic reports from t he U. of AL-Corsell gam-v thi, after-* ~.~Ii ~TLD noon.I5 Leervone istere'sted ini the TJAAIJ gnue-icsllts i be ivenabledttis)amisty iimself of theireultcarly tlissesvii I letiss-la'ithsits ofisceitt s e t s i i "_.-. se ll is' i ji vs iits I ise the tltS 'uSC Horsfo cdii1 L 1 1s ~tr i eel""natcIi 1.1i; 1Nve fte tac t ttsshiNWst- '5 line sti it l'()1'r et il vi e, i ntIs theivLEADING SeCHOLOF BUSINESS. 3Msg- 'i:isst ves >sis}il~rin' iii i ti5 55 t es'ibut i ' 1iii sit-ii iii- tbilig in ecer;lre ted n 'ce; 5 u>isu t = v 'ir iit 5't i ivislssss5 vase, ani osi d usieit I iltE'staill roossu i isy lecturevs; Satssuday evening receptios-, N - sitsilt ~pOS".. . 1 ie siss si is-'5 tO sitit nout eili'titutlf sIeC S siteof thie(St nsliei dlitandi; iso td ranestallt si'srepoitioin; Ia o5. ,Maitittut t'as-5.555 lie 's t'usw usss.so iettl? 1 -g xesecs 2.to$2 d~perweekipriaste ai5t(It5G5t)[ttt. b elfrte ( le tc toi stsis sustsstteess.s. Isr seitl '- ts.g vueviss et, a~n~ s tssntswha hliitti 05r \iii v orl t .-Is i 'fS olv e " titis lave positimosis fo witi" ss's'eek, asirstsNa. ', C4ii5iti i'tssvvss rtcvtlit 5"ti o isit' e adv04'ibility gcSi E'uytt ndstvigor tos1slit' title)' svs- PP. .CLEATY. 7P Ntr'sleis.sssvuiuss-i of taking 'steps to utse willhi t iii'e$ $20,$3.00S$4.00,"5 ssitvaiiSssait'rsslii. A1 most exnevlenttl s tiitenie tontic "O:i*Dity s'cevtisundti' oterther e vesastcctolletgteil'ii tpr'essiti i t'g assioicieeation'sas siinit~is uv iv tis i is the tormtsion oidan. ts -COt 4 rttottatrd ei ttdhl' nsNIeT a. oleo o(ridas iy ss~ttsunavs 'vres ssociatinto iiclude call of aislepats reniieedenergy isis vitality, sit E I W5. H. tdtINv'f5'T, is. S. St 1 it itN,01) the rottene pressas toctitions of tie ettlivenst the funcetions. Doty &s Feiner,. Ge.Ps.Ant LoaAgt ti' i" coutry. Stuci t iepsseeswsise, suitdsoalilbe cossidiered twell by nl the msemtbers of the W'sesterns College Press .Asociations. Nose that 5the onte-sixthi sill bill late is its effect, ivouldsitisnot be ivell for tlse Regents so consider the qusestion of lighstisngte campuiss by electricity? Wiitht the presentsftacii- ities, sit electric plianat coulil be op. ersteid sithsiout assy great outlay stud teoulid trove a sasing issvettmsesnt its many ways. The smassysslvasntages of suchb ass improvemsettasee appar. ens antI seed no cotmmsent. We knowe of no implrovemenst that would meet a wvarsmer recepiton from the students thsan that of electric light- lung. ________ The Harvard Annex. More urgently shun ever there is bseisngipressecd stion te corpsoration of Harvarilte demnsd of te H-tr- yard sussex that it be made part of te university, in fact that co-edu- catioss be practically established at Hasrvard. The pies of te snnex tins becomse so serious a matster thsat the corporatioun proposes to check it by msaking it a departmsent of te university, but in sucs a swsy thast is will not bring shout co-education. Accordingly it proisoses to inclsude te snnex, bitt withi a corporstion and got'ernment of its own, she pro- fessors and instrstctors holding of- fice practically at te will of the university authorities. Graduates will receive a degree, equivalent so the college and university degrees, tIeeitiivn sssiissiiet hiia n iipp it is o dence, R. I. 'C NP u Ru14ord4CheicatPWoslas Psovs-_ E Bewa~re ofSttubstitssutsanImtatio~nss. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUJGGISTS. HENRY HAUG,I t'nea c s saidsolist, Gsitar, iBaisoandsIsi ian-I dlnStdo tt5'5tsctiit, RoosaS 1. Staty St. 2] years in the B~usinests. CITY LAUNDRY M. M. Seablot. No. 41N. Fourth St. Thits Spave Iteseed ite ttoodwardii' Ave. aind State Strsst, DTROs'lilIT, - - MICIIIG AN. i f t i E i i AREIS :et'-iu. tr S i FsRti A. . C,5srj iiiu LS- & Bits., V Vri~h/-F//c~ ilson, i-Md I1u'rc Pio'lis'ilyec sVCo. G~p~rasim~Lauij Teipis and j3ase pall Goods. ASK Olt WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. ANN ARBOR RENTSCHLER, STEAm :LAUITEJLY.Co. hoto grapher, 23 SOUTH FOURTHAV. I 55ttN.r ( lt tiR st'INAtD1ONtttCt5 E. S. SERI.\ S}, - MAN1AGEP. N OT IC E.-To STUDENTuS GLAITDN GELA. IIQUO aud Citizens.s Doust isadsirtof stesn fat--N s NI'G 'sirss e 1ss Candystesyutcallsustesss sas gouodint .5E. SATURDAY EVE., MAY, 20th Jassy &-, o.s.,iWelas't chsnrne fur stye, bii give it toiea, ansthtisist on ue-hsalf. Hutsuit coldt lunchies ataisiS us sof sun stay sa it sigist. A. ,t'Ctrs55t :G ,-o~tt 's i':uiorjii of t R. E. JOLLY & CO., No. 2Z6 South I'ii.s-t State Street-.__ HOT LUNCHES FIRE PATROL~ And the verychoicest Canles >155 ic ns'sseniout] s'1 sse nialfees- AtPode osisoldSans ill and Oriiervustier -AT i atua oertionu. A itesuissnFive tits . TUTTL~tS ** 'goiad os, 45lo-itSTn' it- Prsce: - -35c.,IS~c, 501(175c, - - - Secsse Seat at Wasts' Jewolrv Sture. VICTOR CYCLES;( Youuall known tisens. GIBSON, Citll and see thsem at i M $AEB.E'BPHOTOGtRAPHER Cycle Emporium, 11 W. Wsshtsgtss St. NO. 12 W. HURON ST.