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May 20, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-05-20

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.Aff AW

VOL. III.-No. 16f6.


Psisosi, TucEs iFN'SS.

OBETZ DEFENDS HIMSELF, on every particular charge presented THE WORLDS GREATEST. -
The Homeoathic School Fight be- by his opponens An Immense Audience Gatherjsin
fore the Regents. An Exciting Dr. Obetz was followreditby several University Hall to Hear Bioston a eeig.SarOchsra7
Metig promsinest physicians, swho eteptored StrOceta WIIA
Tiehad I it tthe fact that there was cot score Lat night th epeofAin
Regents yemter-liberality existing in the scthoot ofArolitndooeofheies - p.,
day anodllisteinedtto artusesi pro Arborwrli
aii o i tm uspo toeathfy. They btie vedi iii)r. i tm ra etsptystUt ortl .
an o n theomeopathic schol e, Ocseschledsplaytaiitheeorld DETROIT, MICH. .
trouitle. Ieinmportance' ofi the ctrge indeagainst tiiimtibsurd. rfesr a eilota tusn
q u e s tio n st s ta k e , t ie e x is ta n r e o f ( O c e t a h a i huh d u t n e y ft ho u g hs t th a t tim e n it tli d s u se d f ia lt hfits s id e o f th e A tla nstic ), n s uico l ath U i e s t o n t e s h o l h d b e n m c m
:Mciabrougit usetmbers of tthe jrvm miit r.(bt s d*i is somietinses claimerthlat eves.
pr f s i n from various parts ofthe I ill Worth cannoet tproduceee
profession ofchrutge.betr
'lsichig-au and other states, suppot 'ttiteufoisti-th E btel t te. ssne senc ln
tr nloioeiso enOeei fons tf Dr. (~othems case, tim" pruse- reeteid the Bostossians pros-cs very 1
The oppos ~ ~ cition cnee rssi uinanteed for ten mnuiiies' aduth orcibly that they have won a cord-
.1'rof. Gatchell, swho relpresenfethe fitfuet aeeitI ~ wlofoa thesuet fwhen vsou want the LatsMsSetropolitan styles
tlon tme o pese t rbutal vi- al elc me rom the stu ent of o l, or $-, Sliesat0toiiills i ia stair less
homepatic acuty nd ho re-i Bncewhih ws rntilitac Axis Artosprimes, ssni fiorCataloguie io
hoepti aut niwopeitecwscs 5a rne the U. of. fi. Each year they drew n
sened ~m folooin peitonsviici At twvo o'clock thse board suet a larger house and cacti year they
eplains itself: aan n eerdtewoemt
agiat eerdteiloemtcarry away hearts made larger by H,* NAr tw'afk
"T the Honsovabte the JisisinofiJ he~e'sQs-tec totime comsmitlee 011 medicine, se enthusiasamisvhich is displayed 101, 583-185 ivioiis'it AVE.
Gesstlesmes-We, the sundessigssed of which Regent Kiefes is the chair- by their hearers. DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN.
umembers of the Hlomeopathie Medical sman Time playing of time orchestra was
College, believisng(list Dr. Hessry L. -4 "+ Tq hmon d Straight Q~t.
Otbetz eass noi losiger be of use is i Averages of the 'Team. asfnshdaove.WieIttm
teaehmer in cur college, believisng fthatmissing thme poetic inspiratiom and CIART. S
mis loinger constsnuansce ho conniectfioss (tr teaum has played helm anmes interpretation or Mr. Nikisch's read e i mses h
withi the saiie woisls be a detrisnstet pris soud)e ve-CcilgarieSmcars Stio
to theencollegeshauldte tiventareflitsngftofield litti
solhecmlee ndan ijryt tethsseason, wincing nise i l- g p osetiliacu she p rice
hn hi okhsntbe ut s11r. Franz Kneiselsvho proses himmchargeS tor the ois Sic
cause fur the promotiom of whiei~ hirvokha ntitee lle5,* ' tade iCigarettea, will fan
was founssded; believig that byhits coo, good as last year, but in batttng self an admirable conduction. Tess tuiAsiD superiorto
b w allisthers.
duet lie hans forfeited all just elafims to alniost time entire teaum liste excel- relnrgai iaCrouteoie ~ tr igasrettes aecmade froa tshe Srighs-
thie positiosi flit lie nowoceenpies,ieln ecrswna-eeimfeldIng nuber to time last well arrasnge c ms e l ictfavrgiisd sandihe old
herebyeoeti.sest (limateyou fwill-egitiGfur Leaf gdonin VirginirulasdThig s he Oldss
herey rquet tat ou illcal fo an inensly nteestnbgandSOrisgisnai lsand of straight cat rigareties,
hsis resigsmation aso professor of surgery igaeatsn o iets amsadtensey Fnteesing.asewisae osghtasos, ands ierethat the
ansh lyllical asrgery iii time Iomeo- masn beenm maeie omit andeappears IThe overture 'tysgDuitchmman'',ies nam'ofsibcltwtissincievervo acka e
pamthice Metdil College asmdldeclmire ii s below: 5was artistically resdered, followred 'Taeof LLSNS OISTIBrach c.
ehair vatcantt. (Signed) by time Scene ansi Ari a froiu Frei Manufcturersa - Richmond, Virginia.
CssAsessis Gs'mCIsmELe, AL. ) huTiNG o chuefe wimich was plessiulgy sung ,
JAalnsaC. Wooo,lMs. ID., I - --- {________ _
D A. ~cL~tle~e, M). by tMsiss Kaschosk a.
D. A MA~ncxL~t, Ii. I." - eethmoven's "''rotes Synmphiony"
f'rf.Cachillfolosedsit tmei occumpiedi the place of honor on time
ptresenttionm of this lpetition wiithm cra~fittui._.. mm0 5 r. program.'This great work,ivhicim
mime reading of another paper fietail- pisicty ------ 1 , .3si by all moderns criticism placesi
ing more in iaricular time conduct Sasir__tdeby'1stieuiitim heY'N3t0ym-
and action ofiDr. Obtheleand accums- siitti------- fpot 4i 1l, .300phony,''wssgivesm an alnmost ierfect
Jeies ------- 1 1 295
tog himnwiith ingm responsible for nalsvite'i--- .:anterpretation, the lash tivonmove-
all the discord amid trouible im li jhield------- 1 8 13 .7 ents being especially wvell play-ed,
homeopathiic schmool. A rathmer f1- 1nis------- 4 1 m3ad thme'Marcia fuehre replete ith
nmarkable list of hitter charges waslKreti-' it--_- 4 15 t,33i interest from beginning to end.
-e no r --- 1 10 t .100as\

presented ny Dir. LGatcnell and this
was followed by umore arguments of
prominent physiciams of the same
schmool as time Dean, who accused I
him of various charges, and who
took exception of his methods and Banlks, p..
his scheme. tCraweford, ce.
The board had granted each side Shelderslc.
an hour to present its case and after Smeltzer, r. f.
the plaintiff had been heard, Dr. Sepiter, p ...
Obetz was given the floor. He MacPherran,

t'lE~III .
15 1t4 .93
15 14 2 S84t
a0 14: 8
P- 2 5 1m .800
.. 10 -3 j .788
4 14 3 .786
is.. o 160 14 .7
_ _ 0 ' 6 .739

Next cause time ever-pleasing
'Largo" of Handel. 'Ibis exceed-
sngly popular selection was magnifi-
cently played, Mr. Loeffler gaining
for himself additional credit for his
firm, clear and perfect handling of
the violin.
The two dainty movements fronm
.a Damnation de Faust" were
given an exquisite rendering, while
the "Symphonic Poem" by Liszt,
played in most brilliant and master-
ful style, brought to a close one of
the most enjoyable programs ever
given here by this famous organiza-
tion. Another year we shall hope
lCoswluded an t~ird pag..

.8Noui)a'ORT'fE 0
7C) 0-QT-8 .T8
55 W. :'GIRT ST.-,
Detroit, Miigo-an.

spoke for about twenty minutes, pre-
senting a very eloquent defense,
justifying his action and announc-
ing his complete willingness to be
tried before the Board of Regents

Kro.-m ans.p..
Petacsof 3 b..
Rich, t...

Field-day sports at the Athletic
Field, at 2:30 this afternoon.

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