THE U. 0 M. DAILY- AE F/AE DISPLAY GNS AL-H S At4 S 1CtA They-MinnisStropawiltput ajfideSpecial Sale at NOBLE'S. egono uirthaiayftheribiV tin a sjoliss, o s E j 5tsSx o 5c~ 5os. he o 0e Strop e CtS. S1 Tf r ee tS St , Four bi' $fo 00 ninnae. Evciybody is sitisfitedso fi ! Altl Eegantly finihel anitRich in to ,Three Sor le1.00. ur 0fo ts1 worth 7"00- ot of more lhan toon purhros.on1 ccT e 10. 50'Ii cc. h75t.3 Calki 's rPharmy . ; "Extsravalue.Imoported through IBoston Com isso ose. All Shaits,- thck Tan, WILSEY, - The Music Dealer. 'ltrown, Etc., Etc. MOO E& ETM RE, BOOK STORES NCO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET v- EANti COiNERc ciiSTATE AND WILIAOM STREE010. A I;]-'tT xii IIFLom So12 J-xT\ . oz k0lN,-:AlDO7:5, x zzz E ISITY L-Ji Eom0773 TENN IS (.OODS AN' 11 I-MAKOC KS. Our ioc will be found Complete and Our Prices as Low as the Lowest. . .. 4 And Many WIt'GLEiiStoBRy boW Su to GUITARS ANti PRICES. THlE ANN ARBlOlR ORGAN CO., 51 South Main Steot. IGHIGAN GEITA! 'i me 'oTabl(isted) Nonvcmbter 2no n892 cAS.on . NES. ia. m "Maill-------- 04 2i Chicago Specint -;i 08 Dlt Er ess ------ 5 i:30 Day hopess-n-- 8 ft .0. .itinitin----- 0 :8 lail- ------ 93 N. YLiited-_.94i .S ittid-_0005 Nia faca Falls8-11 27, npt.n a ,Ciiigo oIn. icces. 2 iV I. N. NtnlS-i' )38 U. :1 l cr,.- 05 8 41.tHitit e ss 10 4 p iic lprss, _1t6 (t (0. i 11one-t1 o in Pacito W.ciiee-i tofi I. 1P.& T1 AventfChicia-'o. A -I Aiiii irhor1 FIRST NATIONAL BANKI 01 ANN A111341t Capii tal i'itt 0S epic ndotiets, *ttttlilitO. 'lransacts a-i eneti.. bcniteibiuionessfor- eignt'ochii- e noldlt otesof crediiipiocireod for treneelte6 aoroad. S. W. CLARSoONt, Cashier. DANCING and DEPORTMENT. GRANGER'S AADEMY' T'he tbuitdiigpeciatly tiuittibyMr. Granger includetshin family hotte, and contains the fttest aed hest arrangeid rooms for instruction to be found in She State. Office, Canter Entrants, 6 IIIAYNARD ST. Sed liii5,ll, er $3 50for Sans' li d. pie Retail Box by express of I.T r the B ESTCANDIES in America. WWV Pat op in elegant boxes and strietly pure. Suitable for PRESENTS' Express charges C. F' GUNTHER.(Confeetioner, 210State Street, CHICAGO, ILLIN(KS. REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY li ("Citper litrttid-'Solid melt 'o' toes f ot 101 perlnt doz. lumphici, .til 2 X" inslowt Corti, - - - " 1.15 r>" I'rinmrooe " - - - ' 111 c 2 - Ltike Shore," - - - "1.50 Aind ail otier Caunecd Goodis at prolportionlate price of 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. . Call on Win. Fulde. kte Tailor, opposite the Law Ecilditig, otn Wiliamot-st., first tioor wveotof State-ot. Cleanitg, repttiritfgtandipreisigonte neittly. Suitsto order atspcialty. Altlswork first-class. IF YOU WANI1 lT Buyr az.Alarn' Clock or have sameteaitring door fo 10 MA/M-i Arisjolaf 36 M.ain Street 1LARQ1 - ROUJE WITH SIX LOTST A kitrge ltiuiieiiith abotintw ntty lire' roiitis, aid sicxut-.t; o e t aotnie-hatf l'roietyin 1o.tI shapie. tn-ehalt ontirdili foe fiit-danoeeillor billiaed -ioim. Ntoutd man eeletibe foiiSoety Itouse. tsi-ytiytneit-. Galltt 56 West Liberty Street, S. KPAUSE, ANN Amou,AMicif. E UNIVERSITY NOTES. Frehie' iter tinksehati-ottege They've qeer, Itec-lar nay, Wthi-thel i tesi h-eir, "'Thiie'n -re jiitly, larnI'eetothinIg ott totty." -Ex. 'hue junior laisswtill ibeqizzced on'rorto neat week. Chapmato made 9 ft. 3 in. in tie poie vautlt yeterday. 'rhe junior losswsill play ite Nor- muals at Ypsilanti, Saturday. The '96 lito are planniug to give a social in Grangeros Halt, June 3. 'rhe boards for tite Wilson lecture wiil be opeunlMonday umortning, at tine usual lplaces. lr.I. .W\aterloo, detit '91, of Flushting, seas a visitor at tite Ui- versity, yesterday. J. I-I. Sawvyer, lit '95, left today- to accept a position as government inspector at thte "Soo.'' Thte setiior pictulre TIhuroday wso not a succeso, cotsequently iii - claos will have to sit again. 'T'he University of Illinois ball team defeated the University of In- diana 13 to 6, Wednesday. 'The team leaves at 6:28 to-nighst for Ithaca. A large crowd will be at the depot to give the boys a good send off. "The Garden of Eden and Primi- tive Man," will be the lecture topic in the M. E. church, next Sabbath bvnnTe, Ho onngasHappytSun- eening.wthse ndorninHsubjetSwil day." Extra tickets for tite concert to- ntgltt can be obtained at the hall this eveniiig. Ptrice S,1.00. Rev. Mlr. Sunderland's subject hext Sunday morning will lbe, " A Religion cit Freedonm fit for a Free Repulblic.'' Prof.IB. Ad. Thonmpsonlwsill icc- ture in tite presenit series before thte S. C. A., Stunday morning, his sub- ject being "''The Prodigal Son." A boarding honuse baseball leagtte htas been formed bettveett 23 and 25 Thompson and a5 Jefferson streets. Tine winning team trill receive nll fontls cattght during tite series. 'rhnsolo singing cit Miss Shase at the Jeffersonian Society last tnight twas etsiasticaliy reiceiveid. ile recitation of "Coltutbia Cruni' by Miss Mertie Coodp-koontz, canoed the Jeffersonians to roar seith laughter. Tile society- accepted a challenge fronm tie Webster to pliay another gamse of baseball on May 27. Prof. Scott scuds to his Boston publishers this wveek, the usanuscript of the second edition of the book ot Paragraph-wvriting, which lie wrote two years ago, conjointly with Prof. Denny. The work has been entire- ly re-written and revised, and weill be, perhaps, half again as large as the first edition. It will contain several hundred carefully selected paragraphs for analysis, and over 2000 subjects for exercises in compo- Isition. -CALL ON- G.M. WILD The Leauding Tailor, Poeancyt- Vet o is, 'rcont.i l aris h mosttcomictieestoin uthuecity at No..2 E. Washington-St.. Near Main. Capital.,S$50,fil. Surplus and Proftts. SIitift. Does a general Banking business. Pays is- terest on Saving Deposits. Has safety Deposit Boaxes for Rent. iU. KEMPF, Pros. P.H. BELSER, Cashie. Bank oven Saturday evening. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. Its CONNECTION, Fine Shower Bathe, New Porcelain 30 E.Washingtn St.J.R OANWK 30 Bathse for ld