THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE LATEST AND BEST Assoortment of NEGLIGEE SHIRTS in the City. H4pAVE YotJ SEEN otJRI NEW spRINrG STOCI4? It is a Siplestdid1Shoitttng of Suits and Overcoats. Extra VNalute at toPttces. - --- Our ]Little Tale of Woe. - - TroO MANY -WITEr - VESTS! One-Tid rI ftfatn1Entire Stock of themt. Forty-tthre Myles t eectfro . ore enrly andi get thoice. WadhamS 4.Ryan 4, 4.Reule1 -'WI 2J rWQ sl /s~- Ann Arbor Savings Bank(t PATRONIZE Ann Aror Mtch. Capital Stock, $0,00 O Is le. 4 vonBARsBstRa S O P Susplos, R$1O.500 o ATII? TET Organteed under te General Bnnking Laws othis state. Ileceiven Deponits, btsy and T O , seltclseca on Che prtinripn l cities of the Unitedt Stairs. Drafts cashed upon proper II CR 2A T ON Centsssoaon Offirs:e CH ISTIN MDPs.s,Vere.ICIt tit ti y..t.Ftsi'tvAE tldshr tC ss Coas hier. ?CLIFTON - O S A J y [ WHITMORE LAKE a F~to ideHNtt s tit I toat DANCE HALL with PIANO. F. tIsit Its vs rilFr 0,1.05K ~' U.IOF MI. (CALENTDAR. - Fri., Maly Ni-t tiso ponsiattty ItOrots1rti A N -DL I i'iMy 19- Iittalt rI st'. to stAde'lttst, FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, Sat., May 301-1'. atII. vs. Corel, at Ithacai. Sit.- May °0- Isieresit Field Day. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! ;ant. May 5:.oIinete oste clnsa tortisrto c in0OEsHuros Sirent, t ets'rteditors for seotsr aneat, of 10a.t., SSttn., JMay:?It 91:,0a. at., \Nrrtthrtatiti, "ITh w HAV EANE AN, Stoty at teod atigatl Sons." 'tof. It. M. H RaEUnvTAtN ,Wet., 'lay Ii -Iot 01, . 55 t ctres'it) GiFtRvs toss t3 vit. I atssdtl,' Lectrer ssttritistt,,stie. vaYOR 'TatE 15wed.,Mttv S24Itats ia tstotsb;,sajttas, Cok 001101ITE5D j I ass '. E A. D, Sevler & WSo t gave atos I~a av o t illtanttpleasulre S Opp.CaurHoae. tot the ausdiesice 'sis probtably the tsso ____________________________________extracts frosts Ilerlioz's'"Daossatiosi if 'attf,'' the tniltutet of the "Will-o-tlse- Wip,'ntsthle ' trltz of thte Syllolt.' The Iattea sayl trIit sustchi a an- , sa ea'as Haolie beyot(iicriticiasmi. Nisie hut 'sas tha litivotild sotisialvery like flattery cotulal be aitlpliedltfithle per- bit stf orrchestrtiotn. It reptsesenits the 4'sylphls, whle tave, at Meph~isftplleles' Prc s bidldisg, brocttglht to ftesleeplisg 1"tatst tlretatat cf lose tatndlMarsguerite, lis "'gliditig andil ltirisigaiway throuttghifte air after the ltOrfot'tltlt f tttheir We ore oferitg0our etire stoatk of ILNS N1ti tgic tftsi,. The atitietire rretttttald- _T\ed this ftaira'-like bif, whitirlistallyedl TENNIS assaISIttlI.,'lI iGlttDS at soacdeliciosttly, as to be etlittl r eniser- manfaturrs whleal cot.Allne !isng-ftthe Ilerfet ctuofits Itompotltsifiotn, manttttraa' ahlenl cot. Al sov j-Ness York Siu. D ~ i't f 1s ',yr0r5fExcelsior Taiiii v ,e ti'sa stt sait;lt 1 ';s t' 0> _ h'Fn 07 Cs tuaraA scostu. andittio.tti ts. EA. F. COVERT. t'rstts. ATN4 JQt ? TT $ IN@ Th1e NewShf.11 l { ate Discomfort and Darnttng, - Mast's, 25c., One., 50'. Womena, 50c. Ditresae atoe Natuare's lbeart is open fo eyelers - WIIKENSE COMPANY, 76 Chatncy SI,, Boston, Mass 'rho Colunmbia cyter goes everywhbere isa permanenf aafety-- Colunmbinasarce gar- BUSINESS LOCALS. anfeedl. Ati Ahouoluat a-~s,-fIat 1CSoumbioa agnis ar slbytmail fr two oo-ce,'ot amsa. Psoe Mf. Ottr Little Ttale of Woie.-Wite Co., toaston, ast Sot., Chticag1o. vests dont't sell faat esnosught to stutitus, wse lilanttootamasny 0ontasd-resut,rt.. hotot 0sell ftheassat a price onte-fthlid inaflgtud el l i'0. ii talstgttt Sitreet toll. Ihink of if, tands this etirly in thse __________________________ seasitts We hiave 43 styles to select _ ftos.iThely avill move lisely it tht psrice, 'sitget youtr chtoice tad comte early.-'The Tsso Stiats. A tnyw timie schleltvsest itito ef- fconitthe 1'., A. XA..4,N. AlISRsilowty- SunayMay14tli. See cect edrtniime s ls N inl privlate htose, costsenitesnt to the Wort'll'sFtait-.I' avlsiotiparties isf fromssS ttolitcats be accomtmottdated fotr fers fctcne sitek ass longer, at 50I cesits pe'ray lfor each persont. IThis tfles' ntti goodil atter IJtie 15otl. Ad- dlress Albert 1). icrlt "5Ia rboetrnss, ItOLIL1EJ1 SU,5 usttnorth of thte Post- office, ias ithe bestliatiks, crrliages, asdsor ses inttheicity.lay iim. tf IFORttSALE., cit itsexechatnge liii' ttrt- erty itt AttIt Asrbor..a firttf-clIas, stiav moill. Addrless, AM. E".T'.l'i's Mtaton, Wexford Co., M i. IFssss Sr lIO.- Vitor P'nttestmatlic. Ness'. C'tll at 4llSo. lItgalls, btwIeess 5:301ttnsl6llt, it., itt Sttattuy moristgtt. GRANDt) OPER,\ 1fO USE. '"-Th' Fire P'aftrol' is fte title oftthte latsstt'elodrasmtas, whichsis tiefeing'ts at the hiratis Oltera I lotse for Sat1usrdaty teetinsg, Mty 211. Intthieit'sarchs fteflr re-talit'ceff'csts itersitofsmelodsratnita hatve' givens 3fttnksiwithousfssaltt'e, retti tile sigintis,litter saws5, ple Iris- era, ets'., ec., utntil fthefe l se etma sto bse iseli sigh exastssedi, lbutts '''lThe lire 1lttrstl" wave tromlss ised a it ew55 itf teiterior sit ItgoldSi tatmp 11itill, ssucht toarc' seestit it sth minting rs'roos sit Dlakosta, iwith thtelpotnderotustire crtsshessits ttll opleration.itIadtditiont, a gentuitteIlsre patrol agont, htotses, efc:, dosintgfteir futllsuty t th e propser maolmet.'ITe lly is staid to be itn excitintga d ll costsrutsed selo- dlraaiiseSveratl'sery stronig mae- chsatnical effects tat are distincttly nsovelties, and bearintg all. the indica- tions of beissg Itfinanttcillbostanzea of lartge proptionisss. WE ISHtsW sAN tUP-J KjtM AIltP C 1HAiTS. GOODSPEED'S IFuLL AND COMPLETE LINE SPG11hiNOG SEOES JUST tIOSCAtNED. GOODSPEED'S 17 S3. MAIN STlREhTl. Rockets inalasdesd.lON's MesasuE ItCItACEI. COLLEGE ATHLETICS, Inth le atntal spring mesetinsg oh 'p 'p Ise Cornell Athletic Clutb, o Satutr- GEORGE W IAAHR, day, six noe Cornell records see mache.1:. I'. Hintds won the tiwo- University 20 S. ntteSt bml bicycle is's mn) 48 nec,, Bookstore, - SteSt breaking ste inter-colegiate recordl SIby so 4-5 seconds. F