tt Of ...f Ak .AV Admilk monk cl I V07.. III.-No. 1t}< Vor III-No 1h~ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1893. tno*To~:CNS I PpioF, Tmt,*Ji, CENTS. HURRAH FOR FIELD-DAY. I Following is a complete list of FOR THE FOURTH TIME. entries: The Boston Symphony Orchestra Fast Races and Broken Records at - PormTngtOeo x " the Athletic Field. 1(00 yrdvan' ishi Chapm us. Ienson, FormTngtOeo n Tomorow.Itre (5)ceptional Excellenc.. 22___f0 yardsdashi - IChifpman .fielsoll, Tonight, for the fourth time in The ainnual feldt-day of the U. of WitIeet(1oiife. Ann Arbor, the Bloston Symnphony 441)yas d(fsh-BaifeyWh ite, Sander- -N . A. A. stiff heliselsd at the Ath- sn,' Jo rafildA lbai Orchestra will give a concet ins leic1Fsefld Saturda, May hat cck ititell. uiisersity Hll Tu s. o1.n.This meet wiii be of j 5y11 abs 1)1)1Crso i, lyMltprohiosinri it smissis.ali tisr s 10011.interest thaiayi5 prseviotus onie (Cassid.i511sworthl1 fssihS1511 one of usi nlai excstlence, 'suitis 'is f or twooseasons: firstly, the teamoMile rtiun asidy itsrtHot oos tha' ill iirefpresenst lt h . of M. .at 1 3 ms iss_(l sits' 3Ilintt 1Usd tt.tle C sicaeo sill to is large extent be ste- tin.1,s iiiicid. 5' kc~( txllit ot 0 1 1 <- tote uttponi fromisthe results of thseseITso-isole iycle IltlSel~ itt. co teSlS;seosidly, the S , .S Moi OsoI srsns'lsl' 1,issetf 'cilsis irize coss swili be compeftledIfirfOne miile sb~ icl f,-Bldenfelle 011' 3105 t~i op. 015 iris s ainse sly, sI..All 050co0 i C(E lais jt ), :i-4 wles the first tinme. (fosuililsfr 'sd im pPislersois Ma'- r .I Ii tcoitsia i C re:A15 ('10os) 1C thfl$ The trip to Cficago, whsichs siff f in, CoffinGesiry, Flemisig) ii)or 1 10 Soheres Aiierssisir'e I l beh made Jine 3d, hsas probably Staninlgbmoadf jumrp-Geary suatis, ia r, R done more tfsan any one thsing to CoffinsHotonsii 1lemlingIPitterson.s iton The siteempo5iF flit Runnlingl 11hihLum'p-Htosn, Matnt111 11010-4 bringosit thse good wotk clone thsis Gea.) ( 0111Alle-femilse so(Et I DR spring, busftthe csip has also createtd taaimer tfhrosw JListnerErinsltl .nds.---- .r- osuch interest, and any cfass rosy PertcyIHill. elioze, ----------------- stelf feflprood to have its nanme en- Shtnt-det PIontIfBlltheeiiF1"ind- I'wimoemeents ftosisa Is lon ,9t gravec thtereon. Tfse points that fay, Percy. 1it ne si ii IsFt-ols: d- Pofe sniff-Colis, Auistisi Chapman, Ma I to ( sn sot)3- coun~t toswards the cop arte for first, Cr1ne11 ii V ieife',5liis: Attlecosnire- Sfor second, aiid tfeir third pface, Hihkc hayMris Isis te issst de vsI'maot,:3a . '5 izt--_-S m h n tsoem " e I seliles in each evenit. FIiim11,. i'aluable golcfaiicfssliver massti, OS maeby Wrighst, say & Co. of A00 m ms 'i Ii A sltoos Ttothsil egsnt tini f Ile follossiing finsalpirograionswill Ree'arding the three fast numsbeirs Gnua first andc second fplaces in eath eCetl be gsvess by the cdelpissthiss esven- e appendtheli folfoiving explaisa-atd and an all rosindf friz.estill go tis the n' tons:1 Ihe Largo, by H andlel, is 15e ssiiner of flhe most points. 1.sper, C. R. Cills; debale, Re- an aiiwfitth is fqute short, ssiths a t Most of the men stere at thse fieldf soflved, That Chsurchs Property should fully stritten-out accoimpanimeist foi yesterday, doing thueir fast stoiklie- be taxed," affirmative, I' A Stiv- fosir-part str1cr orchestra. These fore the contests. Thsey aie aIf in erisJ. N. Dulsnianis, negatisvt, 'it Elswhole atnsospheie of this air i gooif trim, aindf sithouit doubt the I osiiselle, F. C. trwvins;fppi, S. A.thiorotuthly pastoral, ands the dleepser contests ssill be close.Isntfthe1Sithl; story, C. T. Pturds; critic's emsotions havre nothsing. to dwith sit. sprints, Kenson antI Chapimsn sic reposrt, l1m. ft. i'hittetu IElection iTo mootetments froiss"ta lan- ruinin so close that it is almsost a'I of offiseers antd conmpletisg arrangee nionisi'die IFaust," ''.'iensset ites j eou ini tuhe nLateostumetroontan styles 2, or1$j Suis ts ,i'-)Oi. to$1 a pair les nAnn Arboreprines, senid for Caiiiiogiie is 101, 183-185 5'iOODW'iiARD E., :TROIT, - - MtICIAN. izhmond 5traigh QIct. No. I CIGARETTES. -: igsretto SmskerIswho . are willinig to Darealittle more than the price charged for the sis-tna trasde Cigarettes. sill fiod 'rISs GoANDsuearior 1o J The Rtichmiond Straight No.1 t igarettes are nmade fromisthe bright- niost dlicately Slavored and highest coat I Deai growen in Virginia. Tis is the Old On Ori il Bandaof Straight CttCigareties, tws ou ght outby uin itil er r6175. star oriitations, and observe ltaiSh sieeas bilowsanev'ery package. he ALLdEN& GOINT 'B Branch litf she Amserican Tnbaeooi., nufactoes . -'-.Richmond. Virgioia. ®0 toss uii as to stio shsall stius. Ile samse sisal' te saidt ofithc bitcyshe races.r Thle ninber of elntries iiithu.e 'ill of ss'honmhave run 58 second;ik r E better, sisosts that some goodsrei- ords masy be looked for thsere. little is knosnsouot th'e runners in the .85o and nilfe, as none of thsenm have been out for their best yet. It us said that Mfiartin is sick swiths munmps, shsouldl this be true, tlhe best man in thet fong jumps is flaid off, hot Gleary, Coffin, Fleming, and Bat- terson will all clear shoot 2o feet. Austin and Chapman have hoth been 9 feet in the pole vault, and will doubtless go higher at the meet. All the shot-potters have cleared over 33 feet, and one has made 35 feet so inches, so that the U- of M. record is likely to be broken. osests to meet Alpsha No in basebiall. Ain Honoraisle Detect. Speakiusg of tfhe gamsewsthl Cein- ire Colieg e, dturinge the spriiig trip, tfse Cessto, for May, ss'hich is just at hand, says of our teanm: Tihe Anin Arbor boys fiase de- featedf the beot college clsibs in the United States, antI it is iso distsonor to he beaten by thenm. ise menu- hers of tfhe Ann Arbor teanm made a good impression here, and their gentlemansly conduct msade them friends anmong the boys of Centre. -.-.The freshmen will give another social in tlse early part of June. ft will he given at Graneer's Hall, dancing and singing of the Fresh- man Glee Club will he thle features of the evening. Feu-follets,'' ands f Valse des Sylphes,'"fiy Berlioz, follost. Tb.e first is takein frons the scene stherej lItephistothsefes serenadtes Marguer' ie, andI the secoind froms that ss'here lise putslFasist to sleepds umm i1'lions ________________________ Sylphes to bring dtreamss of Mlar-NUC N guerite. i P .KIN A T The Preludes," by Lustz, isotfhe last snunsher. Tius symphson'ic M ERCHANT poenm is a nissicaf iflustratuon of part of Lamartine's Meditations Poetiq~ues. It is in answer to the question, "Ifs our life anything hut a series of preludes to that unknown sonug, the first solemns note of which is intoned by death?" The Athletic Association of flue University of Minnesota will give a silver cup, valued at $100, to the class winning the most points on the regular spring field-day.--gis. TAILOR AND ISSPORI5IR i 55 W. FOIERT T, Detroit, Xichiman.