THE U. OF M. DAILY BAE AL A FINE DISPLAY GENTS' HALF- HOSE NOTICE! Ai42 . StaeS ic-i I loon cpnci iitinch aeI aiag Gitars, jaxjos, Special Sale at NOBLES. Linim1nts, Sponges, SplitVi o Oljy tlinSE tc.l Sulspnoieso1) etc ,S1 fr c5 t5. 1 Chocolaics and CigarsnilEi egintii Finished anai Rich in l hrce Styles, Four for ~ 00. A-r ALKN s.Ton. 85 CtS ,Tiefor i$l.00. '50 ttS. ssorth '75 t. Al C A L KE~~.Ixtranvlue. Impircliitnrnghli ncsa Comimissinon s.Al haeBlc, as WILSEY, - The Music Dealer. jonie, Ltc.,i tn. MO RB&E M RE O0K S"TORES NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET . ix liP I'.ii r TOi 1uz zi -L,9. NTN ยง232 U D T__TIYE3SIITY JimiK 7i7707 7. TE KE 711 IS GOODS AN" I_11AMNIM0(AXS. Our PloeL xs will lie found Complete and Our Prices Lwas 1the Lowest ,~a v7i, Other M~ij Vake~ CHICAGO' 1 1tSA EAT - -,E B,,7 ERTHAT YOUCANBUY "Rnversidn .0 1 < Pumpkini, - - - lii .: Squash, - - - - - . Arnotd, 36 M Lin Street W0:ITH SIX LOTS A laae hnos, with ahbIotoiy lone rooms~i...andsilinofosil, at: aiboutione-half i'noety in Ni. I -shape. Large hiilon tirdi floor forndane hoil or billiard nrnoi. 5Would nle an emiellent plane fnneSoety nouse. lice y ioyno'nSCa.ili mt ;ti West Liberty Street, S. IUIAUSEf, ANN ARBOuR, MIenx. Wi1YuLo UNIVERSITY NOTES. .1Mnn in annaOnbutilitte here nionw, A sin-SowWin1Tdow!It t Btel wOnaintaighty hard, W1hlen he finds heminly needin but one ii's owii story abont none sponiUnon a card. GUITARS Tonmorronw the annual field-dlay of AND ~the Uiversity of Wisconsinocus PRICES. Prof. Taylor nwill not meet hila THEi ANN AiBSOR t 1AN CO., clans in Political Economy tomor- ii South Main Srnon. rowa. Ninety-four lit defeated '96 lit inn .. L GI H I G A N c RT a p ra c tic e G a n me y e s te rd a y7-s c o re , i m T a l (R is d N o e b r 0 , 8 * EAnS-. p e. a. WEST. a. m. Entries for field dtay are nmore 25 Chicano Specili- 3 08 nor Expeson_ ---- 530 Day rness.-- 8 27nunmerous than eer before at the N. S. Limiteii----0 6208 Aaii- ------ at93 N. Y. Linmied-__.9 45N. 5.iin--_ 9songP. of M. Niagara halln Sp'i-ii -, p-. a, m. Ciengaox~ea. uto 'The Boston Symhn oresa 0. N. Expess__ > 35 0. C. Enpeen. --__5 0 nposyoc8sr Atiinntic hEipness-_ 0 05 (hiNight Sap_-_a9ins will give a concert in Detroit, Sat- 0. Ri. Expreos---ii 40 aciiic Expres-in0 t l. W!. licUGGes. H. W, HAnnS, urday nighst. G~p.T.Aenihingo.AginmaAaine. Prof. 'raylor willleceture on tihe FIRST NATIONAL BANK silver question, in Gransc Rapids, Or ANN AniBin. tomorrow nigtht. Looiol, 111,3. Sirpice and Croans, V0i,000. 'rie '94 and '96 tits had a prac- Temnnei a gennera. bankig buniness, Car- olga exnhaain~ sold, letters ofcreedit pnonured tice game yesterday afternoon on for trnveiersabomad. P. BACH, Cr0s. tine athletic field. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. Tine '95 lis defeated the junior DANCING and DEPORTMENT.1 laws by a large score yesterday after- ORANE~sACADEMY , I noon, on tine campus. IiUAUMYII The junior laws will have an op- ~Jflht'~U ilk)portunity to get off their entrance Tihe builiding npecialiinnumutiny Mr. lGranger inciudes his famnil' home, and contains the Con,, in Blackstone, June 3. fnest and best arranged roams enr instruction Thmagesotevriucls to bne tound in te Stata.h aagr ftevaiu ls Offie, Center Entrance, 6 MAYNA10D ST. teams have submitted lists of play- - Send $125, *z, or $ 5i rsi aram- era eligible for the inter-class series. ~Ypie RetailiSax by express at A. B. Tucker and WV. H. Mar- thie BEST CANDIES in APerie5. pue5't up in elegant Indxes 44 - shall, assistant librarians of the law srel pure.Suitable fost Tr toc-Ades canvassing agents for the Michnigisn repaidC . 22Se Ser inetiiCc eprmet hv be CHICAGO ILLIR0tS. Law journal. 'The junior laws wsill he examined in Fixtures sort E:asennenols, Satur- day, 'May an, in the generaltletuire room at 9:30 a. ni. 'T'here wvill hc a meeting of '94 to elect thc Board of editors for the senior amnnual, Saturday msornling, May 2n, in room A. 'Tne seiniors sat for a class picture nin the gym steps thsis morning but will probably inane to sit again ow- lug to tine highi nind preval ing. The students are shionving tlheir appreciation of the tennis courts by using them constantly. On all sides are heard wvords of praise in regard to their condition. 'The Board of Regemnts meet Fri- day mnorning. This nmeetinig pronm- ises to be of unusual interest as matters of importance to tine uni- versity will be considered. The engineering party wili start Friday on their annual tour. They will go by boat from Detroit to Mackinawv, from tinence into the Superior region. The party wviii be under tine charge of Prof. Davis, and will be absent the remainder of the, year. Dr. Hfolmes, of Chathnam, Ont., a graduate of the U. of M~., will be in town on Wednesday next, to re- new old acquaintances and address the Canadian club, at their banquet rthat evening. The doctor is a grad- uate of somewhsere in the seventies tand is one of the foremost medical 1 men in Ontario. -CALL ON-- G. H. WILD The Leading Tailor, For a Fbiue Suuin~tovne imirune Sitl, trmnens., Faney VestmonOver-coat. linevuirrimoli iiii-iomipleie stoiei m i e city at No-.12 E. Washington-St., Near Main. Capitli, $50,000. Sat-plan and ProJit, $1700,. Dais a general Banking businees. Pays ia- terest on Saving Depoesis. Has safety Deposit Boxes fnr Hent. Rt. KEMPF, Pt-es. F, H. SELSES, Cashier. Ban& onsSsiurdlayevening. 0. K. BARBER S"OP. Flne shower Bths11, New Porcelain SOE. Wasbisgeon St5. . LTRiO.ANOWSKI 3D Baiths Car 51.1