THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'ZIC. f ' Cif- UNVERS iYWNOTES. 'rT r T T, lir', Saiborn, class of '8;, nose he 'ihet oi( bney xesl eiapracticing at Angola, tI., isited h e e cf sa, 5- THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION the hospital ysterday with a patient. ']Il N.-91clssgae hih.a cbecipli on ie .'peear, invariably to be played yesterday, goes to the TAN SO SPie,$.0 40,$.0 in avaae ingle coies I cents. Scicrip '94g by (1 fault, as '93 made no ap- 8 ' ANSE,-- ANN ARBnOR. seeus may lbe lets at the ole ot the lDais,4SOI"I3MI T$ , an Ssflit's, sih any o the edios on pearance. auheisliis.eeodrec ls st y Aplace for the reception of col- T T ' //(i7 C ll1 1 .1P / ey" A p od zo'clockhp. >,.it tlayreetoaparethe et lce emen will be reserved Lf1T11I1evdon te jj' 1G/ .'LJ 1(1t(1Ifl. lay. Adsress all maiere intended tr pblica- ordsFrgonsodeth tisn to tile Managing Editsr. All buiss eli 5F ir gons ne te4 omsloictions shossld e sent o he Bsi- auspices of the Chicago University. 21 S. Mvain Street. WAGNER & CO. tess Maager. _______ THE U of M. DAILY,_____________________________ Anna Arhr.TMnS.h. EDITORS. tfE 1A C. A. itsN(iON Lise "54 laiigri itorui. 5 ~ ~ 55 .o 'c iuy I oi 1s t l A'- i'-lot. .~5i ha n F y71issq lt 4 "10A Pliniit I ElT- E E . ~ i iI - e-I I DiiiLti )> 5.tlleic CIiito... A J --.JAJ - cc . 5' C ceyo Is i Ilos aisiss Sosiocec. Timi .aroisn efect'Sunday,"c, Cet1usrvilte iorty n. lorsford's Acid Phosphate. I , naN lg i siiiIIn ius ta It o A", .li, Ml ''A lIsha e used it for severat y'eas, nt gooiicnioc ine c i ioesc eltpl ednell adci g 16. L. Lo n ( . S<"wers'.l ~ iiily ll ilmy pristice,but illmysone-s oo"; d ilctine; Sturday eenig recepion o. . 1a1adi pe. . 71 . MoI !alId.EL.M1-ll'4. oe h ~ er on~rrIgautsigGN.. Il -suil.Anroc o .I . n i I .ii'iioe i IdltuiaCst, 111C "1 etis ' i t uIllh Tlil l enlttishnolirth ngadteisinsoi ecsureipsio s sns N. . Mal-e deaAe A elic..c...ii..1 5 5p. m IFCOa~ r 6ert Id ca lnsacsoeo etnrv ilg gxenui Sos esnilonl~crwesnlcsno raenfaisesnt.- Iliiiiuiie, csscen. Ili ni I o . C i .cl N oti'isaic ii o h et15r cops'ssii's als sandeueI s ist an e nt - toiulisth ti-cosss F r m n Ine - a e sItto s omwc Co ktu i'c lrtuscs No.2. Nil 111111t'onersii's .11 4-1. n 11 ' ie1 - c ls i stii nliiio1ir 55iivtr o l it givs 05ri'iiisi-it r..Ra. cnaA . P e n iI.5 . a l la d E prs is'e....... 9 (( pt. iiil ohi ii NS I' iii"tti 111111 gorltii the centie -)°s- Ni.r,. ale diAe oisussciulusiiio... a ls a. nt teal.' >00,$3.00, $.a00, 5tosts ltandrs unieso. lissosi seiIi 1 1i'ii-ct o o ieiia5-t'Dt aiepts iiSnsday. Th t or otbdth emevs un- mstsexceiett nd peabe tiiina il Tinssand rn o wehAnAho n Ob~e1«61 theopo-xrinon.o inor te tae Dxtrvets f co es- f ses th tiFirst Clas itdVW i iitedill Tldo oly, Bi}edo tSoiiy suic~netIsic-iiiiniidii lieuss' t te t brnl ad t dan odmiri - vety tWO5the tis dirs eceOs unay pare lts resteeestegy ansIvteit, stnl E D ]oty & Feiner. leGe tas. Aen.n caAge enclivienls thle functionis. a - -I Descsiptscii'ive 1,-ole f e is iisiplicni.'ei to11111 WF i iistt i.s tnwthe suggeshioe Riuford (Chmictal 'Work, Prvi- miade in 11115 column a fewv days ago o- sisiiv odi'i ____.10 5-111.I.tO C -11 lootsi toss-scs the cs at l~snm neist of A1_'"FR an 1n)ua i te lm eprtmnttoFOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Ilie putblsedt ti)th ei 5u sili5.simillar c .(t . rjiii' w a,^IV Iii', to thc.. 5 lii ittpulisedeibiysthe HENRII~Y' IllA I(i1, II'i'/VDti~, seio2111 A V lethe 'Sitiipi'hingl" o -11 nii'e uPlis iiie idlitel ii1111J i 's~ce Ptu'/, /ije c5 (J putclishteid be-the senior lawssis ron- Rtoms3aus. Siate' S. sideredonue of the estbliished publi- cationfthe1 t.nivier'sity. 12 Years in the G4 asi1i'i, L WI1 e p i aijuods. iTheavnaetobgicfrm CT LA DRS a piublicationirei dc a'stii I,0e1~i . W. Sonblt. N. Fo uthSt.,, ried no (isc ssioit lit 0ur - .. 1ASK 1)11 WiILITE Volt CTAL(;l'KI Th'e irese'ct juior lawe ca-C sil hose an opportunity to rendeor then- ANN ARBOiR REN TSCHLED, nseses immortat by establishing steb Co. ( a puibicatiotn as a precedent to be SiE:L LKJ HP7LY . lo o grailep followeil by futture classes. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE - CIiiI IS SDIl'N5 HE announcement that the funds E. S. SERIVISS, - MANAGPER DOEA T v arising fromi the one-sixtht rill bitt NOTICE _--u cD~sGLID OEA hUE arc nose available for use, sill be -- - a~nd C hieso' tsIsendsut o tiotn lutelNE NIGI TtOs.h. Castl Wen I-lids anyes t cuitisa F~ood si-N'E.SATURDAY EVE., WAY 20th readl with satisfaction by all sir- olyht 5. Cs'e. ~ doss'schacco foe sylo, ut dents. 'Wve can nose}ope to see ThisOSrI-atceesred thin gile it iso i, asillsaius one-lf.ol it ads-- son ete npoetns oae Ii( '1.Imrr c olducssihsast l ourscoote ds y n nlighet. A. 1" Itao's 0 5aPLfntil h smneddipoeetmaeFG.S I ,SOS g JLY&C. o26Suhdring thte cooing year swhicth~ U1jI4 JU~~U State Street-____ swouhl have been otierwise delayed luiisestih~Al's. osl shts' Shre, HOT LUNCHES iFIRE PA.TROL!r f or more tha~n a year.' The admi- DETR:OIT' - - MIC1IGAN7. istration and recitation buildings are And the very hocet Candien Magnillslt 'cic dn I 1 5 harnEfcsh.t _A PndossalilsCol Stmpii ill ad tre Cushe mtuch neededl and swill render the ________________________-a-it n Itealson.A tonin iro tutuoI material equipment of the literary TU T ES w~*san sut" lsusins department, which is at present 4 SoUTHasS-ATE STREET. _____________________Paice:- - 35e. 50c, al 75c crowdod, almost contplete. Much- - - - Scare Seats at Watts' Joecre Stoe. credit is due to the officers of the VICTOR CYCLES! University for their earnest and pa- oil id owe i GIBSO)N, ientt work in securing the imeune- P ® ~ 71A ateasvailable futnds from the one- riu uIiK~ar1Ix.z sixth mill bill. Cycle Emporium, 11 W. Washigtn St. NO. 12 W. HURON ST.