THE U. OF M. DAILY.. BASE ±+13 LL NA FN IPAGENTS' HALF-HOSE S NOTICE !- Al,42s.Slie t, ilt lc"e -T LZ I Ae slics, IWitch HIazel, I - Inaes, Linimeents, Sponges, Splints, Suspenores, Ch1oseelate sad Cigars a r fA T ,T-4N)' G~t~ar, Ja1)o85Special Sale at NOBLE'S 1MasI0ir, Iizis, Etc. 15 ets., Six for 7.5 Cts. 18 Cts., Three for 50 ctc. All ElLgelly Finisihed anicitin Trhrce Styles, Four fori- $1 00. 1Toe. 35 ets, Three for $1.00. 50 ets., worth 75 ets. z " -g1- 'f' Oxlsra value. tmported through PlotnCommaission Ilouse. All Shades, lbla ck,Tans, * WI1LSEY, - The Music Dealer. j sBrowns, tcl., te. MOORE &WETMORE BOOK STORES NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ______________AND CORNER OF S'TA'TE AND 'ILLEIAM STREETS. A L-1 hm mm 7"LmFLomm jiSouTr'JymOFkLN KRZOI 1mm 'zoir'7 EJLN7Z"'IT mz ?soxz, U ,mmD TEN NIS GOODS AND HAMMOCKS. Our Stock will he found Complete and Our Prices as Lgow as the Lowest. S CHCA 4 BICYCLES. Will Yo- At eour Shows And Many REMdEMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY 3ill}. 'Clipper Blrand-l Solid meat Tomatoes for ;1,1 per 0 e ic~lohriphinc; x- 'c 'c 1 1-Ia M kp 3Pumpkin, - - - - :N)5 3 "Squash, - - ---1 1 0' 2 " Winslow Corni, - -" 11 A- 2 << Primrose '"- - ' 18 2 " Lake Shore,' - - - 1.5o1 And all other Ciasned Goods at proportionate prife of do z. LL LL LL LC GL LL tG u Look Window? It tolls 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. . .. .o UNIVERSITY NOTES. Sie has send thiemibate, and theie the(y lie, The weary, helpless, hopeless thin--s. loer irds, liat daredlasflight tee high, Aiedfluttderedl liomeiwith broeiiing-i -Olgiee E. Cldliell-Il elser. i its own1 story about GU ITARS A press club has been organized AND at Brown. PRICES. The freshmsan cresw won the inter- THlE ANN ARtBORt ORGAN CO., class heat races at Colunshia. 51 South latin shreet. 'rie freshman base hull leain have been measured for their uniforms. MICHIGAN G T The tennis courts at Oberlin cover CENT 1I . four acres anti are thse fitnest college Tinie Tale (Revised) Nsvember 20, 5592. :AST, ps. in. wner..iini. courts its the cousntry. Nejil...e5 iscaesecia lcint381 Dtay Epress-a--la3 Day Exptwes---.8 27 Tomorrow, at j p. to., tProf. Stan- N. S. Limit~edl--6 28 Mail - ti-l-t--9 N. Y. Lismited.__.. 9hR N. . tnitiss 9 555 ley will lecture on the IBoston Sym- Nisearii Falls dpi .15 27 pIn. ain, Chlicago Es 'ress t19phsony concert prograns. 1t. N. Expressi-- 5,38fG. If. SExiress ,5548 AtlaticExpress -- 8i5 Chi. Night Sap..9t 0 M r. 1 . ".Foster, one of the G. It It tie-s ____ 40 tneife Expresee 55 27 0. W.e. IllOr et.L H. Wdie YIgil ' founders of thse University News, of G. P ..3' gtie ag>,Art. AiiaArbor. __________________________ ele Chicago University, is in lown. FIRST NATIONAL BANK By the will of thse late Josephe oP ANN AtRBOlt. Spinney, of Blrooklyn, OVesle)yall Capital, 1115, 11. 5arplm ad Profits, $:3t,lttO University is bequeathsed nearly a Transasge anera. bSnaking bsiniiss, her- eigii exeinize eeld, letters oatcetRprarared nmillion dollars. for ravlersabrad. P. BACH, Preas. Trainer Fitzpatrick will he at the cIAiIKSO, Cashier. Athletic Field tomorrow. Candi- DANCING and DEPORTMENT. dates for lisa hurdles will run under thein na watch for the first time. GRAN ER' ACA EMY Tickets are on sale for the En- leil~ySr Oanergineering Society banquet. The Slit ti~ling spieiallyilyM. rne inclades his family homie, and contains theI price baa been placed at a dollar finst and beat arranged reams far instruiction to be feune in thet Statte. and a half. office. Canter Entrance, 6 MAYNARD ST. Special rates have teen made so Send $125, $,eor $t 50 ear Sam- that any one wishing to go to Ithiaca IIl T IhtHESTCANDtE~iS Amarica. with the base ball team next Satur- Pet up in elegant bases and d a do so at a xes o strictly tare. Suitable fee day, my a xes o PEESENTS. Enxpress chargesmoeta 3..Alwhwiho purepaid. Reater toeall Chicago. mr ~a 3.0 l h iht I.!lT C. F. Gne-AdeIs, ett Irgo sould see manager Cleveland to 22taSreCHICAGO. ILLINOIS. arrange for tickets at once. 'Tie election esf officers of the Students' Lecture Association will be hseld as soon as the business of lits year's boarid is completed. Members of the Freshnman Man- dolin Club are reetuested to useet at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening in Newberry Stall to arrange for pictures. J. P. Briggs, pharmacist at thse hsospital, is the designer of the newa steam sterilizer swhichs is being used at the hospital, and proves to he tlhe best thing of its kind ever in- vented. Dr. Catermole, who haa beets in- turn at thse hospital for the psast year, has resigned to accept a posi- tion at Quebec, as medical itnspec- tor of imnmigrants. Hte left yester- day for that pllace. 1)r. 1-arry Hall takes Isis place at the hospital. All entries for thse anneual field- day to be held next Saturday, most he in by Wednesday noon. Entry fee will he 50 cents. Each man must enter in the events in which he wishes to compete, as no changes can be made from the regular pro- gram. On the eve of the Harvard game, Captain Thonmson, of the Pennsyl- vania nine, removed from the team center fielder Thomas) and third basenman lMcGrillis, the former the best batter on the nine, for violation of the rules on the night previous to the Yale game last Saturday, by which they were rendered unfit for Igood ball playing. Call on Win.. Fulde. fist T'ailtsr, oltiosiftethe LEer tie leiiisig, Oil )5,illiulnsot. itrst door svest of State-st. C leianingrepasiritgfandipressinoef settly. IStits secerder a specialty.- All iiserk first-elaess IF YOU WANTI 10 Buy a= Alar C 101 or have name Repairing doego te ' tArnoICk,36 Maim Street WITH'/ SIX LOTS mo = I /-i1 = A laressehousse, ,sithi etessa te-ety 1.e roose,ead sixlosrsaesieessao ete-haslf I ritc oflfistscostfehsme. Avry lars-ehsl. I'ralls-ty inNoAs.-heape. lessee hall seesthisel flor frdlasisteill o si 14roliisl mses. Sioesd saeelsneexe-llent piaeefociseteey hlsse. Esyeyent;:-.teslt 56 West Liberty Street. S. K IAL SE, ANN ARBuOR, AMit. ___ALL ON--- G.H. WILD The Leading Tailor, Foa ise tirin, se SmiisersSnsit.. Tsers- fancy ~stsetiri( cat. ties-cerristhei meestsoletstokin thiselscsill- ee No.2 F" Washington-St., Near Main. Capital, $50,00. Surplus nd Profts,1,000so. oats a general Banking business. Pays in- terest en Saving Deposits. Has saflety Deposit fBsxes fur Sent. E. KEMPF, Pres. F. S. BELSEE, Cashier. Sank spen Saturday evening. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. rFine Shower Bath.. New Porcelain Tabe. 305E. Washington St. J. S. TROJANOWSSt 130 Baths for $5.tS.