PERFUMES? YES. So (rood thtlim 1111ouhave'X uised the lat d otud ;tarV til Ifoi. THE U. OF M. DAI LY. =7_- THAT SHABBY HAT ! Ii crel Thm WwILL SCAIRCELY DO IN ANN ARBOR. r-----___. .._.. r .___---7 CALKINS' MSGJ.§OSj You aeiladi llto retiii, ndieariI se tccitautly plealsedito see Totl butN You LkinoXV ippearanceits "o aItong 'Xayt. WTTT.S=OW Y70T TKE FAZEZIS's-iI zSI 2] Years in the Business. Exelsioz' Laundry, CITY LAUNDRY, 0 'XP i~lXi-N SViiET. Goo FrkGuaanee.Vol. ele (, MM. Seabolt. No 4 N. Fourth St eacd delivered. A. F.COVERT, il) To buX soniiniioiw. 34 S. State Street. ALVIN WILSEY. (011(111CalkiDthugiso', P^i A fR MOORE &WETMOR , BOOK. STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, I. III i: (NO X1IX.It-IX I )h ,I I _ ;- Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. -=oIL==T GOcoDs-- LXX IV'iCESd. LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY! -AT- -SAV23 '4ZU a 1 TE. Call on Win. Fulde. tie Tieiid J Tirolpit(ieLaIlu]iililig, oii ieIorliesterTue lRoyal. adThe PerectioniiStudeiit ELilps lhave em Tai-oiopp ost heLA'iilir t., first (loor west of State-st. ons iitiledltliat they livtrehle meet perfect ight of tiny lambls OmaIde. hile the Ceaning,repairineandpreseine'(lone nieatly prices vary freoi li0)ceiits to $15 cacti, they tilt give tite sameequeality and quaii-i~ tis tiserder a specialty. Ail cerk firsi-class. tity of light. Argand Lamp. with porcelain shades, at - . - - - - 65t ceiits WIF OU WANT TO lied Star Oil, that burns without oiler, ioeeenot char ttie Xrick, and gives ai pire white light, (lelivered at - - - 105 cenits per glal 3ura fa =0 0 3 Oil Cans, according to capacity, from--- --- ------cents to $it each. To see is to believe. See our stoclk and you will be coniviiiced that wve sell orhaive soeiepauiring done ge is the beat Lamep and best Oil for the least mioney of aniy house iii this city. %I A l 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMBPANY. ' r~t,3 ~uSre BROWN'S DRUG STORE. i THE CAMPUS. The truatees of the Higle School scholarship fund Xwill hold a post- re Don't Want Much ! ! The avecrage weight of Princeton's poncd mceting, Wednesday evening, rush ltne is 178 pounds. to award the second scholarship for W WATgoods. taei ui The '95 dents base the hioieor of the current year. This feed assists 'VI1 XWANT yous atisfied with iei'eey niumbering among their msembers a needy graduates of the school Xvho thing boughe~t ont. CXC WANTI to kunew year maLsiesi grandson of Dean Taft.nvtslh to take a coarse at tie tU. of wV> XANTI to early such a sckS as D r. Gibbes received a severe ie-AT.-Detroit Newvs. wilt sitl your neede. jury to lets leg while cii a fishing The following are the dales inow ar- Now, What flore Can You Waint ? expedition last Saturday. ranged iin the Cornell football scleed- Piaos, (Guitars, Bans. Mandolins, e., ito 'fle Webster Literary Soctety of ule: Oct. 15, Ssvarthmnore, at Ithl- rest, or soid on easy pasyments. 'THE ANN ABOR ORGttN nCO., the laew department swill hold ies first acat Oct. 19, Syraciise A. C. at Ills- L. Hi. CLEMLeST. tanlager, neeting tonmorrowv niglit. sea; Oct. G2, Lhih at Btlhm 51 SouthX'Main Street. fIt was announced on the bulletin Oct. 29, Williams, at Albany, N. . MICHIGAN CENTRAL. boards, yesterday, that recitations No.r trad tSrnfed Timets Tabe (evtesedtiJune 111 2.No. arrdatSrnfe, 1,AT p.14. WET. it. In. would be suspended on Friday. iass.; Nov. 8, ?Michigan, at Itheaca; 20111 ~ .--- t145 (hicagot Special 3 0; Iday liss ____--525 Dnov liss -e I 9 Hoin. Adlati F.Stevenseon il1 Nov. n16, Princecton, at Ncew York. N S. Lhitd ___ 6-'585 Mala----. ------9. 3 -N. 'V. Liited i... ,53 N. a. Lellited Il <,4speak on the court yard square Nov. 24, Mlicligan, at D~etroit. .Niagara lS p'NIto 1 ' 3; 2picIm. it, X.Chicageeeiisie'e1. Mondlay, Oit. 24, at 2 o'clock. Th, enocp es o itrl I). N. tExpessoX , . u I.Exprss t_ 5 5 hXXIr~p hv o etrl (tau isil , ,ej' iiAnlerOiel hIXl 15N J. IL. Ptonl, Xwho representetdrcl~ hi 11Xuree st i. Ii. le ilees.... iXX7 ti ifictt li ssl2ev cae t erild q areras i I).tXX' it i51.~tt"'. h. 1'im Absr. Kansas ini tleelate itter-state ova- ierlybivd.'irla A1 'generalAly ,beXlieved.iAt rt tt cties e etelrelTh ley sae o(lyt torcalconest i reistredin hegivene Xlithe swards, and tstill occupy FIRST NATIONAL BANK lXw(depairtmetntl. It etr oit il leclt OXI ANN AiLiOit. The comepetitionitftor(lie pl'cs Ca~pin(itt};jl 1 . S ill' Xaii rclis s, 3I,X. The lloardl of tRegcnts hare grattedl Tra '111' 1 iS l rninirl::in<,' t{3r-v(ofieredl Iy the '95 Olacle htoai' t l51'sI e ti l 0" OilI.ett. if' Cr.11,1,1 t:,,ie li.i1 tXlrt D r. N sit relde 1111ladies'Xward tfer f'tr ta\r _. I l)- J h I 0 .1. . n 0 0. iiiCtuii~i g 4q Ii P. XB.Ct.H, tPj-oa I't cash, (' ill e lse? nabutt tPatiical Iuirg ev5'. atid IDr. Gtibs ______________________ tie mene'5s wardl tor Iiis pthtological a RANEfRS r Dc, rfes ' fTheory 1 tioratoi y. i~heas~osaeandPactietithetiedira' depart iDr. Ilodgti, c~ltas of'87,visted XXIIt NIX V BALt. isentlrallloc I .se,I td user to onte(If Gatvesto' stsost father, the ItIote.It. ". Hodge, of comfrt iIof eo patro ,,1 There1 p1' 15.1.1is C luhers. Cotecord, Mi~chitgan, at oiee tinee a to n In l.tidntllroo'051111 ittIonIlltie W .l rm itti' 9,eritnember of the state legislature. ihe ~ Sct 515 o 511el or 5n~-hits father, wvere turitig arouned on leas heath thee great nmisfortuine to lose * ple RetaliltBox by13'expsresof State street wenei thee buggy was lets eyesight, and lets son lbroughet thclBESIX CANIEin America. 5 15 Pt ii elgctcant 110xen and oeteov idbol vr lrenhinmhere for an opeeration, but, sadly stricty pure. Sitlsast 1' or tegon.Ar unsfte i'lPRSNiS.1Express Icharges. Mr iitsfahrenou'h Dr. Carrowv lad to inforne prlepad.tRefer to allChicao. sustained several injuries, Xwhile W. a' Tr ituonce- Addre'ss, GDunesaedwt'sigtinu-him (heat lee coul do ntigt STAFFORP'J TAILOR! Is shointrg a first-cltass lislesif Dies s and Bus~itess Sulitinges, Trouserligs antd Fancy Yestiitgs fot' Fatlllstnd Winter. 42 $outh $tate $tr'eet. G. H. WILD, liIs t tt'tt (to go fur ftne Tie- Ihe lits theXzoiist selct 'sXocik lf FALL AND WINTER GOODS! ill Sitiitgs. 'I'ritIsertngsa, i111(11 tilua cy SiltVestigs ielie City, Intl wrouldt be pleased to hiave you call sand examne.le. t urakes a specialty of Fuill Dress Snits. No. 2 E. Washington-St., Ann Arbor.